
Chapter 375

As they leave the bay and head out into the open ocean, Cain decides to spend a little time in the sun. Even with the speed that Nila and her Summoned helpers plus the Puppet crew can manage, they still have a week or so before reaching the southern continent. 

The hammocks come out on the deck, and other than the working puppets and Nila, who insists she has her dignity to maintain, they all spend the next few days removing tan lines and generally living their best life. 

The sea shifts from turquoise to a Royal blue as they enter deeper waters, and Cain calls out a group of Kraken. They should be able to keep up with the ship and offer protection against monster attacks. 

Evangeline keeps a defensive shield up on the hull for that reason, but her specialty is healing, not barriers, so it is better if nothing gets close enough that they are in danger of being rammed or bitten.