
My Sister is More Important

Chapter 1 | My Sister is More Important |

"What did you just ask Akira?!"

I know I shouldn't kick snails, but this one is even uglier and slimier than the others. It was so slimy that it somehow made it through the row of guards that surrounded our limousine with but a ruined box of chocolates and a letter sealed with a pink love heart.


Squashing this snail wouldn't harm anyone would it? All I have to do is rid this pristine land of this disgusting, slimy creature.

"P-Please, I only came here to deliver this to Akira..."

All that's coming out of this snails mouth are disgusting, inaudible noises. I honestly don't understand why Akira tells me to go easy on these bugs.

"Oho, so you want to talk to Akira eh?"

Kicking this snail around is oddly satisfying, the feeling of its shell slowly breaking was giving me goosebumps.

"Please... I-I'll leave you alone... I won't come back..."

Its worn out pleas only lead to me trampling over it even more, it deserves this for trying to taint my sister with its sloppy demeanor.

"Good, now scram!"

I kicked the snails behind as it tried to stand up, sending it right into the arms of the guards who threw him out of sight.

"Akira, it's safe to come out now!"

One of the guards held the door open for Akira to get out, Akira is probably the one thing that I love the most in this world. My dear sister, as long as I'm with her, no one will so much as lay a hand on her.

"Jeez. Tomoe, you're to violent. Next time go easier on the poor guy..."

This happens almost every morning, someone comes up to our car and tries to confess their feelings to Akira. You'd think they'd learn after the first time, but they just kept coming. I mean, after the first couple of confessions I got, everyone got the memo; stay away from me. But for some unknown reason Akira was a special case, the boys just wouldn't stop chasing after her heart, and watching me kick some kids butt every morning before school starts became a regular form of early morning entertainment for the other students.

"Ah, I feel sorry for that poor guy."

"Tomoe is merciless, that's the Oyabun's kid for you. The Demon Empress."

"I girl shouldn't be allowed to be that strong..."

All of the bystanders watched and commented as Akira and I walked out of the ring of guards and towards the gate of the school.

"Tomoe, I can deal with them myself you know... I may not be as tough as you but I am stronger than most of the guards..."

"It's okay Akira, if I'm by your side no one will bother you. So just leave them to me."

We walked through the entrance and to our lockers, took of our shoes and replaced them with slippers.

"Today's going to be the same as usual, hey Akira?"

"Well, I guess."

And the day went by exactly as it always does, during homeroom Akira and I were conversing leisurely while the entire class remained deathly silent, not even the home room teacher thought about talking until we'd finished our conversation.

"Ah, Tomoe. I think It's time for class."

"Grr... Okay, let's get this over with."

"A-Ahem, So as everyone should know next week is the..."

After home room we had Science and then English studies. Neither of those two classes were anything worth mentioning since Akira and I were already fluent in English and both of us stood at the top of our classes in grades.

When lunch came around Akira and I had our lunch on the roof as per usual, and at around the 12:30 mark the door burst open with another worm trying to wiggle his way into Akira's hair walking through.

"Akira Kuro! P-Please go out with m- Puuwaaa!"

And as per usual, I knocked the air out of it causing it to drop to it's knees and gasp for air. It's pitiful expression as it pleaded for me to let it converse with Akira disturbed me, I kicked it's fragile body down the stairs and closed the door behind it. I dusted my hands and skirt off and took my seat next to Akira.

"Where were we? Oh yeah, what was dad thinking about doing with the other branches of..."

After lunch we had Phys Ed class. Now, here's the thing. I know that I can be a little bit intimidating sometimes, but that's no reason to not talk to me. Right? Because whenever us girls are getting changed, we all get changed in the same room, but people have a habit of keeping their distance from Me and Akira as we get changed. They usually keep a 5 foot distance from me, but occasionally someone will come and have a friendly chat with Akira, which makes me happy. But... whenever they see me smiling they quickly end the conversation and scuttle off for some reason.

Our Phys Ed uniform consists of bloomers and a white shirt, I'm not a sis-con or anything but I do have to admit that the track suit does look really attractive on Akira, highlighting her curves and increasing her charm.

"Looking good like always Akira."

"Akira, tell me how you got so beautiful please!"

The compliments came flooding in as we exited the change rooms and made our way towards the oval. It really puts a smile on my face when my sister gets complimented by the other girls.


"S-Sorry for disturbing you!"

The girls scuttled off with horrified expressions, I turned to Akira confused as to why they had run off.

"Tomoe." Akira said as she put her hand on my shoulder. "Next time, no smiling. Got it?" My heart sunk and I could feel the beating getting faster.


I walked dejectedly beside Akira as we stepped out onto the grassy oval. The boys were already out doing their stretches and warming up.

"Looks like we're the first girls here, wanna start stretching Akira? Hmm? Akira?"

Akira was completely spaced out and focusing on something in the direction of the stretching boys. I followed her gaze and found what she was staring at, a detestable bug was stretching among the boys. It's lustrous flowing blonde hair and fairly toned body made me want to crush it even more, this bug was luring my little sister into it's trap.


"Uhh... Ah! Umm! Yes?!"

"Let's stretch!"

'Oh, uh, yeah!"

