Some days before the match between Eren and Alexandra...
A universe is a vast place….. There are millions of galaxies in it like the Milky Way Galaxy, C1657 Galaxy, GI678-I Galaxy, MA56T Galaxy, etc…
No one knows the exact number of galaxies or the exact area the universe has. Everyone thought the universe was endless and can never end. What they thought was partially true.
The universe does not have a fixed area but, the universe isn't 'endless.' Everything has an end and it is impossible to be 'endless.'
The ending is a part of the Law and if there are no ends, Law can never exist and the universe will cease to exist within some eons.
The actual age of the Universe was estimated to be about thousands of zillions of eons. But, it was a fucking bullshit. The universe was one time older than that.
Due to the constant 'resets' of the universe, none of me was able to find its exact age of it. Well, one person knew about it who is known as GC.