
Reincarnation: Devoted Romance

Qin Zhen felt that she had to be blind in her previous life. How did she only realize how much He Guinian loved her after she died? After reincarnating, Qin Zhen was ready to make it all up to He Guinian. She would pamper him as much as possible. However, the moment she reincarnated was the moment she asked for a divorce and was preparing to leave him. In her previous life, she felt nothing but disgust and fear when he told her how he was suffering and how he wished to be with her. She was afraid the crazy person would go crazy and kill her... Now, she wished she had a pair of wings and could fly to him. Qin Zhen's eyes filled with tears when she saw how he was tied up and covered in blood. She could only imagine how much pain he was in when she left. Meanwhile, when the severely depressed man saw her, he looked pitifully at her like a golden retriever. He was even murmuring to himself while he dipped in and out of consciousness. "Zhen, stay with me for a while longer before you leave. Please..." Qin Zhen teared up. "Alright." Once he calmed down and fell asleep, Qin Zhen went to see the doctor. She wanted to find out everything and help him recover. However, the man who was supposed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze was clear as the blue sky. "Master, if you keep hurting yourself like this, your body won't be able to take it..." The butler felt sorry for him. He Guinian looked at the wounds all over his body. He closed his eyes. "She already wants a divorce. If I don't do this, how can I... Once she's truly gone, I won't be able to make her stay even if I wanted to. What's the point of living then..." He Guinian felt uneasy. He was constantly worried that Qin Zhen would leave. However, he gradually realized that Qin Zhen finally had feelings for him, and she would never leave...

Lu Han · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs


นักแปล: Dragon Boat Translation บรรณาธิการ: Dragon Boat Translation

Hearing her sudden change in tone, He Guinian inexplicably felt a little anxious, as if Qin Zhen was going to leave him, "Zhenzhen, I'll return tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Qin Zhen was surprised. "Didn't you just have your surgery yesterday?"

"The doctor said it's okay," He Guinian said with certainty.

Qin Zhen did not believe him, "Stop fooling around. How can you move after only one day of surgery? No matter what, you need to rest for a few days."

"Then I'll go back in two days. The doctor really said it's fine. My condition isn't that serious. Is... Is that okay? Can you…" He Guinian wanted to ask if she could pick him up. But he was afraid that she would be annoyed.

"In two days… It's the weekend! Then I'll pick you up!" Qin Zhen said after some calculations. "Send me your flight information!"

"Alright," A smile appeared on He Guinian's face.

The two of them chatted for a while more. Qin Zhen wanted to sleep, so He Guinian reluctantly hung up the phone.

He Yi and the attending doctor almost suffocated to death from trying not to interrupt the call. The Young Master had finally finished the call!

"Young Master He, I never suggested that you can return to China in two days. Your leg hasn't recovered yet and your condition is very serious…" The attending doctor said with a frown.

"I know my own body." Suddenly, He Guinian's temperament was completely different from before, his gentleness evaporated as if it wasn't there in the first place

The attending doctor tried to persuade him again and again but failed. The only thing the doctor could do was to shut his mouth.

-Two days later, at the exit-

He Guinian sat in a wheelchair, holding the phone tightly in his hands. It had been five hours since he texted Qin Zhen that he boarded the plane, but Qin Zhen had not replied. Even when he arrived, Qin Zhen still hadn't appeared. Did she change her mind? Did she decide not to pick him up?

He felt disappointed. His entire body was filled with a gloomy aura that could not be dispersed.

He Yi and He Er were also anxious. They were scared that their fears would become a reality. They were mainly scared that the Young Master's illness would act up again. Why wasn't Qin Zhen here yet?

At this moment, a notification sound suddenly went off. He Guinian quickly looked at his phone.

It turned out to be He Yi's phone that rang.

He Guinian's gaze was like a knife as he looked at his bodyguard.

He Yi hurriedly picked up his phone to read the text. Whatever he saw made his eyes light up. He Yi and He Er made tacit eye contact.

He Er immediately understood, "Young Master, there are too many people here. Shall we wait outside? After all, this way, we could see Miss Qin the moment she arrived."

The last sentence was all it took to convince him.

He Guinian was silent.

However, from his point of view, He Er knew that he had agreed. He quickly pushed He Guinian out.

It was very lively outside. There were people performing lion dances at the airport.

It was so noisy that He Guinian wanted to ask He Er to push him to a quieter place. However, he suddenly saw a clumsy little red lion in the middle, trying hard to keep up with the rhythm. The covered head only revealed a pair of round eyes.

However, He Guinian still recognized those eyes from anywhere. That was Qin Zhen! Her movements were too clumsy and cute. He Guinian watched her and the corners of his lips unconsciously curled up.

Then, two of the Great Lions stood on one leg and spat out two banners from their mouths that said:

'Welcome back, He Guinian!'

'Love, Qin Zhen!'

At this moment, Qin Zhen also took off her lion head and ran towards He Guinian.

"Surprise?" The dance was so tiring that she was covered in sweat, but her eyes looked as if they were sparkling.

"I'm very surprised," He Guinian nodded, his eyes couldn't stray away from her.

The corners of He Yi and He Er's mouths twitched. Qin Zhen sent them a text, asking them to cooperate to give He Guinian a surprise. The result was… A Lion Dance team…? The Young Master would like it, right?

Was this what a young man should look like when he fell in love?

"Brother Guinian, is your leg really okay?" Qin Zhen was still a little worried. He Guinian came back in such a hurry, she was afraid that there would be any side complications.

"Don't worry, the doctor said it's fine."

However, as soon as He Guinian said that, Qin Zhen replied unhappily, "You're still lying to me? Why didn't you tell me that the doctor suggested that you should rest for at least half a month?"

In an instant, he felt a chill on his neck.

"However, I also know that you can force yourself to come back. No one can persuade you. But I'll keep an eye on you every day to apply the medicine and do a follow-up check!" Qin Zhen muttered.

"Alright," He Guinian couldn't ask for more.

Qin Zhen took the initiative to push the wheelchair and smiled. "You must be hungry. Let's go eat first!"

He Guinian naturally had no objections.

-Jianghai Hotel-

The identity of the owner of this hotel was a mystery. No one knew who it was, which displays the power the other party has. Those who wanted to eat, no matter how powerful they were, all had to make an appointment first.

As soon as they arrived, the manager nodded and bowed to He Guinian, trying to please him. "Mr. He, you're here? I apologize. I didn't even prepare your table in advance. I'm really sorry."