
Chapter 208

"Take us to them then, Nila. We can sort this out in a hurry if they don't do anything unusually dumb."

That's all the direction the Wave Rider needs to bring the ship back on course through the channel, gently gliding to a stop in front of the two pirate vessels. 

"We surrender. Call off the monsters and we'll face your judgments. What laws do you follow?" One of the Captains, a large, swarthy human with curly hair and black eyes calls across the distance between the ships. 

"The laws of the Wave Riders." Nila declares, striding out to the bow with a confident swagger. The announcement makes them look both defeated and hopeful. Nila already said the Wave Riders don't usually kill Pirates, only whip them and loot them, so they'll likely live to see another day, just penniless. 

"We understand Wave Rider. Send your men across and we'll empty the holds to you." He's got a point, the Snapping Turtles don't fit below decks.