
Reincarnation As A Swordsman

Walking home from detention to find himself lying on the floor of his front door dying from being pierced into from behind by an unknown individual, how will James, a boy reincarnated into a world full of people who use Sword Forms deal with the despair, love, and a quench to fill the mysterious questions that lay in his heart do? and how will he mature and grow. If the story is not up to your standards, then sorry, this is just a work of my own that I made for myself, some of it you might disagree with, however that's just life, however I still hope some enjoy reading it. Main way of posting is via Royal Road, I am using WebNovel to reach a more wider audience, however i will keep it updated with each chapter. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57392/reincarnation-as-a-swordsman

Nonless_ · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight- revisiting the old world?

Chapter Twenty Eight

"I couldn't get any sleep last night, it was too warm." I laughed it off while yawning.

After going to the cafeteria for breakfast, the bell rang for homeroom.

While waiting for Gregory who usually took his time, I fell asleep.

However, I was woken up by Claire who slapped me with a book in the back of the head.

"Looks like it's time for basic sword skills," Rose said while getting up.

My eyes opened wide. I probably looked like a zombie.

"Are you sure you are ok James? I don't want anything to happen to you when we are sparring today." Rose said while catching me when I was about to fall over from exhaustion.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little bit tired," I said while smiling at her.

After we got to basic sword skills, I was so on edge that I was asked if I wanted to be excluded from the lesson by Gregory, however, I declined.

When fighting with Rose, she had a clear advantage, however, that didn't concern me. Although I was really tired, I was mainly conserving my strength for when she got attacked.

However nothing happened, class went on without any incidents. Was I just dreaming?

When I was just about to relax, I looked towards Rose who was to my right of me.

My eyes violently began to shake.

There was a figure covered in a dark black coat quickly approaching Rose, not even Gregory had noticed him, was he stronger than Gregory?

"ROSE DUCK DOWN!" I had never screamed as loud in both of my lives, causing many to look towards me and rose.

She looked at me in slight confusion, however, she trusted me and ducked. Slightly dodging out of the way of the figure's sword.

I rushed forwards, activating my water form while unsheathing my sword.

The man in the coat must have realized I was going to attack him, so he quickly started to dash at Rose after he failed his first attack.

I can't make it, I can't! She's going to get slashed!

However, I can't just let her die!

I infused as much of every sword form energy as I possibly could through my body, I had to use my trump card.

The first time I used it was while I was training back at the family estate, however, I was knocked unconscious for two weeks after it. It was truly a last-ditch effort.

It was my only option now.

"Excalibur!" I shouted while slashing down.

A violent multicolored energy burst came out of my sword and slashed towards the man in the cloak.

"Please make it!" I shouted. I closed my eyes.

I could hear the scream of someone.

My heart skipped a beat.

It was the voice of a man.

I quickly ran towards Rose, ignoring the man who was now laying motionless on the floor.

After I checked that she was fine, I rushed towards the man.

He was a middle age looking man, however, while I was examining him, his eyes opened and I could feel something thrust into my stomach. And I could feel the heat.

I let out a scream and grabbed my sword and pushed down, his eyes rolled backward and his hands fell to the ground.

He was dead, I had just killed someone. Not an animal, not a beast, However, a human being, someone who was the same to me.

I fell to my knees, I guess I had been stabbed in the stomach and was losing blood.

This was exactly how I died before, was I going to die? No! I didn't want to.

I was scared, scared of the pain and the thought of leaving those I loved for a second time! However, it wasn't my choice.

I could feel the blood running down and staining the green grass, pools and pools of it.

My consciousness started to fade out when I saw Gregory, Claire, Rose, Clara, and a couple of other people running toward me.

Was this it?

I lost consciousness.










I opened my eyes.

How much time had passed?

Where was I? this didn't look like a usual bed. It looked more modern, something not from the world I resided in now.

Ah, I remember now. This is a hospital bed.

Was it all a dream? Had all I experienced just a dream? All those emotions, all those people, were they all just in my head?

If they were, then I guess god was a cruel son of a bitch, playing with me like that.

However, when I tried to move I couldn't.

The only thing I could move was my eyes, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't smell anything.

Was I paralyzed?

However, when I looked to my left, I saw a familiar face.

It was my sister. My real sister, the one person who although not seeing in over twelve years, I had never forgotten her face.

Was she asleep?

Oh, was she opening her eyes?

Mine met hers. She started uncontrollably crying, however I didn't know what she was saying, was I really dying this time? was this really it?

I blanked out.

Oh, how I yearn for her to come to this wonderful world I had been living in for the past couple of years. If only she was here there, then everything would be perfect….

If only she was reincarnated too...




"James!, James!, please don't die!"

I could hear the sounds of multiple people crying.

Whose voices were they? They sounded familiar.

"James, please don't leave us, we don't know what to do without you, sob, sob."

I remember now, it was the sound of Claire. Was she crying for me? I'm grateful, however, I couldn't move, I couldn't even open my eyes or move.

All I could do was endure my heart being pierced by the sounds of the ones I loved crying, over and over.

I wanted to tell them that I was ok, however, I felt the chains of this world wrapping around me.

What was happening? Why was all this weird stuff happening to me? Was I just back in my previous world? Was this truly not the afterlife? who was doing this to me, and why?

All these questions, yet no answers.

If there was a god of this world, he was truly using me like a pawn. Playing with me, I hate him, I despise him, if he exists.


I will kill him.


After what felt like years, I was finally able to open my eyes.

I could see the tear-stained faces of Claire, Clara, and Rose all staring at me.

"James!" the girls shouted in unison. They started crying again before rushing toward me.

"Don't do anything reckless like that again! We were worried that you would never come back!" Clara said while tears ran down her face.

"James, I'm truly grateful, but please don't do anything so rash again," Rose said while wiping a small tear off her tear-red face while smiling.

However, the one person who didn't say anything, yet continued to weep, was Claire. She was almost choking on her tears.

This was all my fault, how could I have been so reckless? I could have just told Gregory and he would have dealt with it. why did I have to act so big? what would of happened if I was never able to come back?

I need to change

I just patted her on the head and cuddled her.

"Yeah, I won't do something reckless like that again," I said while holding Claire in my arms.