20 Thinking

Ugghhh. My entire body is spaghetti. I really killed myself on the punchingbag yesterday. To be honest I never thought I'd be capable of feeling this intense of a post-workout muscle ache since I got -physically gifted- but I guess I haven't completely trancended the human bodily needs yet.

I feel really refreshed though. Don't get me wrong, if I saw that fucking lion again I'd sacrifice my life to strangle it with my own two hands but my emotions have more or less calmed down. I can only hope the same goes for Jon.

Before I check on him I habitually pause for a second in order to process everything that just happened. When I ... teleported(?) to that cave the system said something.

'Hey, can you repeat what you said in the cave?'

[That was a different system placed there by Gaia for all contestants]

Gaia. So she was behind this after all. If I ever get the chance then this debt will be repayed fully.

'Can you tell me what it said then?'



Why did I think it was going to be even slightly useful with it's track record?

'Can you atleast tell me why I was sent there?'

[As an introduction to the trials. Every three months from now on you will be transported over in order to perform the twelve trials.]

The greek mythology book was useful as expected. Then, seeing as it was the first trial and it's setting was extremely similar to Hercules's first trial I assume my opponent was the nemean lion. It has an impenetrable hide and, although the book didn't seem to say anything about it, almost human intelligence with a massive frame. I guess I'll have to think up a strategy to fight it behore these three months are over.

Another noteworthy thing was the evaluation and the reward. How did I get third place? Is my gift stronger or am I doing something different compared to the others? Maybe my gift just happened to suit this trial. Apart from that, giving us a reward based on performance directly conflicts with what we were told when we reincarnated. It will make us compete against eachother for benefits when we were told to cooperate. It felt like I was on the edge of revealing a big secret, needing only one more piece to complete the puzzle.

After brooding on it for a while without getting anywhere I decide to give up. I believe it's finally time to confront Jon.
