
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
79 Chs


We spent almost three months in the wilderness training and fighting wild Pokémon. All of them heavily increased their move masteries. Leo and Primeape also leveled up a few times, though not Swinub as we are waiting to evolve him. Leo even Ranked up to the next Rank, earning his place as an Elite Trainer Pokémon. Primeape was only a few levels below reaching the next rank.

Plus Swinub finished absorbing the Queen ranked feather from a Frostmoth. This brought his stats to his max rank, but not all the way maxed out. Now I just needed to find another item or buy one, however, for now, we arrived at Vermilion City. I am hoping to get items for both Primeape and Swinub soon as I've been saving up my money from the league payments I've been getting.

I kept in contact with my Dad while in the wilderness and my friends, learning several important things. The most important being that I can't really spend any more time training as in three months the league will be having its time frame for those who can challenge the Elite Four. Unlike the anime or games from my past life, you could only challenge the Elite Four and Champion once every four years. 

It was like the Olympics of my past life, as it gave trainers the chance to train up and gather the eight gym badges needed to challenge them. I had four more badges to go and I was lagging behind compared to my other generation challengers. Lance only needed two more, Sabrina needed three more, and Brock surprisingly also only needed two more. It seems Lance and him have been traveling around together and have become good friends. 

My Dad informed me that the league was watching Lance, Sabrina, myself, and Sophie Herrera who was the young woman my age who received the region started Bulbasaur. This means we were the top picks for being able to challenge the Elite Four this year and the Champion. Though at the same time, Red Ketchum would be challenging it too if he were to become the Champion like he was in my past life. 

"Guys, remember we are going to be bee-lining it to gyms for the next few weeks. So let's put all our training to work and show the world just how strong we are. Hopefully, we can get a few items in the meantime too to help you all," I say to my team after we make an appointment at the Vermilion Gym the next day. 

"Let's go to the Poké Mart, they might have something there for either of you. This place is a large trading city with a port," I say to my team as we walk around the city. 

Like my past life, the Poké Marts were like corner stores or general stores. As they sold pretty much everything and anything. It was mostly stocked with things for trainers like potions, Poké balls, and other necessities that a trainer would need in the wilderness. However, certain items I am looking for most likely will not be here but sold online and I can have them sent to my Pokédex through the link. But going that route is usually more expensive. 

Entering the Poké Mart, like most it is a large one-story building with several isles filled with all sorts of items. Near the entrance are a self-checkout and several cashiers for those who have more items or special requested items. I can see several people walking around the shop, though I withdrew my Pokémon to enter it with only Swinub sitting on my shoulder. 

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" the clerk asks me as I walk over to the open cash register. 

"Yes, do you have any items that can help my Pokémon? I am looking for either Ice, Ground, or Fighting Type items," I say to the clerk who nods their head before typing on the computer in front of them for the stocked items they have I assume. 

"We have several Ground and Fighting type items, are you looking for a certain Ranked item? Our highest currently are Baron/Baroness Ranked items," the clerk says to me as I nod my head thinking. I'm not surprised since higher-ranked items are usually sold at auctions or by individuals trying to get as much as they can for it. 

"I'll take a Baron Ranked Ground item," I say since I would have to get a Duke Ranked or high Ranked item to help Primeape out. While needing a King or higher-ranked item to help Leo. 

"Sure, we have several Graveler and Dugtrio parts. Each costing fifty thousand Pokédollars," the clerk says to me as I die a bit on the inside since I am a cheap bastard. 

"Ok… I'll take a Dugtrio part," I say while scanning my Trainer ID which is connected to my Bank account at the same time. This is why it is a big deal to lose your ID for that and many other reasons. 

Leaving the store Leo and Primeape come out of their Poké balls knowing we left the store. While I hand Swinub his new time which can hopefully max out his stats so he can evolve. Swinub takes it happily while Primeape seems slightly saddened, especially since now even Swinub surpasses his base stats. 

"Don't worry Primeape, I am keeping an eye on the Pokébay for any good fighting-type items," I say seeing his slightly upset look. Pokébay is this world's version of eBay and lets people sell their items across the world. 

We then pass the day just relaxing in the city, before making our way to the hotel we are staying at. The next morning we head over to the Vermilion City Gym which is led by Lt. Surge. He was in the Pokémon League's military which is made up of Trainers to defend against Pokémon Hordes that attack the outer areas of the League. They also are used to scout out newer areas or defend scientists when they go into the wilderness to research whatever it is. 

