
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · แอคชั่น
78 Chs

Minion Building

Lucas didn't even realized he was still in his Kur suit as he worked on making 3 new minions in less than 8 hours! He quickly regretted giving Yimi, and himself, such a deadline. 

He hated he had to rush this job, but knew he could always fix any issues that would arise at a late date if needed. He wanted to get the easier stuff done as fast as possible so he could spend more time building the Security Minions. So he began working on the Scout Minion.

He had a rough idea of what he wanted to go for. He wanted the Scout Minion, naming Bigsky, to be fast, nimble and more importantly be able to spot things far away. He first began with it's simple design. This time not forgetting about weaponry either. Using his [Laser Weaponry] skill he decided to give every Bigsky Minion laser weapons. They didn't pack a bunch like [Plasma Weaponry], but were much faster and harder to dodge. 

With that in mind he began to create the design. It would only be 2ft long and 1ft wide. These Bigsky Minions would the smallest ones he's ever made! He gave it to wings with a propeller on either side. The tips where the propeller were could rotate up and down allowing Bigsky to fly forward or vertically and hover if need be. He gave it a tail with two smaller propellers to maintain its positioning. He then created a small focused laser weapon on the front.

Bigsky wasn't built for rapid fire attacks. It was a patient hunter. It took him little over 40 minutes to complete the design and then add the finishing touch. The rune! And he knew the perfect one. [Minor Supportive Rune: Enhanced Vision]. When he was deciding on the rune to use this was the most suitable one, besides [Minor Supportive Rune: Awareness]. What he liked about the [Enhanced Vision] was much it actually enhanced!

He just assumed it would just help whoever had the run to see better, but boy was he wrong! It not only gave him vision like a Hawk, if he used it on himself, but also infrared and x-ray vision. To a limit. With this one rune his Bigsky could see every type of thermal imaging and through walls. To a limit of 3ft thick and not made of lead. The biggest bonus to this rune wad the ability to see through illusions and invisible magical spells and arrays!

Once he was finished with Bigsky he admired his handy work. It was a flying Minion that looked like a miniature version of an Osprey. It wasn't upset about it as that was one of his favorite VTOL like aircraft's he learned back in his previous life. Seeing how it looked like an Osprey made him remember how that plane was a support vehicle for the military. Bigsky is a support Minion.

Bigsky would be his best support style minion. THAT'S IT! These minions aren't logistical like the System stated. They are support minions! Dozens of ideas of different types of support minions. No wonder that the amount of minions he could have was larger than his Security or Science Minions. He began to get even more excited as he planned his second logistical Minion.

This new one would be 3ft tall and 5ft wide. He wanted this minion to be a heavy hitter, but a supportive minion to other ones. This minion would be a mobile platform or an artillery piece! He slowly built it to Minion to have 6 legs like a spider. The actual torso had 2 main weapons. 2 forward fronting rotary cannons and on its back were a pair of Plasma mortars. 

Kur really had to strain and flex his [Ballistic Weaponry] and [Plasma Weaponry] skills to make this Minion work. It's rotary cannon was decent for self defense, but that wasn't its main weapon. It was more to deter enemies rather than kill them. The plasma mortar was its main weapon. When working with Bigsky, Juggernaut, would be able to hit targets extremely far away. 

The last thing he needed to add to Juggernaut was a rune. Out of all the [Destruction] runes he had access to there was only one he felt would best fit. [Minor Destruction Rune: Energy Corrosion]. This was a rune he added to his Kur suit.

[Energy Corrosion] doesn't affect just energy attacks or mana based attacks. Any attack made when this rune is applied actually corrodes everything. Physical material and ethereal materials; mana, energy and mental energy as well. It another extremely rare skill, which Lucas has no idea exactly how rare. Although a hidden affect of this rune was its draining affect.

For example if Kur was to fight a ranged cultivator he could drain their mana or energy faster. If the enemy threw a [Fire Ball] at him and he used his [Gravity Crush] skill to move the [Fire Ball] away from him he would drain it. Not only drain the skill of the energy/mana within but, from a distance, drain the enemies energy as well. This is because even if the [Fire Ball] attack was not in the enemies hands it was still connected to them via mana wave length.

