
Reincarnated Renegade

READ THIS ON ROYAL ROAD This is an outdated first draft and Webnovel makes it difficult to update everything. Here is the updated link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/37863/reincarnated-renegade = The son of a Duke woke up with amnesia. It's the truth. Was it the whole truth? Not necessarily. The whole truth was that the Duke's son's memories were replaced. By Bellavarn. Bellavarn didn't think he deserved a second life if that was what this was. He died young, sure. But he was the one who ended it in the first place. Did he want this life? It wasn't his, wasn't deserved, and unasked for. Take one of the thousands who beg uncaring gods instead, not him. He wanted oblivion. Examining his new surroundings, the plush pillows, expensive draperies, and the nervous maid, he assumed the worst. Who was he in this world? Time to find out.  So... "Close the doors." "Lord?" "Do it." *This Novel contains dark themes not suitable for all readers. *This is an original novel. Any similarities of existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental. (Cover art is my original drawing)

Austin_Scanlon · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

Mobs, Minds, and Maids


A figment of the imagination. A personification of brain cells. A metaphor that creates comic relief during hectic scenarios.

Of all the Mini-Aprils, there was one that always reacted the same. It would puff on a pipe, blowing bubbles, and in a hard-boiled voice say...

"This idea wasn't our brightest, was it?"

The words would accompany a feeling of self-deprecation and a mental face-palm to exemplify a lack of foresight, or adherence thereof.

More simply, it means...

April fucked up.

The incredibly not hard-boiled words usually came after too much sugar before bed. Or staying up all night to binge a book. Or trying to create an entirely new filing system from scratch, only to realize later that it had eaten up all the hours she should have been using the perfectly good filing system already in place. Eliciting a reprimanding from her boss.

You know, normal situations that anybody can screw up at.

Now, however...

Whilst dangling from a bundle of sheets three stories up, while most of the Mini-Aprils were in their usual panic, the 'hardboiled' April leaned forward along a counter next to a bottle of scotch and puffed twice. The look in her narrowed eyes was grave, the light hitting her face dramatically, she spoke deeply.

"I believe, *Puff*... I believe we are currently as high as a kite."

The disorganized panic quickly organized and whirled on a central figure—Hard-Boiled April.

"What in the hells is that supposed to mean!"

"Stop acting tough, you dingus."

"You think yer funny, do ya?"

The collective criticized the lone April covered in dark brown leathers for trying too hard. HB April shrugged her shoulders, puffed once, and adopted a far-off gaze. Ignoring the fan-fare.

In the real world, April swung awkwardly at the end of the rope, trying not to scream for help. She was in the middle of a covert operation. It required stealth. Secrecy. Discretion!


She glanced up at the two stories she inched her way down, then back to the swaying ground. To be honest, she didn't think she'd get this far.

The planning all started and ended with the thought of sneaking out. Which she'd never done before...

This was how they did it in the books, so obviously, it would work. Right?


She didn't have nearly enough sheets.

"I... I think there is a lot of snow piled up down there. I'm... I'm going to jump for it."

The collective turned.


"Are you stupid?"

"Don't kill us, please."

"Life is fleeting."

HB April received a smack.

"Here we go... Hugh!"

April plummeted. The impact came before she could scream. A bellyflop into a thick layer of snow.


The collective winced.

A muffled groan.

Looking from above, her pose could easily be replicated by a chalk outline.

"Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are we?"

"Shut it, HB."

"Go in the corner and puff."

"I'll pop all yer bubbles."

"You don't even know what hard-boiled is."

"I do too..."

HB April broke character to pout. The others ganging up on her. HB didn't have any real street smarts, so she was forced to make a hasty retreat. Grabbing the whiskey bottle, she hoofed it, being chased by a mob of identical munchkins. Bubbles trailed along. Sometime during the chase, the label off the whiskey bottle fell away to read "Seltzer".

