
Chapter 159

"Well, aren't you looking particularly dashing today." Lloran greets Cain as he walks in the next morning. Cain has been working all night trying to get this book completed without any success. He has just reached Inscription Basic 10 though, and was hopeful that the next completion might take him into Advanced. 

"This book seems to be a bit above my Inscription ability though, so it's taking longer than expected to finish the task you set me." Cain complains. 

"When you've lived as long as I have, you'll learn, good things take time and practice. But once you've truly mastered your craft there is very little that is truly impossible." The old man takes a series of leisurely steps through the air with a hand on the pommel of his sword and picks two more books off the upper shelves. 

"It only works with a weapon in your hands you see, but with a spiked gauntlet on, or your hand on your sword, you can use it to get around easier than any ladder."