On one fateful day, when everyone went on with their mundane lives, the Earth was found in the Dark Forest known as the universe, resulting in unknown extraterrestrial beings preying on the weak — the humanity. Grey, an intern, was then killed due to an alien invasion, only to find himself reincarnated in the mysterious world known as Magica. But wait... "I've become an alien?!" Integrated with a mysterious entity known as the Extraterrestrial System, follow Grey's journey as he begins to seek the mysteries of the world while gradually, slowly, but surely building his Alien Empire despite being surrounded by powerful existences such as Heroes, Demon Lords, and other magically powerful beings.
"To Fated One…" Grey muttered the opening greetings of the letter just after seeing the name written below. "Then, there's the Fated Path…"
"Just what kind of bullshit is this…?"
"Is there something wrong, Grey?" Princess Quintella asked, a hint of subtle concern in her voice. She was not aware of the existence of the Anon Folder: Fated Path, causing her countenance to be painted with worry upon hearing Grey's seemingly frustrated voice.
"Do you believe in coincidences, Yeri?" He asked, trying to get used to calling her alternative name. After all, it would only spell trouble if he subconsciously muttered [Princess Quintella] in public.
"I am not sure, Grey. Would an encounter be less meaningful if it's a mere coincidence? Or would it be the other way around?"
Hearing this, Grey slightly chuckled.
"I see. In the end, what matters is what happens after the moment of encounter." He proceeded to put the parchment in its rightful place.