
Chapter 254

"That Aura is ridiculous. I mean, wow. Just wow." Mythryll has been reduced to incoherent ramblings by the aura given off by Misha's [Apostolic Form]. For a good reason, too, 50 percent more spell power is completely broken. Her entire armor set barely gives that much in additional spell power bonuses. 

Cain looks over the Apostolic Form closely, noting that it still seems to be half Misha, not a completely different species. Like it's a personal blessing more than a regular transformation spell. 

"Should we go see how everyone is doing, learning to surf?" Misha asks, her voice unchanged despite the beaked transformation. 

"Sure thing. I wonder if I can use the exit portal as a Dragon or if I've got to change back?" Cain tries sticking his enormous paw through the portal and finds himself transported to the other side without incident.