This is why the [Rune Path Cultivation] was locked away. It is extremely overpowered and allowed the user to bypass rules of the universe people thought were common. Although Lucas wouldn't discover how truly power his path is until later.

It took Lucas only 2 hours to make his Juggernaut minion. He was slightly stressed he only had little over 5 hours left. Once he was finished with his 6 new Minions, 2 Bigsky and 4 Juggernauts, he moved to work on his Security Minions. He already lay out of the blueprint and the runes picked. [Force Multiplier] and [Kinetic Energy Absorption]

These Wolven, as he will call them going forward, will be his main Security Minion type. They were made for pure offense. The [Force Multiplier] rune would allow the Wolven make their attacks 10 times stronger then normal. They were not build with any ranged weaponry. Only a pair of razor sharp claws that could slice through reinforced steel! Not only that, but they could take a beating. With the [Kinetic Absorption] rune inscribed in their chassis they cold absorb any incoming attacks

Thankfully the hard part of the Wolven design was completed some time ago. All he had to do was fully built it. But even then it was a hassle. It took him 5 hours just to build two of them! They stood 6ft tall and looked very menacing. 

[First Completion of Security Minion] [Reward: 20 VPs]

[Points have been added and debt has been reduced]

Lucas ignore that.

Seeing the Wolven with no color he added some. He changed their base color scheme to a darker shade of grey with red undertones. He was tempted to metal shavings to resemble hair, but when he tested it out. It didn't look cool. It looked gross. It was almost like a mix between organic and inorganic technology. Something that appalled him!

Nearly 8 hours later and Lucas was proud of his work. 2 Wolven Security Minions, 4 Juggernauts and 2 Bigsky's. He felt better about his minions. Since he had all these minions and zero credits he sent his Wolven on a [Bank Heist Scheme]. Although he did noticed a change in the Scheme now that he had the Security Minions!

[Bank Heist Scheme] [2/5 Security Minions]

[Reward: 250,000 Credits] [Heat: 70]

He was surprised to see such a drastic change, but it made sense. His prior minions were more support rather than the muscle. Now that's he has actual Security Minions he could get more rewards! Although he was curious about it Science Minions on what they would do? So he sent his Wolven on their job and opened his stat screen.

[Lucas Kromwell Foundation Realm Super Villain]

[Cultivation: Path of Rune Master]

[Archetype Mastermind: Robotics Path]

[HP: 200] [With Kur Suit: HP 1000]

[Energy: 400] [With Kur Suit: Energy 2,000]

[Minions: 6/20]

[Security Minions: 2/15]

[Science Minions: 0/10]

[Henchmen: 0/1]

[Lair Power: 10]

[Lair Connections: 2] [Lasts for 24 hrs]

[Research: None]

[Heat Level: 0]

[Skills: Robotics Lv1, Engineering Lv1, Programming Lv1, Metallurgy Lv1, Battery Management Lv1, Ballistic Weaponry Lv1, Laser Weaponry Lv1, Plasma Weaponry Lv1 and Jury-Rigging Lv1]

[Blessing of Abundance: Gain 200% more mana and all skills using mana are 20% stronger]

[Blessing of Insight: Able to learn new skills 50% and able to spend VPs to copy skills you've seen]

His eyes almost fell out his skull!! His stats were so much higher while wearing his Kur suit! He could have added more runes to all his minions!! He wanted to yell at the System for not telling him, but that wasn't its job to tell him. He should have looked.

Now that he has the suit, once he got more credits he could just rebuild everything! He quickly realized Kur was a multiplier for him. Kur could help him raise the base stats of his Minions, but to a degree. He would have to cultivate himself and build a stronger Kur to build stronger Minions. He had a new goal in mind.

Ultimately he couldn't do anything about it. He had too many things going on. Making credits, self cultivation, expanding the lair, building a Henchmen and then the Black Market. He had too much on his plate and hoped the other System users were having a hard time like him.

They weren't. Well. Expect for Master Crafter System, but our little Villain isn't ready for that.

Once Kur had everything he needed he made his way to see Yimi and the Druids. He was secretly excited. This was his first time doing a mission in this new universe. He stepped through the door with a grin on his face, hidden behind his mask. He was excited to fight and test himself.