
Reincarnated Magical Girl

Daniel Aurora is an average boy who just lost all his friends, but he gets killed by a truck, only to wake up a magical girl in the other universe, magical girls are the guardians of the universe, the ones who protect it from magical creatures.

Light_Weeb · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

A talk at a restaurant

Kaida began leading Poppy down the street, leading her down to a restaurant.

"Would you like to eat something?" Kaida asked Poppy.

"Su-sure.." Poppy said nervously.

They walk over to an empty table for 2 and sat down on the chairs. Kaida took 2 of the menus and handed 1 over to Poppy.

"Th-thank you." Poppy said, still nervous.

Poppy began looking through the menu, there was a lot of things on it, there was pizza, burgers, tacos, pancakes, bacon, beans, salad, fries, fish, and a whole lot more than that.

After 5 minutes Kaida had decided.

"I've decided now, have you decided yet?" Kaida asked.

"No, n-not yet." Poppy responded.

After around 7 minutes, Poppy finally decided and they ordered their food.

"So, are you an ordinary girl who turned into a magical girl, or were you born a magical girl?" Kaida asked.

"Hmm?" Poppy replied.

"You're either born as a magical girl, or you're an ordinary girl that was turned into a magical girl." Kaida explained.

"Well.. I-I was born as a magical girl, but I'm the reincarnation of a-an average high school boy." Poppy nervously responded.

"Reincarnation?! That's awesome, I've never heard of a reincarnated person!" Kaida said with excitement.

"Well, I-I guess it's a-awesome." Poppy quietly responded.

"So.. what was your past life like?" Kaida asked.

"It was.. good..' Poppy said nervously.

"So, what's your favorite fictional story?" Kaida asked.

"I.. guess it would have to be the anime called A place further than the universe." Poppy answersed.

"The anime about Antarctica?" Kaida asked.

"Yeah." Poppy answered.

"Who's your favorite character in the series?" Kaida asked.

"Probably.. Shirase, she's a really good character..." Poppy answered.

"Cool! Mine would have to be Hinata." Kaida responded.

"So.. what's your favorite fictional story?.." Poppy asked.

"Probably the Mondaiji light novel." Kaida responded.

The waiter then came with their food and placed it on the table.

"Thank you." Kaida and Poppy said.

The waiter then walked away and they then began eating their food.

"Hey.. so.. I heard about the creatures we fight, but I couldn't help think about how we fought gods in the past, why.. don't we have to fight gods now? Did they all die?" Poppy asked.

"Well, we used to fight gods, but there was a game of rock paper scissors between the strongest magical girl at that time and the strongest god, if the magical girl won, the gods wouldn't be allowed to attack for the next 2000 years, originally it was to never ever attack again, never in eternity, but the god would never agree to that and would only agree to at best 2000 years, but if the magical girl lost, the god would gain her power. The magical girl won and for the next 2000 years, the gods would not attack the universe." Kaida explained.

"As I'm.. from another universe, meaning there's multiple universes, I wanna know, why do we only have to protect 1 universe?" Poppy asked.

"Well, there are 2 existing universes. You came from the universe that we don't have to protect and that is because the strongest magical girl in history used all her power to create a barrier around that universe that would make magic, and every monster and god be unable to exist in it, but she died in the process of doing that. Since there hasn't been any magical girl near her power since then, we've been unable to make a barrier around the universe we still have to protect." Kaida explained.

"How powerful are the gods?" Poppy asked.

"Well, the weakest god is strong enough to destroy the universe. The strongest god is so powerful that she's equal to the reality tree." Kaida responded.

"The reality tree?" Poppy said, confused as she tilted her head slightly.

"The reality tree is what holds the 2 universes, the kingdom of gods, heaven, hell, the limbo, the mystical realm, the garden of Magic and the dream realm." Kaida responded.

"The afterlife exists?" Poppy asked.

