
Reincarnation: Devoted Romance

Qin Zhen felt that she had to be blind in her previous life. How did she only realize how much He Guinian loved her after she died? After reincarnating, Qin Zhen was ready to make it all up to He Guinian. She would pamper him as much as possible. However, the moment she reincarnated was the moment she asked for a divorce and was preparing to leave him. In her previous life, she felt nothing but disgust and fear when he told her how he was suffering and how he wished to be with her. She was afraid the crazy person would go crazy and kill her... Now, she wished she had a pair of wings and could fly to him. Qin Zhen's eyes filled with tears when she saw how he was tied up and covered in blood. She could only imagine how much pain he was in when she left. Meanwhile, when the severely depressed man saw her, he looked pitifully at her like a golden retriever. He was even murmuring to himself while he dipped in and out of consciousness. "Zhen, stay with me for a while longer before you leave. Please..." Qin Zhen teared up. "Alright." Once he calmed down and fell asleep, Qin Zhen went to see the doctor. She wanted to find out everything and help him recover. However, the man who was supposed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze was clear as the blue sky. "Master, if you keep hurting yourself like this, your body won't be able to take it..." The butler felt sorry for him. He Guinian looked at the wounds all over his body. He closed his eyes. "She already wants a divorce. If I don't do this, how can I... Once she's truly gone, I won't be able to make her stay even if I wanted to. What's the point of living then..." He Guinian felt uneasy. He was constantly worried that Qin Zhen would leave. However, he gradually realized that Qin Zhen finally had feelings for him, and she would never leave...

Lu Han · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

Forgetting the Pain After the Scar Heals

นักแปล: Dragon Boat Translation บรรณาธิการ: Dragon Boat Translation

He Guinian's glare was cold as ice.

Wu Ze did not mind at all as he leaned sloppily back into his chair.

"Psychopath?" The corners of Qin Zhen's mouth twitched. Thinking back to her past self, his description of her seemed to be…

"Don't think too much about it, Miss. That person can't compare to you," Wu Ze said flirtatiously.

He Guinian's eyes were filled with warning, as though the man would get up and kill his friend if he utter another word.

However, Wu Ze did not seem concerned at all. He smiled cheekily at Qin Zhen and said, "I'm Wu Ze, what's your name?"

Qin Zhen sat up straight. She gave Wu Ze an extremely sweet smile as she said, "My name is Qin Zhen."

"What?" Wu Ze said and almost fell off his chair. He stared at Qin Zhen, "The same Qin Zhen I know of? The same Qin Zhen from the Qin family? Whose company is currently managed by Qin Youting?"

"Yes," She smiled brightly.

There was a long awkward pause, before Wu Ze finally said, "Did you get plastic surgery?"

Qin Zhen snorted and looked at him with disdain, "You're the one who had plastic surgery. This is how I used to look before all that makeup."

"From your shameless tone, you are Qin Zhen!" Wu Ze answered earnestly. "So, you didn't run away."

Qin Zhen ignored him and ate the pepper fish head that He Guinian had cut for her. Then, she also picked up a piece of Dongpo pork and put it in He Guinian's bowl.

The two of them ate lovingly, giving Wu Ze goosebumps all over. Did this woman take the wrong medicine today? Or was this the calm before the storm? An act for some hideous intention?

After dinner, Qin Zhen went to the bathroom.

Wu Ze leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. He looked at his friend and said, "Guinian, shouldn't there be a limit to self-deception?"

He Guinian carefully wiped his hands clean. His every move was full of nobility, "I don't mind."

"This time, your legs got the short end of the stick," Wu Ze's tone carried a hint of mockery. "Next time, what would it be? Your hand? Your head? Should I burn some paper for your funeral?"

He Guinian looked at him unhappily.

Wu Ze shrugged, "Your choice. But if what happened last time happens again, you won't be able to hold me back. I will not let her off the hook so easily!" He was smiling, but his eyes were full of seriousness. When He Guinian broke his leg, he already had the intention to kill that girl. It was He Guinian who protected her from the fall…

If it weren't for He Guinian, Qin Zhen would have died countless times!

"Don't you dare hurt her," He Guinian knew that Wu Ze cared for him, but no one was allowed to hurt Qin Zhen.

Wu Ze did not say anything else but did not continue the topic.

He Guinian then changed the subject, "Haven't you been looking for the Grim Reaper recently? How is it going?"

Wu Ze was annoyed at the mention of this, "That guy has been gone for more than two years, and out of nowhere, decided to return recently. I've been sending requests to the Dark Night Guild, but the Grim Reaper hasn't replied even once. Well, I have no choice. Who asked him to be so capable in what he does anyway?"

The Dark Night Guild was a platform that gathered top figures from all walks of life. No one knew who established it. The only thing people knew about was if you were looking for some talented people to do some work, this was the place where you could find them.

As for the Grim Reaper, he was the most powerful, elusive hacker on that website.

When Wu Ze heard that the Grim Reaper had reappeared recently, he immediately tried to contact them. However, it had been half a month and he had not received a reply. "But the Grim Reaper seemed to have some humor. I spent 300 million to ask him what he had been doing recently, and he replied that he was preparing for the college entrance examination! Do you think this person is playing with me?"

Qin Zhen, who was about to enter the private room, happened to overhear their conversation, was silent

"Well, let's go back." She coughed lightly and said.

He Guinian nodded.


In order to welcome He Guinian, she had practiced the Lion Dance these past few days. On the way back, Qin Zhen couldn't help but fall asleep on He Guinian's shoulder.

He Guinian asked He Yi to drive slowly and steadily. He tilted his head slightly and looked at the person on his shoulder. The girl's sleeping face was sweet, and her red lips were slightly open. She was very cute.

Wu Ze said that he was deceiving himself. Perhaps he was, but as long as she was here, it was enough for him.

He maintained the same posture all the way to the Qin family's house.

Qin Zhen was still asleep, and He Guinian didn't wake her up.

Half an hour later, Qin Zhen looked out of the window in a daze and muttered, "We're here?"

He Guinian nodded.

Qin Zhen rubbed her eyes and suddenly saw the wet spot on his shoulder. She was stunned for a moment. No way it rained inside the car. But if it wasn't, then--! Instantly, her face flushed red.

"It's getting late," He Guinian said gently, "You should get in and rest."

"You should go back and rest as well," Qin Zhen said as she quickly stepped out of the car.

Just as she was about to close the door, she stopped and leaned against the window. She met He Guinian's puzzled gaze and kissed him on the lips.