
Chapter 4


Demaris wakes up to the sound of an owl tapping against his window. The morning sun filters in through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. He rubs his eyes and stumbles out of bed, shuffling over to the window. A brown owl waits patiently on the windowsill, a letter tied to its leg.

As he takes the letter, he feels the texture of the paper and the weight of the envelope in his hand. The ink on the paper smells fresh, and he can see the indentation where the a quill pressed down.

Opening the letter, he sees the seal of the Ilvermorny Magic School. The paper crackles as he unfolds it, and he reads the details of how to get to Mount Greylock in Massachusetts. He feels a sense of excitement and apprehension as he realizes he is being contacted by a school of magic. Demaris isn't aware of any magic users in the world, unless they hide and keep their powers a secret. Disappointment grips Demaris's heart, was he being too obvious in his exploits? If they are so observant he needs to create a safe place that only he can access.

The letter informs him that the fall term will begin on August 25th. Despite the obvious factor of his activities being watched, he can almost feel the anticipation building inside of him as he thinks about learning new kinds of magic in this world, perhaps he may even be able to cast the magic without the aid of technology.

Suddenly, there's a knock at his bedroom door. He opens it to see a man dressed in clothing from the 1800s. Standing before him is a tall, imposing figure with an air of dignity and authority. The man's clothing is a testament to a bygone era, with a meticulously tailored frock coat and a matching waistcoat paired with a pristine white cravat. His trousers are neatly pressed, and a pair of well-polished leather boots complete the ensemble. A finely crafted pocket watch chain glints against his waistcoat, hinting at the man's punctuality and attention to detail. As Demaris gazes upon the stranger, he notices an aura of power and wisdom emanating from him.

Demaris scrutinizes the man further a sense of danger ringing alarms in his mind, attempting to glean more information. The man's deep-set eyes hold a piercing, almost otherworldly gaze, and his jaw is set with determination. His hair, streaked with silver, is pulled back into a neat ponytail, revealing a high forehead etched with lines of experience. The man carries an elegant, hand-carved wand tucked securely within his coat. Although Demaris is unable to ascertain the man's intentions, he instinctively knows that this individual is a wizard of considerable skill and knowledge. The enigmatic air about him, coupled with the feeling of hidden power, leaves Demaris both intrigued and apprehensive about the man's intentions.

"Greetings, Demaris. My name is Zak Stone, and I am a wizard. I am also the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Ilvermorney. I'm here to speak with you about something rather peculiar. It seems that you've gone unnoticed by the magical world until now, which is quite unusual," the man introduces himself.

Demaris needs to avoid giving away too much information, knowledge is power after all, "A wizard, surely you must be joking?"

Zak Stone smiles warmly at Demraris, "Indeed magic is real and you are a wizard.As for why our methods of detecting magical youth failed to detect you, we're trying to figure out. Nevertheless, I'm here to inform you that you've been accepted into Ilvermorny, the premier school for magic in the United States. You'll need to accompany me to Gringotts for an identity check. Are you ready for this new chapter in your life?"

"I would rather verify the truth of your statements, and how did you find me?" Demaris asks, "Does the matron know you are here?"

"The Magical Congress of the United States of America obliviation Department detected a sudden surge of magic, and we traced it back to you. We also followed the owl that delivered your acceptance letter as they are charmed to always find who they need to. Now, about your schooling: if you have no magical heritage, you'll be eligible for a scholarship to attend Ilvermorny." Zak explains, "And Miss Karen is aware of all that she needs to be aware of."

Demaris feeling suspicious asks, "Why have i never heard of this governing body?"

"The Wizarding world likes to remain hidden from the eyes of the non-magical world," Zak answers without hesitation, "We educate our youth to use their magic with care and safety, as for the no-majs who do see something have their memories of their encounter erased."

A frown forms on Demaris's face, "That is disgusting, tampering with minds should never be ok."

Zak Stone replies with a sorrowful expression, "I understand that this might be a lot to take in. Should you accept, you'll be starting your second year at Ilvermorny, and you'll need to work hard to catch up with your peers. But don't worry, we'll provide you with all the support you need to understand the wizarding world and why its secrecy is so important."

Demaris nods "Thank you, Mr. Stone. I would like to learn about this world, even if i have my reservations."