Big, grown-up April was reeling from a boggled head but managed to extricate herself from the imprint. Looking around, she saw no one in sight—a sigh of relief.

The reason for her escapade was a simple one.

A boy she couldn't stop thinking about.

Combined with a lack of drowsiness, angry and protective parents who might be a tad manipulative, and a whimsical fascination with fantastical dilemmas.

It all leads to this.

Puffing out her chest, she took the first steps on her journey.

Tiptoeing away from the family home and out into the night. She got as far as the sidewalk before a sudden thought rammed her.

Looking left and right and every which way...

No traffic.

No pedestrians.

Not even a stray cat.

And most importantly.

No carriages.


"I really didn't think this through..."



The clunks were muffled but clearly audible. They were strange, though. No one would knock this late. Most people didn't knock at all. They were usually ushered in by a guard, a grumbling Kerv, or accompanied by one of the household figures.


It was clearly happening. Something that never happened. This was a moment that shouldn't be. Yet, it was.


Vienna looked around. For somebody. Anybody. Other than her. A professional.

Was there an adult around? Someone to take responsibility? She was a cook. A soup cook. Soup is her specialty. Not answering doors. As evidenced by the half-filled pot of soup cradled in her arms.


Vienna whimpered.

Her footsteps were echoing in the cavernous entry space. Moving according to ambient moonlight streaming through thinned windows, Vienna could hear the howling wind outside. The shadows creeping in. Jumping at every persistent knock.


They got louder and more insistent the closer she came.


Edging toward the door. She finally reached it.

No more knocks.



Vienna used her elbow to push down the handle. Creaking the door open, she saw...

"Hi, there!"

Vienna tumbled backward, backing against the wall. Heaving. Puffing. She kept her treasure safe.

The grotesque figure slimed in through the open doorway.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright? Um... I apologize; I don't know your name."

Murky brown eyes as large as saucers peaked through long bangs, goggling at the abominable snowman talking to her. She huddled her pot tighter in an attempt at comfort.

"Hm? Is something wrong with my face? Ah. Blasted snow..."

April dusted herself off, becoming more womanly and less snow-man-y. Closing the door behind her and eliminating the draft, April examined the petrified soup-girl.

"Is there no one else around?"

Two scared shakes of a head.

"I see... What you got there?"


"Ooh! Is it warm? Would it be rude to ask for some? I am still freezing from jogging over."

April's stomach growled. She blushed. Vienna blushed harder, as if in competition.

"Ahaha... I guess I'm hungry too."

Vienna slightly loosened her death grip.


"Yes! Please? Can I? I think I can already smell it. Or maybe I am hallucinating. Can I have a small taste?"


"Hey... Wait a minute..."

April snapped her fingers, scaring her only company.

"You're Vienna, aren't you? Bellavarn told me about you and how much you love soup."

The girl in question perked up significantly, smiling broadly.

"Soup! Here. Come. Try!"

"Don't mind if I do."

Thus two new best friends were born.


Wilson walked into the kitchen, gripping a lamp. Looking around, he saw a lone figure standing near a chopping table. He called out courteously.

"Vienna? Is that you? Where did you go?"


"Then why aren't you carrying anything?"


"Yes... Where is the soup?"

"All gone."



"Where did it go?"

Vienna smiled like a child.

"Ate it all."

Wilson tilted his head.

"You did?"

"No. I did."

April appeared. Wilson was startled.

"Why is she here?"

"For soup."

Wilson rubbed his face.

"I mean... why does nobody else know that she is here?"

April replied.

"We were eating soup."

"I get that. But why... How... What... I don't know why no one else noticed..."

Wilson started stuttering.

Vienna and April looked at each other and grinned. They both spoke at once.

"Because of soup."

Wilson broke down. Sobbing.


"I came to see Bellavarn. I heard... I was told that he was stabbed because of me. I had no idea. I just went home without a worry and then sat in a lump after I heard."

April twiddled her fingers.

