

It took a full fifteen minutes before Sabbat returned to reality with a huge smile on her face and a whole new class.

[Magus Dominus] wasn't a Class name that Cain had been expecting or that he thought would appeal to the ranged magic-preferring slender brunette. If it had been a class name that Penny or even Tena had picked, Cain might not have been as startled, but the System's naming sense usually assigned words like Dominus to violent melee classes.

"I have picked all my skills now, and I think that I have rounded out my skillset well enough that I shouldn't have any more troubles in fights with being attacked," Sabbat whispered to Cain.

"Oh? What did you gain that gives you so much confidence that you aren't squishy anymore?" Cain asked while he recorded her new form so that he could look through the skills she had learned.