Zak Stone checks his pocket watch, "That's the spirit! I believe you have great potential, Demaris. Welcome to the world of magic. Let's hurry now to Gringotts then."

Zak Stone places a firm hand on Demaris's shoulder, and with a slight twist, they suddenly vanish from the orphanage. Demaris feels a sensation akin to being squeezed through a narrow tube, and in an instant, they reappear in front of what must be Gringotts Bank in New York City, New York skyscraper still surround Demaris like a comfortable blanket. The bank is an imposing, white marble building with intricately carved goblin statues adorning the entrance. Demaris can't help but wonder what magic is keeping this place hidden on a busy street in new york.

"Welcome to Gringotts, Demaris. Goblins run this bank, and they have a love for gold that's unmatched. But be warned – they have no tolerance for thieves." Zak says.

As they walk through the grand doors, Demaris gazes around in awe at the opulent interior, the polished marble floors, and the goblin tellers busily attending to clients. The goblins sure had an eye for the finer things. They approach a stern-looking goblin teller, and Zak speaks up, "We're here to request an inheritance test for a one Demaris Black before his attendance at Ilvermorny."

The goblin nods and leads them to a small, private room. Inside, the goblin hands Demaris a piece of magical parchment and a small, silver knife.

The goblin smiles a wicked grin, "A drop of blood is required for the test."

Demaris hesitates for a moment before pricking his finger with the knife, blood is something even demaris knows to never give lightly, especially willingly. Wincing slightly as a drop of blood falls onto the parchment, He is careful to use only one drop before placing his finger tightly in his balled up fist. The blood sinks in, and the parchment begins to glow, revealing Demaris's heritage. The pain quickly subsides and demaris can tell that his finger has healed, likely form enchantments of the dagger.

Demaris Black, son of a non-magic woman, and Sirius Black.

Zak Stone's eyes widen in shock, and he gasps, "Sirius Black?! Demaris, this is...unexpected. Sirius Black was a close friend of Harriette Potter's parents, the girl who lived. He betrayed them to the Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Sirius is now in prison for his crimes, especially since he mass murdered a dozen no-majs."

Demaris's eyes widen considerably. His father in this life was a criminal mass murderer? He asks, "Did he give any reason for his actions during his trial?"

The goblin teller, who had been listening intently, interjects, "Sirius Black was never given an actual trial. He was sent to Azkaban based on overwhelming evidence and the severity of his crimes."

Demaris looks at Zak, his eyes filled with confusion as he tries to process this revelation about his father. Not only was he unable to have a family, just like Andrew, but his father in this life was a criminal. Something doesn't add up, though; the goblin said he never got a trial.

Years of politics filter through Demaris's mind. "And that was legal for your government to do?"

"Not exactly our government. It was the British Ministry of Magic that threw him in prison," Zak explains. "The British handle their own matters."

Demaris determines he needs the truth of the matter. "Zak, Mr. Goblin, can you help me get my father a trial? He deserves at least that much."

The goblin snarks a response. "Goblins have names too, brat."

"I wasn't aware magicals could read minds," Demaris calmly replies. "How else could I have known your name?"

Zak and the goblin exchange a glance at Demaris's barb before Zak says, "Actually, there is a branch of magic dedicated to the mind, both protecting and invading: Oclumency and Legilimency."

Demaris internally swears, wondering if Zak has been reading his mind this whole time. This simply won't do. Demaris will have to enchant some objects to nullify mind magic. He can only hope the magic Andrew learned will work on this world's mind magics.

Zak sighs. "It won't be easy to get him a trial. Sirius Black is hated the world over. However, Demaris, we'll do our best to help you. It's important that justice is served and that you can get closure."

The goblin has an evil grin. "As the son of Sirius Black, you are now the Heir to the Black family, which means you have access to their wealth and resources. You can hire Gringotts and its law wizards if you so choose."

Zak Stone smiles wryly. "Yes, indeed. It seems you won't be needing that scholarship after all, Demaris. The Black family is an old and wealthy family, even though their money was made by darker magics."

"What constitutes dark magic?" Demaris asks. This magical world seems incredibly odd. He could assume they mean necromancy and, if anything, mind magics he could see as dark. Given the way these magicals throw around Obliviations, what could they consider dark?

