
The Reaper Part 1

"Well, we don't have thermal imaging around here," Alpha 2 pointed out. "But we could possibly request help from the headquarters. You know, ask them to bring the Reaper drone."

"Good idea," Vincent said, grabbing his radio.

Vincent adjusted the frequency on his radio, switching to the secure channel that connected him directly to General Harper. The radio crackled slightly as he keyed in the transmit button.

"Shadow Actual to HQ, this is Vincent Stryder. I need to speak with General Harper, over."

A brief moment of static followed before the voice of a radio operator came through. "Copy that, Shadow Actual. Stand by General Harper."

Vincent waited, the seconds stretching out as he considered the situation. The Reaper drone would give them the eyes they needed to ensure that no one was watching them, but requesting it meant pulling resources and potentially drawing attention.