Akira and I did our usual stretches before the teacher arrived and told us to run laps around the oval for a warm up. Our Phys Ed teacher showed no mercy, after running around the oval for more times than most of the other kids in our class could handle we were told to practice our 100m sprints. Of course, Akira and I had no trouble doing any of these activities and hadn't even broken a sweat by the end of the lesson.

"Haa, Today's lesson was pretty tiring, hey Akira?"

I waited a couple of seconds, expecting Akira to respond. But I didn't get anything, I turned to her after buttoning up my shirt, of course I leave the first couple of buttons at the top undone so that I don't feel like I'm suffocating all the time.

"Akira, are you okay?"

Akira was holding her top out in front of her, blankly staring into her locker.

"Huh?... Oh, yeah..."

She resumed putting her top on and even began to blush a bit.

"Is something wrong Akira, you seem a bit out of it today?

Akira's face became even more red, I feel like she want's something to happen to him from the way she was looking at him.

"C'mon, I saw you looking at that guy earlier. If you want I can dispose of him for you."

"N-No, don't do that! I-It's nothing. Seriously, I'm fine. Let's just go home for today."

I nodded in agreement and finished pulling my skirt up.


"T-Tomoe please! Let me speak with Akira! Let me have a chance!"

Right now, I'm about to crush another insolent bug who thought it would be a good idea to ambush us on our way to the car. He literally jumped out of the bushes and prostrated himself in front of Akira, calling out 'Please go out with me Akira!' while he dirtied himself on the floor like some kind of detestable animal.

"Disgusting, a creature such as you wants to dirty my cute little sister?" I kicked the dog in its side which caused it to roll over onto its back and cough up blood.

"Let's go Akira."

I dragged Akira to the car by her hand and didn't even bother to look back at the pathetic animal lying on the sidewalk. One of the guards held the door open for us as we stormed into the car, well, I stormed into the car with Akira behind me.

"Tomoe, you really show no remorse when doing that kind of thing do you?"

"No, and I never plan to. Only when I approve of someone can they even get close to you."

"Mou~, you're way to overprotective Tomoe..."

I realize but I only do it to protect you! You're way to innocent and young to be dealing with any of these dirty guys!


"How are you Akira?"

At the moment, I'm sparring in our homes Dojo and Akira is watching from the sideline. Dad's started talking to her about something and I can only just pick up what they're saying. There were 3 other guys sparring with me, and I was taking all 3 of them on.

"I'm doing good Father."

"That's good Akira, I've heard from your sister that you are pushing yourself in school?"

"Yes, that's correct, Tomoe is also doing..."

I leaned out of the way of a straight going right for my face, forcing me to stop eavesdropping and focus.



My opponent dropped his stance and looked at me in confusion, I took this chance to sweep his legs out from under him and choke slam him into the ground. The other opponents wasted no time and instantly set themselves upon me, trying to close in on me from both sides.

"Ah... There she goes again, she really is the Demon Empress isn't she?"

I glanced to my right and stood up, running at the guy who flinched in shock.


I had my fist drawn all the way back and was about to completely ruin this guys face, but one of dads subordinates and one of my friends, Erin, had to bust in and stop me half way. The look on my opponents face when he saw me stop was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


He ran right up to my father and fell down at his feet.

"What is it Erin?!"

Dad picked Erin up off of the floor and stood him up.

"T-They're here! The opposing gang! The Mafia!"

Oh no, the Mafia is the second largest gang in the entire city of Kobe with us being the largest. And if they truly have found out where we live and are coming after us and dad then this could be really bad.

"Quickly Erin! Call everyone stationed around the city and order them to come here!"

Erin nodded his head vigorously and rummaged around in his pocket, pulling out a cellphone. He started dialing a number when someone else bust through the same door that Erin had.

"Oh Mr. Kuro~ We've come to repay you~"

The sound of an Englishman's hoarse voice resounded through the dojo, and by the sounds of it he had been smoking for most of his life.

"Terry Smith"

Dad spoke with a cold voice full of hatred towards Terry, the feeling of a cold sweat forming on my back gave me shivers. I ran over to Akira and stood beside her, ready to defend her at a moments notice.

"Now, now Mr. Kuro. Hand over your two daughter and come with us willingly, and nobody else gets hurt."

A brown haired shaggy looking man wearing a fedora and a trench coat stepped through the door and pointed a pistol intimidatingly at dad, a few of his goons stormed into the dojo behind him and pointed their weapons at us. I tried to step in front of dad to protect him but he stuck his hand out and stopped me.

"Why are you here Terry?"

"Isn't that obvious? I've come here to make this city a peaceful place for all to live in, without you and your two daughter running around and terrorizing the place."

That comment is really offensive to Akira you know! She hasn't done anything to anyone, and we hardly terrorize anybody, except, well... maybe me...

"I refuse."

"Ku ku. As I thought, I guess I'll just have to dispose of you then!"

He pointed the gun right at Akira, I was standing next dad and barely had any time to react. The moment the trigger was pulled I threw my body to block the bullet from reaching Akira.


The feeling of the bullet penetrating my rib cage and sinking itself into my heart made me cry out in pain, it suddenly got so much harder to breathe and I started to get pins and needles all over my body then suddenly I went completely numb. My breathing stopped and my vision began deteriorating quickly.

Then it suddenly went black, and I could feel nothing.