The roar of engines filled the Alpha Air Base, a cacophony of power echoing into the blue sky. Rows of bombers and multirole combat aircraft, sleek and formidable, stood on the tarmac like sentinels, ready to unleash destruction on the southern forest. Ground crew members in dark uniforms scurried around, checking systems, refuelling, and coordinating communications, the tension palpable in the air.
"Ready for takeoff in five!" barked Captain Victor Fyodorov, his voice cutting through the din. He adjusted his headset, scanning the faces of his squadron. The crew nodded, eyes wide with a mix of anticipation and dread.
"Are we really doing this?" whispered Lieutenant Hall, her voice barely audible over the rumbling engines. "What if we're just making things worse?"
"Worse?" Sergeant Kim scoffed, his hands busy with the pre-flight checks. "You think those monsters will just pack up and leave? They need to be wiped out, and we're the ones to do it. Boom!" He punctuated his point with a loud clap of his hands, eliciting a nervous chuckle from Hall.
"Focus, people," Captain Victor said, his tone stern. "We have a mission. The Emperor wants results, and we're going to give them to him."
A loud *thud* reverberated as the last bomber in the line, a Tupolev Tu-16, rolled forward, its massive tyres gripping the tarmac. Victor felt a surge of pride. This was the moment they'd trained for—the chance to prove their worth against the very monsters that had decimated their ranks.
"Takeoff clearance granted," the voice crackled over the intercom. "You are clear for departure."
With a collective breath, the squadron began to roll forward. Engines roared to life, and the bombers surged down the runway, gaining speed.
The sound crescendoed as they lifted off, one by one, slicing through the clouds.
"Look at that!" Hall exclaimed, pointing out the window. Below them, the sprawling green of the southern forest expanded like a massive, untouched canvas. "It's beautiful."
"Yeah, until it tries to eat you," Kim replied, his grin fading as he remembered the reports of giant spiders and titans lurking below.
"Just wait until the bombs hit."
As they climbed higher, the tension in the cockpit thickened. Victor shifted in his seat, glancing at the radar. "Approaching target zone in five minutes. Everyone stay sharp. We'll be the first wave, and the slimes are our priority."
"Copy that," the crew replied in unison, their voices steady as they prepared for the onslaught.
The landscape below began to change, the lush forest giving way to darker patches, where the monsters had made their lairs. Victor's heart raced as he spotted the first signs of the enemy—pools of iridescent slime glistening under the sun.
"Targets in sight!" he announced.
"Prepare to drop payloads on my mark."
"Locking on now," Kim said, his fingers dancing across the controls.
"Ready!" Hall echoed, her anxiety replaced with determination. "Let's finish this."
"T-minus ten seconds," Victor counted down, his eyes fixed on the radar. "Five… four… three… two… one… Drop!"
The bomb bay doors opened with a *whoosh*, releasing a torrent of MS Napalm 2.0 that fell through the air like fire raining from the heavens. The impact was immediate—an explosion of flame and colour erupted below, vivid orange and red that consumed everything in its path.
The shockwave rattled the bomber, a visceral reminder of the power they wielded. Victor gripped the controls, his stomach tightening at the sight of the devastation below.
"We're doing what we have to. They started this," he reminded himself, though doubt flickered in the back of his mind.
"Look!" Hall shouted, pointing frantically.
"They're reacting!"
From the depths of the forest, monstrous forms emerged, scrambling chaotically away from the flames. Giant spiders, their eyes glistening like malevolent stars, scuttled across the ground, while titans roared in confusion, their massive limbs thrashing against the trees.
"More bombs!" Victor commanded, his heart pounding. "Continue the assault!"
"Bombs away!" Kim shouted back, his focus unwavering as he prepared the next set of bombs. The crew worked with practised efficiency, the urgency of the situation sharpening their instincts.
"Drop!" Victor barked again as they approached the next target zone. The payload fell, another *boom* echoed through the air, and the forest lit up with flames.
