
I had to get ready.

James slept in the next morning. It couldn't be helped. He'd over exerted himself over the previous two days, and was like to continue this trend for at least a few more weeks. He found it difficult to imagine he'll have a chance to return to the North before he had to return to the academy.

So this was a one way ticket into the next act of the novel. He'd told Jason he wouldn't be able to bid him farewell in the morning because he'd be sleeping him. Hopefully the biggest cause of his vexation would be gone by the time he woke up. He didn't count on it though.

Hansworth hadn't said anything about leaving yet. James sometimes wondered what was going through the young man's head. 

He first woke up because a furry shape was rubbing up against his cheek. His eyes snapped open to see three bushy tails. He regretted opening his eyes hastily, so he thought to close them for a few seconds before he eoke up to lay into either Eno or Nino for carelessness. He dozed off again.

Insistent knocking on his door woke him up with a start. He was sitting in his bed in a beat, his pulse rocketing.

"There, I've knocked. Now will you let me in? Since when are you the young master's door guard anyway?"

"You can't get in unless he says its okay."

'Oh, Hansworth! He probably knows the kids are in here. I definitely don't want anyone seeing just what they are. I trust my family, but I don't know them that much. And neither did the original.'

The aforementioned kids were yawning and stretching in the bed now. Looking at him with bleary eyes. He considered shouting at them to shift, but then remembered the first time they'd shifted.

"Am going to hide you guys under this blanket. Make sure to stay as quiet as possible."

They didn't have a chance to answer before he was wrapping them in bedding and turning to stare at the door. 

"What do you want, Gray?" he wanted to add you miserable old coot.

"I want to get in there now!"

James snorted. 'This dog does not know the hand that feeds him, does he?'

After an extended quiet period, James said, "get out of here Gray. I don't want to see your old ass until you learn some propriety."

"Excuse me."

"You had me. The next time you cross my line of sight, I'll probably sic that swordsman out there on you. Don't growl at me!"

There was no reply from the other side of the door. 

"Hansworth? Is he gone?"

"Yes..." came the short and clipped reply.

James jumped from his bed, getting a casual shirt and trouser to change into. He freed the two foxes from their prison of beddings.

"You guys should shift back. I don't want anyone realising just what you are yet. Dress up and go take a bath in Hansworth's room, won't you. That one ought to be free at least."

He didn't wait for their replies. He had a long date with the bath, even though there was no hot water. No, he'd learnt enough to heat his own water by now. First tier spells were so easy and convenient, why hadn't the original James thought of learning them. It didn't take too much effort in his opinion. 'Is there some kind of spell to disguise just what those two are? For example to make them look like cats or fluffy dogs?'

He'd have to look into that in time. For now his most pressing goal was finding out what could be done about the unfortunate situation of having to get to the capital he'd found himself in. It was going to be such a pain. He dressed in a rush, not holding out hope for the two servants he'd asked sent to his room making it here. It seemed he'd have to throw his weight around for a while. He was officially still the heir for a couple of years at least.

He was still struggling to get his foot into his boot when he opened the door. The boot fell from his hands, and he fell on his ass in surprise. The smack if fleshy earth hitting cement drowned out by the shocked gasp that emanated from his throat.

"Hansworth? Why the hell are you still here?!"

"I came to ask your help."

James attempted to salvage his reputation by not reacting to, or mentioning his fall in any way. He instead knelt and put on his boot carefully, trying to think up a way to not directly help Hansworth himself. He couldn't send him to Gray. He'd burned that bridge. Its not like there was any one else he could ask, so with an internal groan he asked the boy to walk with him.

Hansworth was perhaps a year older than James, although his bearing and the look in his eyes suggested someone who'd seen a lot. Like he'd lived twice the seventeen or so years he'd been on earth.

"I need a sword."

James's mind drew a blank for a second. 'A sword?! What the hell is going on here? Who am I even talking...? Oh.'

"That's your request?" he said with a level of calm he definitely did not feel. "It is surprising, considering you want to quit sword play."

"But I might need it. To take the children home, and to tackle those kidnappers."

There was something going on with the kidnappers. Something bigger than even Hansworth realised, and unfortunately James didn't know enough either. The fifth book was just set to release, and in it the kidnappers were set to take centre stage as villains. James had been excited for it because Hansworth was going to pick up his sword again and tackle the kidnappers in that book.

There was also the chance the story was going to be centred in the Halden territory, with the most popular side character James Halden set to also make an appearance. 'Damn I was so looking forward to that volume. Seems like I'm going to have to let the plot play out so that I can watch the action like a movie. It won't be quite the same as reading the novel, but at least my curiosity will be—'

But then he realised he couldn't let things turn out the way they had in the novel. First and foremost was the fact that he'd get to be bullied by Jason and be forced to leave school. He didn't much mind leaving the academy, but he minded the emotional pain that the bullying would subject him to. He was starting to realise James Halden was a lit more emotional than he showed the world.

"So do you think you can help me?" 

James tried not to show the scare the reminder of the other boy's presence gave him. He'd been lost in his head again. That had to stop at some point.

"I don't do favours, you know. I'm a noble. I prefer to be repaid in someway or other."

"Yes, I understand. I'm already in your debt. I'm deep in your debt. What's one more thing, right?"

"Right," James was so confused. "So do you have a plan for returning the kids to the village?"

"No, I was thinking of going with y—"

"Good idea. You shouldn't leave them out of your sight. When they invite them to the village, insist on going with them. It is suspicious how they were kidnapped in the first place if only authorised humans could enter."

Hansworth's brow lifted, and his face suddenly lost focus. He was in his own head, thinking through what James had just revealed to him. 'Had he not even considered the possibility?'

"Come on Hans. Don't you think the way Nino behaves is suspicious? She is no average village surf. Her brother could be someone important too, but I suppose he's too young to be well learned."

'Well, Hans was a village surf himself, so—'

"So you think they shouldn't head back to the village?"

"No, they should. The outside world is too dangerous for them. But you shouldn't leave their side for a few months."

"Is that an order?"

James brows rose to the top of his head. 'An order?! What was this punk even thinking scaring him like that—?'

"Take it however you see fit." 'Why is my voice so damn calm?!' "I have servants to hunt. I will get you a good sword before I'm set to depart."

He found Mary in the laundry room. She wasn't doing anything in particular, just standing around like some damn supervisor. His dad might have been right. These siblings might prove to be useless as servants.

"Hello Mary. I take it Gray gave you my invitation again this morning?" 

The woman looked at him dismissively, until she saw the very false smile he wore. She had to do a double take. James was indeed going for creepy. Creepy and firm.

"No he didn't."

"Hmm? That's too bad. The head butler and I had words this morning. I fear he didn't take me too seriously. I'm headed to my father's study to make sure the man is at the very least suspended. I'd feel bad having him fired completely. He's served our family for tens of years after all. I don't know about servants who've served for less than five, no matter what talents they think they possess. There are always more shadow duelers, you know."

The last two sentences had been said in a whisper meant only for her. He let the words sink in for a moment.

"I expect to find you and your brother waiting for me outside my room when I'm dine handling the Gray situation."