
Are we dead?!

"Where am I?" A voice asked the unknown as his eyes fluttered open under the burning sun. He raised his hands up to his face to check if the muscles in them were still working or not.

"What is this place?" He asked the unknown again. He finally sat up from where he laid and looked around to see where exactly he was at that moment. As he looked around the wide field of grass in which he was, his eyes caught something in the grass about a hundred yards away from where he was.

As he looked further to see what was also laden in the grass, a raven descended in what was in the grass.

"It could be human." He said to himself with great apprehension on his face. He stood up from the grass in great haste to go and chase off the raven away from the supposed human figure his eyes had caught. As he stood up from the grass, he suddenly realized he was unclad all along. His hands were fast enough to help cover his pride.