
The Source of the Monsters

Once they were out of hearing range of the prisoner, Vincent turned to Alpha 2.

"So that gentleman is saying that even though we neutralized every monster on this island, they'll just spawn again. Has there been any monster emergence on the island?"

Alpha 2 shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of, sir. If there was, I would have woken you up immediately. We've been keeping a close watch on every sector and interior zones. The last known monster sighting was during our initial sweep when we cleared out the Kralls and Kobolds."

Vincent nodded, deep in thought. "Good. But what do you think? Is there some truth to what Eamon is saying?"

Alpha 2 frowned, considering. "It's possible, sir. Magic and ancient artifacts aren't unheard of in this world. If there's something out there causing these monsters to spawn, it would explain the sudden surge we encountered when we first arrived."