
Reincarnation as Obito Uchiha

What will happens if a Naruto fan transmigrated to the Naruto world in the body of Obito Uchiha... as one of the main antagonist of the series Obito now play with the timeline and re-write the entire series. Timeline will be same but situation will be different. Dark character , R-18 scenes inculcated , Over powerd Obito , Uchiha clan heritage , love+hate , fight scenes included , romance as well massacre.

Suryaputra_Karan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

War going on in Hidden Rain Village!

Now only Sunagakure and Kumogakure possess Shukaku and Two-Tails: Sealed within Yugito Nii.

Land of lightning don't say anything that Gyuki ( 8 tails ) is no longer in there possession maybe it because they care about there so called face!.

Capturing Chomei and Saiken was a easy feet as for KoKuo and Son Goku were no match.

Kurama got successful divided in two parts as Minato and Kushina put to sleep safely for a long time.

Isobu was with no host at that time so it don't have Obito any problem while capturing it.

"I will go visit this Yugito Nii girl later then, as i remember she become a Jinchuriki ag the age of 2".

"As for Shukaku meeting Gaara after few weeks will be good as i already use Clairvoyance to know what going on in Sunagakure".

Obito kamui himself where Minato Sensei and Kushina bodies were kept as Obito put both of them into his pocket dimension space using Daikokuten.

He also pick up the body of Haku's mother and Karin's mother and put it safely in his personal Dimensions where time doesn't flow.

There bodies were completely healed as it's already been more then 3 year's giving to it for recovery.

Obito kamui himself again,

( Near Hidden Rain Village ).

As Obito appears on the outskirts of hidden Rain village, its a look like a war is going on currently.

So Obito use Clairvoyance to look into the matter as it revealed to him that Both Iwagakure and Sunagakure ( i.e hidden stone and wind village ) attacking on this small nation as for why it's simple.

The Great nation don't want any small nation to compete for power like they already have 5 Great nation to began with.

As both land of stone and land of wind fear the power of a new group that recently coming into power i.e Akatsuki and wanted to wipe them out of existence to stay on safe side.

They also gain some help from Kirigakure as the shinobi with the head bands of Stone and sand can be seen with a few mist ones.

Obito jump on a rough terrain as he starts to fly towards the highest pit of rocky mountain to get a good view of this battle.

Within a second Obito is standing on the Rocky Mountain looking at what's going on from above.

As his eyes change to 3 tomoe sharingan he can able to see every side of the fight.

He Quickly spotted karin, kimimaru and Haku. As he remember sending Karin here under Yahiko as for Kimimaru and Haku before Obito's shadow clone got vanished 2-3 years ago they have informed them to head towards hidden Rain village where they will find Akatsuki.

Kimimaru and Haku are both childrens if one has to guess there age will be between 8-10, as kimimaru can be considered older then Haku.

Kimimaru using his bone manipulation technique to kill shinobis from Iwagakure ( stone village ), the opponents wear Shinobi outfits as their face is covered by black clothe like mask hidding there character but headband of stone village can be seen on them all.

Haku he is using his Ice release mirror technique to capture 3 of the enemy Shinobis, Anyone can tell as the way they are fighting back they all are Chunin level Shinobis. ( Haku still wears a mask )

Karin she is healing people who wears headband of hidden Rain village, as she is using her right hand to form a Green colour like chakra on it to heal a member Daibutsu, and giving her left hand towards a wounded member Kie who quickly bite it.

Obito eyes then moves towards right as he found Kabuto there as well who is providing medical support with NoNō.

On Kabuto's waist obito sees a kunai attacted to it, blood dropping from it sharp points as 2 corpses of mist village ninja can be seen few meters away Obito quickly understand that Kabuto has a fight with them.

As he is looking towards the corpses of mist shinobis Kabuto moves from his spot as he run towards the battlefield.

On the Battlefront Obito notices Yahiko, Nagato and Konan fighting with ninjas of Sunagakure ( sand village ), beside them were some members of Akatsuki as Obito remembers one his name was Kyusuke Obito has meet him once, and he is currently releasing lava from his mouth throwing it towards Sunagakure shinobis.

As beside him were a black hair women fighting alongside him, a fair skin men who wear ninja cap on his head, another person who has wrap bandages on his right side of the face and have purple straight line in left eye like Rin.

Konan using her paper jutsu and instantly wrapping several sand village Shinobis in it, Nagato using fire release as large ball of fire instantly consuming many sand Shinobis but Nagato don't stand there as he takes out kunai and run towards the enemies.

As for Yahiko he is using water style water dragon jutsu as the water dragon colliding with enemies Yahiko use wind style vaccum attack to kill the enemies.

"They sure are a good trio" Obito said.

Konan,Yahiko and Nagato can be said to be jonin level Ninjas as they were already strong enough to fight with a whole 8 Squads, as Obito Sharingan can accurately sees a squad consist of 3 Ninjas.

And there were 20+ Shinobis belongs to Sunagakure fighting with the trio.

Even with there advantage in numbers 4 of there teammates died, 1 killed by Konan (paper Jutsu), 1 burn to dead by Nagato, 2 killed by Yahiko wind style vaccum cutter (Obito smirk can't be seen because of the mask as he is proud because he is the one who teaches Yahiko that jutsu).

