

Cain sat down and started making something for everyone to eat while they waited and thought of better ideas for their band of wandering misfits to be called.

"Did you consult the Oath Breaker? It always has good ideas." Luna asked after an hour of trying to come up with something really good.

"Oath Breaker says the Divine Rosebud is the name he would go with. But the reason is enough to make me not want to use it." Cain explained.

"Regardless of the reason, it's not a bad name. It flows rather well." Penny shrugged.

"I was thinking of the Mystic Blossom, but that's not perfect either. Too boring." Tena sighed.

"Can we be the Cleansing Sword? I think it would fit really well." Jen, the new Crusader suggested.

"It fits you really well. Two of us don't use swords at all though." Tena pointed out.