
Reincarnated to a stray cat

worning this is a fantastic but if this happens to you please read

vr_blue · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

cat and the dog

ok do Im going to have to go back to where I first met the dog and way I think I need to apologise for what I did to he on day 1. I was born as a human ok and I think that dog is the dog I accidentall broke his leg. I was drunk and me friend derd me to do it so I think he can smells that's it is me so I must do what is right and apologise to him. But I don't think that's all I have to do for these to end but I hope it is easier than that but hay all life must end now. I'm on my way to he and if I'm not certain that that's won't work ok I need to find he now oh well oh well can he be is he here or there ok there you are fog no dog. HAY DOG I need to say something to you. I'm sorry for what whether I did to you. "ha you think I killing you Is because of whatever you did to me your wrong I'm killing you for fun ant I will give you 10 to run" oh shit ahhhhh 9 crap 8 that did not work out 7 shit ahhhhh 6 ok must hid 5 now but where 4 crap crap 3 there is a place to hid 2 I hope this is good 1 here I come for now where are you I now you hid but hay if you can git out of here I will not go after you for 5 days if I don't see you for 1 day got that cat" shit must get out and fast if I don't I will dey ok think what and how can I git out how how how ohhhh I now. see an exit got to go there but must be quite as a mice.( actually mice where I'm at aren't quite at all to let you know) tip towing. there will be not even a little easy not at all but here I go alone with my life if I make it *crack* shit. " I see you cat you can't run from my now " . shit crap no no no shit *killed* haaa oh it was a dream ok I don't think that was a dream but I was so real and if it doesn't happen that is must be what will happen today. but if that happens will I will not let it happen at les to day but I wonder what is the dog back story and way he hated cats so much and if he is like me suck in a body like me and if that is true that how did he die ok time to ask him. what is that how the derm was going like but now I'm a cat and my back story is not happy at all but hay we will see what his story in the next chapter