But as Obito eyes moves to the right side of the battlefield his heart stop beading for a second. (As he comes to remember that there is someone else his clone inform to join Akatsuki).

What he saw is Fu, Guren and Chino all 3 Girls at the same time fighting with mist ninjas who wear having shark like features that all is more than enough to let anybody knows of there origin.

Fu release light like mist towards all the mist Ninjas and they all have to close there eyes, a few of them moves there hand infront of there face.

All the mist Ninjas caught off guard as Fu then run towards one of them who is on the front and engage in a hand to hand combat.

Chino already has make a cut her on right arm as blood started to flow from it, Chino then awaken her ketsuryugan in both eyes and perform Blood Dragon mix with blood of the people who died previously.

She also performed Ketsuryugan Genjutsu on enemies that Fu and Guren can't see but Obito can able to distinguish.

As for Guren she is the most skilled konoichi here, Fū and Chino maybe of the same age like Kimimaru but Guren she is older.

Like Konan Guren also just a year younger then her making her 18 year old.

Guren use her crystal release abilities to perform jade crystal wall Eight formation and then use crystal needles.

And she run towards the shinobis which is fighting with Fu and use jade crystal prison technique to imprison that Guy.

As Chino already finished dealing with her enemy she also look at Guren, Fu also fall back and come beside Chino as Guren performan Crystal release: Tearing crystal falling Dragon.

She don't stop there as she later perform crystal pentagonal prison instantly capturing 5 remaining mist shinobis.

Although she use a lot of chakra she can able to perform one Jutsu after another showing her mastery over Crystal release.

In this fight Fu don't kill any Shinobi but chino killed 3 of the mist Ninjas as Guren finishes rest of them.

Most of Mist Shinobis already under Chinos Ketsuryugan so it was easy for Guren to not let anyone goes by.

Those 3 fight all on there own as for other Haku also killed the 3 capture Shinobis of Iwagakure ( stone village) as he also joined kimimaru, "wait there is one other person with them" as Obito moves his right hand above his right eye mask he see Jugo fighting alongside with them all.

Kimimaru using his bones dismantling them taking them out of there bodies using it as a weapon already killed 13 Shinobis from Iwagakure all alone as for Jugo he already has obito sealing on his body which stop him from taking a lot of nature energy from the surrounding as he can not go wild and lose his temper and mind.

Using nature energy in limit he able to fight 1 squad of Iwagakure ninjas all alone although he prefers not to kill them just wounded them enough that they can't able to do anything as Haku who just join them use his ice release jutsu make Ice needles and kill all the wounded Iwagakure ninjas.

With the trio here they killed more then 20+ Ninjas all alone without getting any support from senior jonin teacher as there is none here like in Great nations they got Jonin Sensai who look out for there Disciples.

When Obito look at all of the sides there were atleast a hundred Shinobis from this Great nations that form and come here it can be said like a small scale war.

As there are already Ninjas from Hidden Mist, Hidden stone and hidden sand.

If it were to any other Great nation like land of fire or lightning and not a small village like Hidden Rain they will already declared it as a 4th Great Ninja war.

"Well the shinobis from the mist village don't look like there are any jonin in them as they all were easily taken out maybe they were doing it like sending Genins to fight to get experience that's how Kirigakure does thinks" Obito thinks.

As for Iwagakure I assume Onoki the 3rd Tsuchikage do send the Jinchurikis here to find trouble as they were not to far away from the hidden Rain village too bad I already settled things with them.

"Hope they don't come here and goes back if not i Don't mind killing them" Obito said to himself.

As he look at the battlefield once again it been quite a time and as the battle coming to an end with the shinobis from Kirigakure already flied from the side not wanting to engage in war anymore.

The Ninja's from Iwagakure and Sunagakure sees Kirigakure Ninja's going back running from the battlefield.

But they don't mind them looks like they knows that something like this will happens and they were just cannon fodders.

Obito also look closely at the Corpses and atleast half of them were belongs to Kirigakure shinobis, as Kirigakure also comes far from sand and stone village they have no advantage in this war they were just hire for some advantages and politics.

Iwagakure and Sunagakure Shinobis were still fighting with Akatsuki retreating back while fighting but not leaving the battlefield.

Sunagakure shinobis were fighting with the core members of Akatsuki Yahiko ( the leader ), Konan and Nagato as well as other like kei, Daibutsu and Kyusuke.

Other members of Akatsuki fall back because they were already exhausted and can't able to fight anymore.

On the other side Ninjas from Iwagakure are fighting with Haku, Kimimaru and Jugo along with Kabuto.

Soon Chino, Fu and Guren also join them.

Obito seeing them remember a Isekai magic novel to describe "Jugo acting as a Tank on the front because of his physical strength (Nature energy), Haku as a mage (using ice release), kimimaru, Kabuto and fu fighting like mid range players using swords (Kabuto bone manipulation), hands and legs (Taijutsu) to overwhelm the enemies, as for Chino she uses Ketsuryugan as blood starts to drip from her eyes and Guren as the main damage dealers she performs spells (crystal release) to knock out the enemies.

Haku seeing any enemy that is severely wounded perform his Ice needle technique to kill that person instantly.

Both sides fought for quite a while as Obito is watching them from the top all this while Obito has hide his presence an Otsutsuki can easily able to do so.

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