
Reincarnated with the strongest ability

Kazuya gets killed by the menace Truck Kun and gets reincarnated without his memories to gain the most overpowered ability.

RxZxy · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 4

The scythe hits Kazuya and sends his head flying.

"This mortal sought the power of immortality only to be vanquished before he could achi-"

Two swords stab the shadowy figure through its back piercing its chest.


"Easy, I gained the power of immortality"


"You only stopped me from making my ability work verbally. I could still use my ability to gain immortality mentally"

He jumps away from the shadow figure and checks it stats

Name: Diablo


Job Occupation: Reaper

Health: 445000/500000

Attack: 200000

Defense: 150000

Speed: 600000

Mana: 300000

Luck: 0

Skills: Time Stop, Ultimate Swing, Reapers Ultimate Combo, Death Slice

Magic Abilities: Soul Snatch, Paralyze, Haze of Memories

Secret Techniques: Ultimate Reaper Strike

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Fire: Medium

Water: Low

Earth: None

Wind: High

Lightning: None

Dark: Max

Holy: None

Plasma: None

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"this guy been alive for thousands of years. He must have so much fighting experience. It seems I must use this new technique I just created"

"Nonsense, you can never beat me"

"Lets test that shall we?"

Kazuya puts his hands on his swords and closes his eyes

"Im gonna pour all my mana into this one attack"

"Cease this foolishness at once mortal. Not even your strongest attack will damage me"

"Raijin step of lightning: Act I- Overpowering slices"

He instantly appears behind Diablo and rapidly swings his swords at him causing Diablo to scream in pain.


He keeps cutting Diablo with every swing gaining more and more strength.

"I will end you with this"

He jumps in the air and shoots wind from out his feet appearing to fly.

"hey when did you have time to learn this"

"not now Z I gotta test this new move out."

Fire,Water,Wind,Lighting,Darkness,light,Earth, and Plasma surround him and swirls together forming a giant ball of pure energy. He condenses it into a little ball and holds it in his hand.


He teleports behind Diablo and kicks him away and throws the ball of energy at him. Once hit the energy ball expands rapidly eradicating diablo and his surroundings.


Kazuya breathes a sigh of relief seeing that his move worked as expected.

"So you wanna tell me what happened just now?"

"when that guy appeared he stopped the flow of time to stop me from gaining immortality. but I said the whole sentence in my head as I said it outloud and still gained immortality. and bout flying I just pushed wind out my feet and jumped."

"you did that without even knowing how?!"

"yep. I just imagine wind strong enough to make me fly flowing through my feet and out towards the bottom"

"and the orb of energy too huh"

"Yea I just seen the flow of the elements and condensed them into a super small ball. its super unstable but it worked perfectly just now"

"so what exactly does it do when you mix the elements like what even is that orb called?"

"its pure energy, all the elements are just energy and putting together all the elements turned it back into its true form of pure energy and it packs a punch do. it has the same effect as a pencil erasing its writing completely"

"I see that but when did you learn this?"

"Just now"


"Yep, I may have lost my memories but I still have my knowledge"

"So whats on your to-do list now?"

"Find civilization. we in a unknown world with no location awareness. we got to find some locals. we dont know what else is trying to find me"

He starts walking around and spots a small stream.

"Perfect lets head downstream"