
Chapter 76

Cain and Char, the only two who even somewhat behaved themselves last night are the first ones up, but the Tengu twins, who are not fans of parties, have made pancakes. Tanya is still asleep after enjoying as she called it 'a beer soaked slobber knocker', or in Cain's parlance, a bar fight over the virtues of willowy Elven women versus stout Dwarven women between the ladies of the entertainment district and the ladies of the smithy district.

Now the Dwarves might not have won the argument, but they did win the fight.

The damage had shut the party down somewhat early, at about three in the morning, but the consensus was that it would be spoken of for many months to come. The assembled adventurers had happily paid for the damages afterwards, though they themselves had little to do with the fight. A very drunken server from a nearby tavern had suggested the Dwarves not bother dressing up for the men when Elves were around and things just went downhill from there.