
Split-Second Decision

In that split second, the thought that popped into Wang Zhiyuan's head wasn't how to dodge the car or whether it was intentional or not, but how he could use this golden opportunity to take out Lin Moran!

The steering wheel was in his hands, and the pedals were under his feet.

There wasn't much time to weigh the pros and cons. His instincts kicked in as soon as the thought crossed his mind.

He swerved the wheel to the right and slammed the gas—his car darted to the right.

The car on the right clearly didn't see that coming and hit the brakes like a madman!

Wang Zhiyuan felt his car scrape against the one on the right before being rammed by the one on the left. The shadow of the car that hit him covered the entire window, and he could see it was a truck, twice the size of his car.

Suddenly, a hand reached out and shielded his head.

Wang Zhiyuan ducked.


His car was shoved to the right and smashed into the guardrail, sandwiched between the two vehicles.

Wang Zhiyuan felt the hand on his neck slip but then hold him again.

The airbag deployed, and it was eerily quiet.

The truck blocked all the light on the left, making it pitch black.

Wang Zhiyuan's left leg started cramping from the tension, and his shoulders and back were stiff as a board. He pried the arm off him, massaged his leg until the cramp subsided.

The commotion started picking up around him.

Wang Zhiyuan finally looked at the passenger seat.

Lin Moran's head was down, blood was pouring from the back of his head, staining the car window.

Is he dead?

Wang Zhiyuan's heart skipped a beat, but then he saw Lin Moran groan and lift his head, his face scrunched in pain. He asked, "You alright?"

"I'm fine," Wang Zhiyuan quickly hid the flicker of disappointment in his heart and looked at the truck. They were stuck between the truck and the railing, unable to open the doors. They had to wait for the truck to move.

But the truck driver hadn't come out, and the cops showed up after someone called them.

"Anyone hurt in there?" A cop knocked on the window.

Wang Zhiyuan managed to start the car, which surprisingly still worked. He tried the windows, only the back right one could open.

The cop leaned in to check.

Wang Zhiyuan said, "My buddy's head is bleeding."

The cop asked, "Any other injuries? Can you move?"

Lin Moran weakly said, "Feeling a bit dizzy."

Just then, another cop dragged the truck driver out and got in the truck to back it up.

Wang Zhiyuan and the cop couldn't open the smashed door, so they pushed the car away from the railing and got out from the back.

Wang Zhiyuan realized he had twisted his back during the crash. Considering the state of the car, he was lucky. But Lin Moran wasn't so lucky, his head was bleeding like crazy, and they rushed him to the hospital.

The cops temporarily blocked the road for investigation.

Ding Shuqing and others arrived soon after.

Wang Zhiyuan finished giving his statement and was sitting by the roadside, smoking, waiting for them.

"What the hell happened? How did it turn into this mess?" Ding Shuqing didn't even wait for the car to stop before he jumped out, causing the driver, Beanpole, to slam on the brakes.

Wang Zhiyuan flicked his cigarette to the ground and stood up. "I was tailing Qian Haiyang when a freaking truck blindsided me from the left. Lin Moran's head hit the window, he's bleeding and they took him to the hospital."

Ding Shuqing's brow furrowed, "Did you guys find anything?"

Wang Zhiyuan replied, "Nope."

A cop came over and explained the situation.

The truck driver was a newbie and had accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake while turning onto the road. He was so shaken up he could barely speak.

Ding Shuqing and Wang Zhiyuan exchanged glances.

Ding Shuqing flashed his badge, "Let me talk to him."

The cop realized this wasn't an ordinary accident and quickly led Ding Shuqing to the driver.

Beanpole parked the car and came over, looking worried. "You okay? What about Lin Moran?"

Wang Zhiyuan didn't want to repeat himself, but seeing genuine concern in Beanpole's eyes, he did anyway.

Beanpole frowned, "Why didn't you go to the hospital with him? What if something happens? He's a rookie, not like us hardened vets. And besides," he lowered his voice, "who knows if they have something else up their sleeve? Shouldn't you keep an eye out?"

This was the first time Wang Zhiyuan saw the usually quiet Beanpole get worked up. He muttered, "He's at the First Hospital."

Beanpole looked at the wrecked car, "Can you still drive?"

Wang Zhiyuan replied, "Yeah." If a fender bender scared him off driving, he had no business being in this line of work.

Beanpole handed him the keys, "Be careful, drive slow."

Wang Zhiyuan took the keys intending to head home, but Beanpole seemed to read his mind, "Grab some bottled water and fruit on your way to the hospital."

Wang Zhiyuan turned around, but Beanpole was already heading towards Ding Shuqing.

After driving around the city, Wang Zhiyuan ended up at the First Hospital's parking lot.

Since he was here, he took Beanpole's advice and bought a fruit basket. After all, Lin Moran did shield him during the crash. But he felt no remorse for wanting him dead earlier and was even secretly pleased. Lin Moran had the upper hand back then, but now the tables had turned. Lin was luckier, but Wang Zhiyuan was in no rush. He was sure he'd get his chance.

With these sinister thoughts, Wang Zhiyuan casually asked for directions in the chaotic hospital. It took him almost half an hour to find Lin Moran.

Lin Moran's head was stitched up, and since the wound was at the back, they had shaved that part of his head, making him look ridiculous. He was sitting alone in a wheelchair, looking forlorn, drawing curious glances.

Wang Zhiyuan felt a twisted sense of satisfaction seeing him like this.

Lin Moran seemed to feel his gaze and slightly turned his head.

Wang Zhiyuan put on a neutral face, stepped forward, and placed the fruit basket on his lap, "You good?"

Lin Moran looked surprised, "Master Bruiser "

Lin Moran already stood out, and now with him calling out "Master Bruiser," Wang Zhiyuan could feel all eyes on them. Wang Zhiyuan cringed and sat down next to him, shooting back stern glares at the onlookers.

His sharp gaze was enough to make people look away.

Wang Zhiyuan finally relaxed.

Lin Moran's mood seemed to lift, and a smirk appeared on his face.

Wang Zhiyuan said, "What's so funny?"

Lin Moran replied, "Wondering when I'll be as badass as Master Bruiser." He said it with a hint of sarcasm, but it made Wang Zhiyuan think of something that had been bothering him.

"Ever thought about going undercover?" Wang Zhiyuan asked.

Lin Moran was clearly taken aback, "Does the department have something in mind?" He lowered his voice and glanced around.

Wang Zhiyuan said, "Nah, just shooting the breeze."

"I don't think it's my turn yet. Gotta earn my stripes," Lin Moran sighed. "If I hadn't wasted a year, maybe I'd be ready."

Something clicked in Wang Zhiyuan's head. He asked, "Why did you waste a year?"

Lin Moran's eyes flickered, and he smiled, "Just messing around."

Wang Zhiyuan didn't buy it.

Lin Moran deliberately looked around the room, mumbling, "Been in there forever, what's taking so long?"

Wang Zhiyuan realized he wasn't going to get more out of him and dropped it.

Soon it was Lin Moran's turn for a check-up. He was a priority case.

After he went in, Wang Zhiyuan was left outside, pondering over Lin Moran's words. If not wasting a year meant being ready for undercover, did that mean Lin Moran was ready before but not now?

Why did he waste a year? What changed his path?

Wang Zhiyuan was fixated on finding the reason.