"I couldn't sit still or fall asleep. So I snuck out and came here. Figuring I could do something or talk to him. Tell him I'm sorry. Thank him for saving me. Or... I don't know, make him tea or something. I don't know! Just something..."

Wilson sighed dramatically at April's rambling.

"You can't do any of that. A Duke's family resides here. Dropping by at 2... no, 3 in the morning isn't normal. You must have come during the shift change... Most of the guards are gone still with the Duke, and the rest are centered around Bellavarn's quarters, so security is lighter on the outside. The wards should have tripped, though... I'll need to report that."

April fidgeted in her seat.

"Um... Is it okay for you to be telling me all this?"

Wilson started. Then slapped his forehead.

"I told her I couldn't keep a secret..."

"If it is alright, can I see Bellavarn? Is he well?"

Wilson sobered. Looking straight at April, making her uncomfortable.



"He is not well. And I don't believe he would want you seeing him. Nor would I think the Lord and Lady would condone it."

April drooped in her seat.

The whole situation was her fault. Someone came after her, and Bellavarn stepped in the way to save her. That reassuring smile. One to wash away her worries...


"Hm? Vienna? What is up with you today?"

Vienna stirred a large pot over a magical burner.

"April is nice."

"Being nice doesn't have anything to do with it. Master Bellavarn got injured because of her!"


Vienna stopped stirring.

"April. Is. Nice."

"But I can't just-"


"Fine! Fine... I will talk to the others and explain that you are here. Don't move. An escort will come for you. Either to take you home or..."

Wilson didn't finish speaking before he walked out the open entryway. The flickering lantern light fading away. April turned back to Vienna, her face glowing orange from the nearby firelight.

"Thank you, Vienna. I owe you."

"No. We are friends. Soup friends, best friends."

April felt her cheeks lift. Looking down, she muttered.


"Mhm. Friends."


"Lady April?"

"I am still here."

"Come with us."

Saying goodbye to Vienna, April allowed the two unfamiliar guards to escort her. Both incredibly intimidating. Bulky and muscular underneath their armor. After turning away from the entrance she came in, it was clear where her destination was. The "others" decided to allow her to see Bellavarn.

Walking along, her footsteps sung out of tune to the guards' ordered march. The hallways became darker and foreboding. Flickering torchlight becoming moody. She thought she could hear the wails of a ghost. April's rational mind told her it was the wind outside battering against the windows. April would know. She trudged through a blizzard to get here. The snow came back with a vengeance this night. Likely to be the last of the winter.

Luckily the distance traveled wasn't great, and there were ample sidestreets for cover. The hardest portion of the journey was walking up the driveway after the last heat scrolls lining her jacket flickered out.

"You shouldn't be here."

The guard's words were unexpected. April kept her gaze low.

"I know."

"No. You don't. Master Bellavarn is not lucid. I highly suggest you go home."

That just made her feel worse.

"I am here... I want to tell him I'm sorry."

"He won't hear you."

"Still! If I can help at all, I want to. I need to set things right."

"You can't-"

The other guard punched the talkative one.

"Enough. We've had this discussion. She'll understand when she sees."

Both guards shut up. As they got nearer, she could hear more clearly. The ghostly wails believed to be the wind were obviously from something more mortal. The howls of pain halted her steps.

"Come on now. Hurry."

The guards pushed her forward, but now she was having second thoughts. The screams were illegible but full of agony.

The light from an open doorway. Strained cry's bouncing off the stone walls. April entered, hearing loud whispers.

"I told you, I am against this. It isn't right."

"He is in pain. He shouldn't be seen."

"Vienna vouched for her. She's never done that."

"It could be dangerous."

"Look, she is already here."

The many eyes in the room pivoted. April was briefly at the center of attention. She'd never seen a small room so packed before. There were easily over twenty people in the cramped space. Servants. Maids. Cooks. Gardeners. A busboy. Guards. She recognized Oslo, the head butler/secretary for the Sallows. He was the one to greet her.

