
Chapter 335 Gojira

One thing Cain learned about their proposed new location is that the wars were only a part of the issue. An attack against the Dragons during the great war had mutated many of the weaker reptiles, and left the whole region infested with giant lizards. 

The prospect of fighting dinosaurs sounds like great fun to Cain, but it does make placing a Guild House problematic. There's a lot of unclaimed shoreline, much like the Great Desert, so Cain is thinking that a castle fortress along the coast might be a much better option. 

They could use it as a trading post, as well as a second Guild Castle, and make money with dockage and ship repair services. One thing he learned from Tortuga is that a good spot that has lots of wood, skilled tradesman and doesn't ask unnecessary questions is a lot to ask for in this world. But it's an amenity that his Guild can provide.