On one fateful day, when everyone went on with their mundane lives, the Earth was found in the Dark Forest known as the universe, resulting in unknown extraterrestrial beings preying on the weak — the humanity. Grey, an intern, was then killed due to an alien invasion, only to find himself reincarnated in the mysterious world known as Magica. But wait... "I've become an alien?!" Integrated with a mysterious entity known as the Extraterrestrial System, follow Grey's journey as he begins to seek the mysteries of the world while gradually, slowly, but surely building his Alien Empire despite being surrounded by powerful existences such as Heroes, Demon Lords, and other magically powerful beings.
In this world, only a very few renowned guilds exist. Among them, only two (2) operate for the public interests regardless of what nation they belong to – the Adventurer's Guild and the Merchant Guild.
With this in mind, as each guild also possessed its own respective crest of identification, Nereid von Vael recognized the two decapitated heads that rolled out from the brown sacks.
"A black mask symbol behind their ears; Assassins Guild…"
His composure remained still, a testament that he was used to this kind of gruesome scenery. Even the smell of death and blood was nothing but normality. However, the same could not be said for the maid. Even though she was under the effect of Tier 3 Mind Spell – Hypnosia, her consciousness was still awake, and knew fear.
Witnessing the sudden drop of blood and severed heads, the maid couldn't help but scream in horror, "AHH!"