
Home - 2

Quiet voices compounded together into a symphony of noise that pounded through my ears. It gave me quite a headache and all because the people around wanted to catch up with their friends.

I knew that there was nothing wrong with that, but still, did they have to be so loud. But even then, as I waited I found myself idly listening to the closest conversation.

A bunch of nothing, mere gossip as they talked about who they thought the top scorer would be and how well they thought they had done. 

But eventually everything quieted down as the principal stood up to the stage, her footsteps echoed through the now quiet room.

And with it her speech.

Yet still I searched for one familiar face, and found none. Even as the speech quieted down and people started to leave, even then I still searched.

But to my dismay, she was not there. I could only sigh in disappointment and drag myself through the halls. Through the quiet night sky, and with it to my home, where my parents waited.

I fiddled with my bag for longer than I thought necessary. But it was, as with the time spent away from it I had forgotten where I had placed the keys.

It turned out to be unnecessary as soon, only minutes after I had dumped my bag in search of the keys, had Father deigned to show his presence.

A lock turned, and with that opened the door to reveal an opulent house, decorated with paintings and trophies. None of mine that was sure.

He frowned as he watched me hurriedly collect my things, half filled notebooks, pens and pencils, and textbooks. All into the pockets of my bag.

But it was then that the keys finally revealed themselves.

"Inside." Father said, his voice as clipped as it always was. I merely sighed and followed his directions.

But once I was inside there was no noise, not the sound of dishes placed for a celebration, nor of any hustle and bustle that I usually heard behind closed doors.

It was a pure silence that I loathed.

And so I was set about at the dining table. A place that looked to me more like some sort of interrogation set.

There was even a small light that offset the naturally occurring dark and barely visible moon.

I sat and faced Mother and Father, both of them took stern looks as out in front of them came a paper.

For a moment the house was silent, even as I felt the slight pitter patter of light feet on the stairs, watching and waiting for my downfall.

"You were warned, fail and you will be disowned, succeed and you will have a home."

I gulped and nodded, even with the power that I had gained, the new abilities, there was still this nervousness that refused to go away.

"But this performance, merely first in theory, and… and…" She stopped before her voice started to yell.

I could practically hear the smirk of my brother as he watched Mother and Father seeth at my failures.

"The thousands, how… we did not raise you to be like this."

Words weighed heavily over my tongue, but I couldn't speak them. My mouth refused to move, and so I could only gulp and nod, my head lowered. I was a coward.

"You have one hour, pack your things and go, you are no longer welcome in this house."

I nodded.

"Thank you," I bowed, "For the hospitality you gave me through the years and the time that you have given me this day, Mother, Father."

"You are welcome, but address us as such again no more, you are no longer a part of this household."

I nodded once more and scurried up the stairs. To my… no the room I had stayed in.

I gathered my things, the essentials, clothes and toiletries, textbooks and everything in between. All until I had gathered everything that my bag could carry.

And once I was done I turned my head to my doorway, where my brother waited. His golden hair slicked back with an excessive amount of grease. A sleazy smile on his face as that smirk of his weighed down on me.

"Inari…" He spoke, his voice oh so fake.

I turned and looked to him, "What do you need, Okami?"  There was a slight growl to my voice. It was unconscious, barely even of notice. But I could tell that it meant a lot to him as he snarled too.

"I just wanted~" His voice sang with joy, "to wish you a happy journey, we both know you need it."

With that he left the room, off to do whatever it was that he did in his free time. And I was left alone in my room.

For a moment I just stood there, taking calming breath after calming breath. Only to find myself soon out of the house and aimless.

Holding a note in my hand.

I tried to dial it into my phone, but soon came to a problem. I had no service. I could not even call the number.

It was a dilemma. And so, with a purpose, a slight hope, I turned to the nearest electronic store. In hope of finding some prepaid phone that I could use, or if I was lucky a payphone.

But that did not happen, as soon, after walking for some time, I found myself in a place I hoped I could buy a prepaid phone.

And to my absolute delight I found what I needed. It wasn't cheap, as like sharks the clerk smelled blood. The initial price of fifty dollars turned into a hundred and fifty, and I was too desperate to argue.

With a large hole in my pocket, and a pessimistic hope I found myself dialing the number.

It rang once, twice, thrice…

"Hello?" A familiar voice rang through, the same tone and smug cadence to her voice. But I couldn't help the smile that broke out.

"It's…" I choked out even with the answer there was still a part of me that knew she would not help me but I had to try, "me, Inari."