"I am not sure whether to reprimand you or warn you. You've come at a bad time."


The shrill cry caused April to jump. It was loud. The others seemed used to the volume. Looking over, she saw a few people gathered around a bed, holding someone down. Closer inspection yielded the answer as to whom.

Her expression was telling.

"Is... Is he..."

"Delirious. We've avoided tying him down for now, but it is getting worse by the hour. None of us expected it to get this bad so soon."

The downcast faces told the story.

"Can I talk to him?"

The portly butler shook his head.

"No. I wouldn't recommend it. Several of us have bruises from his thrashing. He will likely lash out at your voice."

"But why! It doesn't make sense. Why is he suffering? Did someone want to do that to me? I don't know of any grudges."

Oslo pitied the girl. Ester called out from nearby.

"The blade weren't meant for you. It was meant for him all along."


"What? As if someone would poison her. Everyone hates Bellavarn. Not her."

"That isn't the point."


April glanced back towards the bed.


"We don't-"


Commotion. Bellavarn broke free. A group of men went tumbled back.

"Where are you!"

"Grab him! Hurry."

"Where did you go!"

Bellavarn glowed bright blue.

A worker went flying into a mirror.

"Shit! Get on him! Guards, reinforce yourself."


Bellavarn stood, tumbling. Throwing people left and right, crashing into furniture. Clattering objects, shouts of distress, and scrambling orders. Chaos as people tried to tackle Bellavarn.

"Dammit. Where is Kerv? Henry?"

"They switched shifts."

"I got him!"


The man fell to the floor. Bellavarn rushed around the room, barreling over everything, swinging his arms. April stood frozen in shock, uncomprehending of the beast.

That was when he attacked.

Bellavarn dashed for April. His massive figure loomed dangerously.


A hand clawed in front of her face. Stopping inches away. Unreaching.

"Why! Melody? Why did you burn me? WHY!!!"

Oslo held Bellavarn away. It didn't stop April from seeing the madness. Bellavarn's shirtless form, drenched in glistening sweat, the black veins sprawled across his skin like infectious roots. The wet blond hair falling in front of maddened eyes.

This wasn't him. This wasn't Bellavarn...

Oslo shouted.

"Ester! Get her out of here."

Bellavarn tumbled backward together with Oslo. Grappling. Rolling on the floor as more joined in—a struggle.

April didn't register being dragged away. Nor that her feet didn't work. The sight scarring her. Ester grunted as she pulled.

"This... is why... I said... it was... a bad... Idea."

April stammered.

"That-That isn't. It can't be- That wasn't- it wasn't him."

Ester dropped her a ways down the corridor.

"Of course it is him. Just the crazy version."

"Because of me... I did this... He saved me."

"Stop that. Didn't you hear? He isn't calling your name. You didn't do anything."

April looked at her hands.

"I didn't do anything? What was I supposed to do? I came to help. To help Bellavarn..."

Ester rolled her shoulder before bending down, poking April in the forehead.

"Nothing. No-thing. You can't help. You shouldn't be here."

"Who. Who is Melody? Why is he so angry. So sad..."

Ester sighed, shaking her head.

"Come on, get up! We'll go to the library while things calm down. Can you walk?"

April couldn't move. Thus Ester was forced to drag her again as April shivered.

Screams of agony drowning her thoughts.


Ester leaned back, splayed out in a chair. April was still shaken but managed to sort through everything Ester told her.

"So, this... Melody person broke his heart. I understand that, but why is he so..."


April didn't respond.

"Half the poison. Half what I told you. Melody, that bitch, did a number on him. It was his first love. An innocent and naive love. He is pretty hopeless, in my opinion."


Ester scratched her head. Completely out of maid-persona.

"I trusted her too... I thought her a friend. Can't believe that got by me. I'm usually a better judge of character."

"Who is Veronica, then?"


"Veronica. Didn't Bellavarn call her name too?"

Ester shrugged.