The sound of trees splintering filled the air, and for a moment, the beauty of the forest was marred by chaos and destruction. The bombers circled back, the cockpit filled with the acrid smell of burning debris.
"Direct hit on the slimes!" Hall cheered, but her joy was short-lived. "Look out!"
A massive titan, angered and desperate, hurled a tree trunk towards them. *THWACK!* The impact sent vibrations through the fuselage, and Victor fought to maintain control.
"Pull up! Pull up!" he yelled, adrenaline surging through him. The bomber shuddered but responded as he yanked the controls, narrowly avoiding the enormous projectile.
"Holy—" Kim gasped, eyes wide.
"That was too close!"
"Stay focused!" Victor snapped, his voice sharp. "We have to finish what we started. Reload and get ready for the next drop."
They flew over the remnants of the forest, the devastation evident in the charred earth and the scattered remains of the monsters.
"More targets ahead," Hall indicated, her finger trembling over the controls. "We've got trolls in the clearing!"
"Get ready!" Victor commanded.
"We're going to hit the trolls hard!"
The bombers, engines roared as they prepared to unleash another wave of fire. The trolls, massive and grotesque, were lumbering towards them, their beady eyes narrowed in rage.
"Drop!" Victor shouted, and the bombs fell once more, lighting up the ground below in a brilliant explosion.
The trolls screamed in unison, a guttural sound that echoed through the canopy, "Aaaahhhh!"as they were engulfed by the flames.
"Direct hit! They're going down!" Hall cheered, her voice filled with exhilaration.
"Keep flying, keep flying!" Victor urged, his heart racing. "We need to maintain altitude. We're not done yet."
"Prepare for the next run," Kim said, sweat beading on his forehead. "This is insane!"
As they circled back, Victor couldn't help but feel a mix of triumph and horror. They were winning, but at what cost? The forest below was a graveyard, and the monsters—though fierce—were fighting for their survival.
"Look!" Hall yelled suddenly, her voice laced with panic. "Incoming!"
They flew into a mountainous area that was home to flying monsters.
A flying monster flew out of nowhere and attacked their plane, its legs stretching with a horrific grace as it launched towards them, fangs bared. It is a mixture of giant spider and bat, which is almost 10 meters big
"It's a Spider Bat"
"Brace for impact!" Victor shouted, pulling hard on the controls.
The Spider Bat collided with the side of the bomber, and the aircraft lurched violently. Alarms blared, lights flashing red as the crew shouted in alarm.
"Get it off! Get it off!" Kim yelled, desperately trying to regain control as the massive creature clung to the fuselage.
"Fire! Fire!" Victor ordered, and Hall grabbed the gunner's controls, firing into the air.
Bullets ricocheted off the Spider Bat's hard shell, but it barely flinched.
"Stabilize!" Kim grunted, wrestling with the controls. "I can't hold her steady!"
"Hall, aim for the eyes!" Victor commanded, his voice steady even as panic surged within him. "Now!" With a determined look, Hall focused on the spider, her finger squeezing the trigger until
The gun fired, hitting its mark. The Spider Bat let out a deafening screech, its legs flailing as it lost its grip.
"YES!" Hall yelled, adrenaline surging as the creature fell away, plummeting to the ground below.
"Back to the mission!" Victor barked. "More targets ahead—let's finish this!"
As they regrouped, the squadron continued their relentless assault, the rhythm of destruction becoming a haunting symphony. The sounds of explosions screams, and the roar of engines merged into a chaotic melody, echoing through the sky.
"Bombs away!" Victor shouted, and they released another wave of napalm and chemical bombs.
The forest below erupted in flames, and for a moment, the world seemed to glow with a hellish light.
As the last of the bombs fell, the squadron flew high above the smouldering forest.
"Return to base," Victor instructed
As the bombers turned towards the horizon, the sun dipped low, casting long shadows over the remnants of the southern forest.
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