"Yes and you should've ended up in the afterlife, but somehow you got reincarnated." Kaida responded.

"So.. who's the strongest god?" Poppy asked.

"Her name is The holiest unholy. A goddess that can destroy all gods, even gods that transcends the mystical realm." Kaida responded.

"I'm just going to assume that transcending the mystical realm is impressive since you make it seem like it." Poppy responded.

"Yes, the mystical world transcends all the layers of heaven." Kaida responded.

"How impressive is it to transcend the layers of heaven?" Poppy asked.

"There's infinite layers, the first layer alone infinitely transcends the limbo, and the second layer infinitely transcends the first layer and so on." Kaida explained.

"How impressive is it to transcend the limbo?" Poppy asked.

"The limbo infinitely transcends all the infinite layers of hell, and the first layer of hell alone transcends the dream world and the dream world transcends the concepts of time, space and dimensionality, and the second layer infinitely transcends the first and I think you can think up the rest." Kaida explained.

"Sounds like the cosmology in a story made for power scaling." Poppy responded.

"Well, yeah." Kaida responded.

"So.. how many years is it left till the gods will attack again?" Poppy asked.

"5 years. So we're all preparing ourselves for the attack of the gods." Kaida said.

"5 years?! We're gonna have to fight gods?! Man that sounds horrifying.. do you think we have a chance at beating the gods..?" Poppy asked, nervously and concerned.

"Well.. as it is now, no, but I hope we get a whole lot stronger in these 5 years, because otherwise, everyone is doomed." Kaida responded.

"So.. how hard is it to kill and beat monsters and demons?" Poppy asked.

"Some monsters and demons can tank punches enough to destroy multiple galaxies, so some of them are extremely hard to deal with, but we do eventually beat them." Kaida responded.

"Wait, if we beat them when they can tank punches on the level of destroying multiple galaxies, how is earth not gone as we'd have to make punches more powerful than that?" Poppy asked.

"It's pretty simple, our punches are on that sort of level, but we can manipulate the range of destruction, and we manipulate the range so that it doesn't destroy the galaxy as we make the range short so the power isn't affecting the galaxies." Kaida responded.

"Oh, okay. So, do we all have different abilities, or do we all have the same abilities?" Poppy asked.

"Well, some magical girls have same powers, but most of the magical girls have different ones. Like for example, I know a magical girl who has the power to nullify and erase the existence of anything she punches if she uses her magic. She can also erase things from existence even when that thing has the ability to resist existence erasure. She has even fought a demon who has resistance to magic power, and she ended up erasing its ability to be unaffected by magic power. She can also erase specific parts of what she punches. She can also reverse her ability and bring the things she erased from existence back into existence. She pretty much manipulates existence with her fists." Kaida responded.

"Oh, that sounds extremely overpowered!" Poppy responded, surprised that someone could have such an extremely powerful ability.

"She's the strongest magical girl alive in the present days. She's probably our biggest hope in beating the gods right now. But since you seem like an Isekai protagonist, maybe you'll surpass her and beat the gods, maybe even get a harem?" Kaida jokingly said.

"No no, I don't think I'll be that powerful, after all, this isn't a fictional story, so there's no one to write in that I'm overpowered." Poppy said.

"Who knows, maybe we are in a fictional story, maybe you will become overpowered, maybe you are the main character, we'll just have to find out in the future." Kaida responded.

"So, what's the name of this girl that can erase things from existence?" Poppy asked.

"Her name is Iris Violet." Kaida answered.

"Iris? That's a nice name." Poppy responded.

They then finished eating their food and then payed for their food.

"Alright, so let's get going, I'll show you around the garden of magic!" Kaida said.

"Alright then." Poppy responded.

Kaida then grabbed Poppy's hand and lead her out the restaurant.

Still nervous, I hope I can make a well written story, my biggest concern is consistency, I’m scared I’ll forget something and then write something that makes things inconsistent.

Light_Weebcreators' thoughts