
Chapter 200

Once the Merchants get settled in, Triss quickly buys up a large portion of their spices, and all their remaining crystal dishes. Spices are expensive in Graska, and she wanted the dishes for special occasions. That's left the merchants basically empty for the final leg of their journey only a few items that are reserved for a buyer in Assah and the Dwarven made tools are left. That's a relief to the caravan, as they weren't expecting to find anything along this route, and now they've only got easy to sell items left. 

During lunch the Merchants notice Princess Aramia, the Daughter of the Spider Queen in the Beastkin Dungeon of Graska, who is currently hiding from Triss, who caught her chugging a pot of coffee. Spiders get drunk off caffeine, so the Princess is pretty much wasted, but she's doing an alright job of escaping the frustrated bartender, whose coffee she drank.