
Chapter 350

"Halt there and turn over your goods if you want to live." Comes the easily predictable call from the woods.

"Do you honestly think you are capable of killing us?" Cain calls from his spot in the wagon, making his Companions laugh. 

"I am warning you, we have a blessed warrior with us." The bandit leader responds and Cain can hear Gavin give an impressed whistle for whoever just came into sight. 

Cain grabs the wagon seat and flips himself out of the wagon and on to the road in front of them. The bandits mutter about Blessed being everywhere lately, and the enormous Barbarian smiles down at Cain.

"I'll make this short. What did you find? An agility amulet? No matter, you won't be leaving here with it."

So their enhanced abilities are mostly from magical gear then. That makes sense, you can enhance even a level 1 transfer way above their starting power with the right items.