
Chapter 102

The second day goes much more smoothly, as almost all the agreements were finalized the first day. Only the Fae Alliance and one group of Forest Elves in the East couldn't come to an agreement.

Sunnybrook deemed this acceptable, and intends to move forward with what they can get, unifying the agreements into a war alliance against the Ogres. They even managed to get a number of Frontline cities on board, using a high level Mage in Sunnybrook to open portals between the cities to move troops and supplies as part of the deal.

Beginner Valley is starting to look a lot more cohesive already. Only Graska won't have a full time portal, as the Fae Alliance threatened to invade the city if they established one, but unofficially, the Darklight Host will be moving huge amounts of materials and equipment between the two cities through their Guild House and bank. Their agreement with Sunnybrook ended up being one of supply, not of military force.