As I have informed you all 1 week ago, the release rate will be low.
"Madi, Rey, Attie, anyone please tell me what happened?". Klaus cried.
(AN: By 'cried' I didn't mean cry that is༎ຶ‿༎ຶ. I meant about a type of voice that I can't explain. I don't have the words to do so. I am leaving this note to newbies who started reading web novels. All others I think you will know.
If you have any queries put a comment in any of the chapters or a review and I will reply as soon as I see it. Or you could contact me via Discord at
The trio looked at each other thinking of whether to tell or not to tell what happened. After much thinking, they decided not to tell.
"It's nothing, you know. I saw you lying on the floor unconscious. So, I picked you up and got you here." Said Eren.
"But how could that happen? I was with you all and coming to Madi's room but didn't enter." Klaus asked suspiciously.
"What he meant is that, when you were coming to my room, you suddenly lost consciousness and fell. Attie then took you up in a 'princess carry' and made you lie there." Madison replied. But her face had a smirk.
Hearing this Klaus calmed down a bit.
While Eren spat a mouthful of blood in anger.
'Who did carry this f*cker in a 'princess carry'? Who cares? I am not gay! I have no interest in boys. I will marry only girls.' Eren thought disdainfully.
(AN: Just some information. Madison has changed the dress to her normal attire and not in her-ahem! I think I forgot to mention that in the previous chapter.
Next, in the previous dialogue with Eren, you may find why did I bring up the topic of gay. It's because the smirk that she gave to Eren when she talked about princess carry, was meant to make him think he is gay. But Klaus didn't understand the deeper meaning and so he didn't bother.
Sorry guys for making Author's notes (AN) here and there. But, I am doing this for you so that not many doubts arise.
Thnx for reading the book of this poor soul.)
"I now understand how I came here…" Klaus said.
Hearing that Klaus didn't think much deeper into it, all of them breathed out in relief. But his next words made Rey unable to reply.
"So Rey, why does my body feel so much pain as if I had been beaten black and blue?".
"Aaaa….That's…. because…." Rey was finding it hard to reply. He was thinking that the other two would find the answer and was buying time. And he wasn't wrong. Soon, Eren came to his rescue.
"It's because when you fell, your head hit on the door. So your head hurts. About your body ache….Ummm...seeing the smile of Madi when she saw me carrying you in a ... 'princess carries', I dropped you in embarrassment. That drop may have caused the pain!" He said this while looking at Klaus with sorry eyes for dropping him on the floor.
Hearing this Klaus fell into a deep silence. He believed in his friends but something was amiss in their behavior. He was feeling that they were hiding something. He also somehow remembers seeing something that he shouldn't have seen and getting beaten by a girl.
"Are you sure? It is not that I saw something I shouldn't have seen and a veil beat me. Most probably the girl is Madi as she is the only girl who can beat me. Of course, except teachers, staff, etc." Klaus asked with narrowed eyes.
Hearing the question Klaus, the shock was written on their faces but they quickly hid it. But, Klaus didn't see it. They were racking their minds to answer his question.
Eren then looked at Madi and nodded at her. Seeing this, Madi easily understood what he meant and did accordingly.
"What the hell as you saying, Klaus? Do your thing I will beat you for fun?." Madi shouted at Klaus in an 'angry' tone.
Both Klaus and Rey, in their minds, nodded their heads. They were sure that Madi would beat them for fun as she is a sadist. But they didn't show it in their face. Or else, they would be….gone!
"No-no-no no. I am not accusing you of anything. I just thought that girl maybe you." Klaus replied in a fearful voice.
"What you said isn't right, Klaus. I only got you here and you're aching us because of the reasons I said above. Believe us, Klaus." Eren said to him.
Hearing this, Klaus nodded his head and thought that seeing a girl and a thing that shouldn't be seen was a dream. But he was very sad. Why? Even though he knows he saw a thing that shouldn't be seen(a dream), he couldn't remember what was it. He was thinking about crazy things.
"By the way, why did you ask that question?." Madi asked as if she was curious.
"Ohhh! It isn't anything big. I think of something like that happening. I have a small memory of that. But, I think it might just be a dream." Klaus replied as he sighed sadly.
Seeing that he was sad, Rey decided to lighten the mood as he asked-"Why are you sad?"
"It's know Rey...I couldn't remember what I saw that mustn't be seen! I wanted to remember that. But even if I rack my brain, I couldn't remember it." Klaus replied still sad about not remembering.
Hearing their reply to Klaus the situation in the room became serious. The atmosphere also became heavy.
Rey and Eren were anticipating the reply from Madi.
The mana around Madi suddenly became to be chaotic and deadly. Eren who saw this happen moved from his place and made the mana back to normal with a flick of his hand. The mana surge wasn't noted by anyone. No one knew what happened except Eren and Madi.
'Madi, don't get in anger. He is just a lustful person but won't do anything against his conscience.' Eren transmitted his voice directly to Madi's mind.
Madi was surprised a bit by hearing Eren's voice inside her mind but nodded her head at Eren. She never thought such a thing as a mind link was possible and was thinking about asking Eren how to do it.
Madi then just sighed looking at Klaus.
'Don't worry. He won't get back his memory.' Eren said to Madi in mind link.
She just hung a 'smile' on her face and said…
"I hope you soon remember what you saw."
Klaus nodded his head.
After this, the four friends talked about some things and decided to go back to their rooms.
"See ya, Madi!" Klaus said.
"Bye." Said Rey.
"See ya." Said Eren.
After this, all went out of Madi's room and traveled to their respective rooms to rest for some time.
Updated Notes.
Author here.
This chapter has been successfully updated.