"Don't know. His mind is all whacked out, so maybe he is getting a name wrong. Nobody knows who Veronica could be referring to."

April didn't feel like it was nobody. It had to be important. For Bellavarn to cry out the name with the same fervor as Melody.

It suddenly occurred to April that she knew next to nothing about Bellavarn.

All she knew was he worked hard, liked books, and was generally a good person. Was that enough? It made her crush seem pathetic.

A little girl. That was what she was. Her mother was right. She did dream too much. Through wishful thinking, April put Bellavarn on a pedestal without actually getting to know who he was.

But wasn't that the purpose of courting someone? To get to know them. To go on dates and talk. To fall in love gradually? To develop a crush into something more? Their parents set them up initially, so it couldn't be expected for them to know everything about each other. They didn't start as childhood friends after all.

Bellavarn didn't know much about her either. All she did was nag him about books.

But she loved books. That was who she was. That was-



"Stop moping. You are bringing me down."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Stop apologizing. Don't be so upset. Bellavarn will heal, and the poison won't kill him. It just makes him loopy."

Ester twirled a finger over her temple.

"Isn't it painful?"

"OH YEAH. Uber painful. Did you hear those screams? I wouldn't want to be him right now."

April felt conflicted.

"You aren't very good at cheering people up."

Ester shrugged her shoulders again, angling her head back.

"So I've been told. I am tired of frivolities and pampering. Lannie can do that."

"Aren't you a maid?"


A pause

"Isn't that a problem?"



Ester groaned and sat up straight.

"Look. I am tired. I've been up since 5 this morning... Yesterday... Whatever. I am tired. We are all tired. If you want someone to talk to, I can get Lannie. She will be happy to chat with you all night, regardless of how tired she becomes. She's too polite to speak up about something like that."

"No... That's okay. I..."

Now what? What was she supposed to do? Her whole purpose in coming here went down the drain. Bellavarn was unreachable. There wasn't-



April snapped.

Ester shrugged her shoulders.


April fumed.

"You are intolerable."

"I know."


Throwing up her hands, April didn't know what to do.

"At least you aren't moping. Why don't you look around? I am sure you can dig up some real info on Bellavarn. As long as you aren't drowning yourself in books and don't talk someone's ear off the whole time."

"I don't-"

"You do too. And we both know it."

April held her retort.

"He spends all his time here. Even sleeps here. That is his blanket you are sitting on."

She jumped. Ester rolled her head.

"It doesn't have cooties. Relax. It's cleaned. I am saying that Bellavarn spends all his time here, never going back to his room. This library is his home now. Search around. Maybe you'll find his diary or something. I'm going to take a nap. If you have a question, don't wake me. Ignore my snoring."

Can a maid act like that?

April didn't know, but since it was happening, it wasn't impossible.

Getting up, she shuffled in place, examining the room. There was definitely more to this place than just books. There was a desk. Couches. That blanket. Wait. Were those cookies on the desk?

That was how April spent the rest of the night dawdling around. Distracting herself.

Among the things she learned was that Bellavarn was a talented illustrator. His drawings were amazing. She even found a sketchbook with a bunch of still life and portraits of staff.

Bellavarn had a sweet tooth. He liked sleeping on a couch for some reason. And it appeared he was learning how to knit—he wasn't very good at it.

On top of that, the plans for his doohickey seemed detailed. She tried playing with the thing-a-ma-jig invention resting on a shelf. After ten minutes of flipping and turning, she managed to hold it just right. When it started spinning, she nearly peed herself in surprise.

Fascinated. April wanted one. In yellow. Did she ask for that already? What did he say?

Her thoughts got woozy as more of her mana disappeared into the little device. She stared at the spinning device like a crackling fire that held all the world's mysteries.

Then she slumped backward. Dropping the device, she fell into a deep, mana-deprived slumber.

Ester found her lying on the floor in the morning.

Yawning, Ester left her there.

The next person to find her was a very peeved Duke.