
Attack On Gath [2]

Hours went by, and the sun finally went down, giving up its place to the two moons. The celestial moons hung above the clouds that seemed to be struggling to hide the unmatchable beauty of the moons. The ever-floating white clouds looked mesmerizing tonight, but the calmness they brought to those looking at the sky was destroyed by the black smoke billowing upwards.

"Chief! The farms!" 

A loud sound forced Chief Gath of Gath and his captains out of the tent where they made their plans. Gath wore a battle skirt that was over his knees. It was made from a bear's fur.

Apart from the battle skirt and his fur boots, no other clothing could be found on the body of this 6 foot, 9 inch tall man whose skin also had the sheen of silver. 

His skin tone was actually silver in color, and not only that, as his bulging muscle and throbbing veins packed so much power that not even a knight could not withstand a blow.

Just one blow!