

"As you get stronger, the food gets better too. A lot of people don't know, because they only eat for nutrition, but Mythic Beasts are secretly really tasty." Luna told the others once the boar was split up between them.

"Really? Aren't they still the same creature?" Penny asked, being the second most interested in good food, behind Luna.

"I've got some Mythic Leopard I brought from home. Give me a few minutes and we can have a snack." The transformed Lamia agreed.

Some of the others looked to Cain to see if he was in a hurry, but he was well acquainted with Luna's eating schedule, so he had been expecting this, especially after they had butchered and shared the boar.

"It only takes a few minutes to fry up the strips to medium rare. Trust me, the giant purple Leopards might be a nasty piece of work, with that speed and the lightning affinity, but once you manage to kill them, it is all worth it." He explained.