"Well, most would define it as magic that isn't light magic, but it usually tends to be magic that harms others with malicious intent," Zak explains. "We'd cover all of this at Ilvermorny, but the darkest magics are the three Unforgivable Curses: Imperius is mind control, Cruciatus is the torture curse with an assault on every nerve in your body, and the last and most dark, the Killing Curse, which is unblockable with magic and instantly kills any living being. Those who use these magics are assuredly dark wizards."

Inwardly, Demaris curses this world. A curse that can't be blocked by magic. And mind control, he wonders who the hell could have designed such spells. "I don't see any difference between these Obliviations you mentioned and the Imperius Curse, but it would seem I need to attend Ilvermorny if I am to put up any kind of defense against these dark magic spells."

Zak has the gall to look unabashed. "Excellent, we will need to get your funds then. Should you be willing, I can get all your school supplies and have you reimburse me later."

"That sounds reasonable, but will I have to move to Massachusetts to attend the school?" Demaris asks.

"Ilvermorny is what the No-Majs would call a boarding school," Zak answers. "So you would stay at the dorms during the school year and return to the orphanage for the summer."

The conversation ends, and the goblin, who introduces himself as Graglar, informs Demaris that they can have the contents of the Black vault removed in equal value to the gold this branch of the bank can give him. Demaris felt the goblin was planning on cheating him out of something, so he made the goblin swear he would only remove money from the vault.

Demaris is given a statement for the bank, listing all the contents of the Black family vault. Inside the vault, Demaris is astonished by the large quantities of Galleons, wizarding currency made from gold, and the countless family heirlooms. He retrieves 5,000 Galleons and is given a moleskin pouch. Apparently, it is far larger on the inside while being small and discreet on the outside. When he is alone, Demaris will store it in his pocket dimension instead.

With business concluded between Demaris and Zak, Zak has to leave and asks Demaris if he can make it back to the orphanage himself, stating he needs to quickly go and meet with a first-year student in New Jersey before taking off.

Now alone with Graglar, Demaris takes care of another item of business.

"Graglar," Demaris begins, "Can Gringotts acquire some raw metals and a few other materials?"

"Indeed we can, Mr. Black," Graglar answers.

The two begin discussing prices and costs. When the business is finished, Demaris goes back to a teller and converts some of his Galleons to US currency.

Demaris steps into the bustling New York City streets and makes his way to a subway station.

During the subway trip, Demaris considered everything that just happened. He did not actually care about this Sirius Black, father or not, but he needed the goblin and Zak to think he did. What orphan wouldn't immediately latch onto information about their parents. Luckily, Demaris has the political acclumens to perform such an act on the spot.

Still feeling the need to think and mull things over, he heads to central park to see the greenery, rather than the concrete jungle walls. He strolls two blocks through the busy New York streets form the Subway station. He contemplates the situation with his father. Demaris wonders what motives people might have had to ensure Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban prison forever. Surely if there were such allegations as mas murder, a public trial would gain great publicity for the investigators. His political sense was telling him there was a grander conspiracy in the works. The sounds of honking car horns and bustling city life seem distant as his mind churns through various possibilities.

Upon reaching the park, Demaris is greeted by the scent of freshly cut grass and the rustling of leaves as a gentle breeze weaves through the trees. Seeking a moment of respite, he decides to rest and meditate. As his senses sharpen, he discovers three hidden dungeons throughout the park that only he can see. The dungeons are called The Black Tunnels, Iron Bark Pits, and The Storm Mage's Crypt. Each entrance is cleverly concealed, with their faint magical auras blending seamlessly into the surrounding environment.

Intrigued by this discovery, Demaris makes plans to return to the park after dark to explore the mysterious dungeons. He wonders what secrets they may hold, and how they might be connected to his newfound abilities. Were some dungeons created with or without him? He wonders if there was some other being out there with a power similar to his, but he thinks back to his life as Andrew. While he never went to the a dungeon named The Gloomy Dungeon, but he heard it was a great place for novice magic users to start. It is possible that these dungeons are pieces of the reality form which Andrew originates. This makes another person with his powers and unlikely scenario, but still possible.

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow across the park, Demaris reluctantly leaves the tranquility of Central Park behind and makes his way back to the orphanage for dinner.

The day's events have left him with more questions than answers, but he's determined to embrace the challenges that await him in the magical world. With the prospect of exploring the hidden dungeons in his near future, Demaris can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as he steps back into the orphanage, preparing to be strong in this world of mind control and instant death.

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