After a full day's work he was collecting a lot of his pills from the giant cauldrons. He took about ten of them and put them aside.
"For your troubles. You only take one and you take it when you're at peak of any stage." He advised Ronan who took them with such glee.
"Thank you, your highness." He said gracefully.
"I'm not that kind of King, Ronan."
Azazel snorted, "you're too lenient, he should be bowing, his face touching the floor."
"Tsk. What do you know?"
Ronan took the pills thankful and happy. He planned to take exactly two of them and give the rest to his nephew and niece. They needed them more than he did in his opinion, he wasn't sure if he could even breakthrough at the point he was.
The two waited for Ronan while he went to tell Henry and Valerie that they were done and to ask whether they would like to remain here for the timer being.