
Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

What the hell ? I got reincarnated in another world. [Choose class] [Monster Or Human Class ?] Monster Class. [Mind Flare] Yeah i choose Mind Flare. I shall Hypnotize my MILF step-mother with huge butt and her three daughters for my use. wtf!!?? Ogre girls with sexy bodies and huge breasts, i won't miss that one. "get naked and bend down, girl." "yes, master." Wait ? this beast girl have 6 breasts and everyone hates it bro why ? this is heaven. Those who come in my way will kill themselves as they look in my eyes and all the females who deny me shall receive my holy seed even without their consent. [Grammar Until Chapter 115 is not that good... but it's worth the read. After that it's all good.] [Cover isn't mine, contact me to take it down.] [Note: EVERY CHARACTER IN THIS NOVEL IS ABOVE 18+ AND THEY ARE LEGALLY ADULTS ACCORDINGLY TO THE WORLD'S RULES THAT THIS STORY IS BASED ON.] [Discord: https://discord.gg/wEMdgmkt9Q]

Night_phantom · แฟนตาซี
990 Chs


Immediately picking up the sickle pair from the table anon started running behind the german guard.

"HELLLLPPPPPPPPPP...." The soldier cried out in fear when he noticed anon running behind him with a pair of sickles.

Some guards that stepped out of their rooms were killed immediately with a flash of blade.

Heads rolled on the ground like balls.

"Come to daddy princess... Daddy will give you chocolate." Anon said as he slides his sickle against the wall and moved towards the exit gate of the bunker.

Suddenly the German soldier appeared with a desert eagle-375 in his hands.

His forehead was covered with sweat and hands were trembling in fear.

Pointing the gun towards anon could've been the last decision of his life or a life saving decision.

"Move even an inch and every bullet inside this bad boy will be inside you."

"Hahaha....okay okay, i give up." Anon said as he lifts his hands in the air showing that he surrendered.