
Chapter 496

With his ten new charges in tow, King Aggramor excused himself back to the Captial. He had a lot to do, getting them settled in, giving them names, calming them down, stopping them from rushing to the tower the moment they saw it in the distance. The little things new Demon parents go through when Cain is involved.

A few demons who didn't need much sleep saw him leave, but only one of them was of interest to Cain today.

"Hey Carnage, have I got a surprise for you." He called out, flying over to the large red demon, who was polishing the claws at the tips of his wings.

"If it's not killing, I'm not interested." Carnage answered, shooing the flying nuisance away.

"Even if I made ten new Blood Dancers and gave them your combat style to play with while they fight their way up from level one?" Cain asked.

"Okay, I am listening. But why would they be level one Demons? You're a level 400 Mythic being." Carnage asked.