Going inside the gym I can see it is decorated like a military base inside, as it is very rough around the edges and only designed with purpose in mind. Even the people working here are veterans it seems as if they are wearing their old uniforms. While walking to the battleground I can see it is just a flat metal surface with no cover or any decorations like other gyms. It is the most basic-looking battleground I've seen and the stands are very basic bleachers. 

As I stand at my side of the arena, Leo is sitting next to me while looking around with his stoic face. Then I see the referee come walking out and Lt. Surge just after them walking to his side of the arena. I see several dozen people have come to sit in the stands even though I got the earliest time slot at eight in the morning. 

Lt. Surge is just giving me a blank stoic look like Leo's without showing any emotion on his face. He is even standing straight like a board waiting for the referee to begin the match. I feel slightly awkward since all the other gym leaders I've met are more friendly than this, but I don't judge the man since he has a long military history. 

"Please send out your first Pokémon," the referee says and they have the same serious face as Lt. Surge while wearing a military outfit too. 

"Swinub, show them how much stronger you have become," I say while tossing Swinub's Poké ball out. Lt. Surge just tosses a Poké ball with the same stoic face not saying anything. 

Swinub appears while giving his cute battle cry and staring down the Pokémon that was thrown out at the same time as him. Swinub's enemy is a Pokémon that looks just like an upside-down Poké ball, called an Electrode. The Poké ball-looking Pokémon just stares at Swinub with a blank stoic face just like his trainer. 

"Begin!" the referee says shouting it like a military leader giving commands. 

"Swinub, use our intro!" I say as Swinub uses Mist and then Mud Slap. 

"Charge up!" Lt. Surge says with a commanding voice not moving a muscle while staring me down. 

Electrode gathers electricity around itself while small pulses of energy are pulsing outward from it, using the movesCharge and Eerie Impulse. At the same time, Swinub gathers his icy mist around himself covering himself in a heavy icy mist, and then spits a large muddy ball at Electrode. 

Electrode can't dodge the move and takes the hit as mud covers its face, though it doesn't let out any noise. Almost like the move did no damage to it, though I know that can't be the case. 

"Swinub, keep your distance and use Powder Snow!" I say to Swinub who begins charging up his icy power. 

"Run them down!" Lt. Surge says as Electrode begins gathering a deep silver energy around itself. 

Swinub releases his built-up energy as Electrode finishes gathering its silver steel energy and then rolls at Swinub. The icy wind slams into Electrode who just keeps rolling through with not sound like he is not being hurt. Swinub then quickly scrambles away keeping his distance from Electrode. 

"Swinub, keep your distance and use Mud Slap when you can!" 'Charge up your strongest move and use it when Electrode is sitting still,' I say to Swinub who keeps running around and stopping only a few seconds to release his Mud Slap. 

"Seems we must make a sacrifice," Lt. Surge says with an eerie look and Electrode stops while a lot of energy is being built up inside itself. 

'Oh shit!' I say knowing he is going to sacrifice his own Pokémon to take out Swinub who is immune to electric-type moves. 

"Swinub, release it before Electrode can finish gathering its energy!" I say seeing Electrode quickly building up its energy. 

Swinub stops running and tries his hardest to gather his energy to use his strongest move. We see both Pokémon gathering all of their energies and whoever is first will win this, well Electrode would make it a tie. Finally, Swinub releases all of his built-up energy as the whole ground in the arena shakes even making the gym begin to rumble from the power of this move. 

A huge fissure opens up below Electrode just as it finishes building up its energy. Electrode falls inside the fissure that opened up below it with Swinub quickly making it close as Electrode explodes. The whole arena erupts as the ground breaks apart and even the invisible protection screen flickers showing it almost broke from the impact. 

Seeing this I used my Psychic abilities to form a protective shield around Swinub not wanting him to be heavily injured even if it meant I get disqualified. Though I doubt they will know it was me who used the move 'Protect' when I could just say Swinub used it instinctively. For a tense few minutes, we can not see anything as the whole arena is covered in heavy smoke, dust, and dirt everywhere.

Finally, the dust settles and the smoke dissipates with a huge crater in the center of the arena several meters long and in depth. With a heavily injured Electrode in the center passed out and an extremely tired Swinub. Swinub gives me a thankful look knowing I protected him from the extremely heavy blast that Electrode released. 

"Electrode is unable to battle! Winners are Trainer Lucas and Swinub!" the referee says as Lt. Surge withdraws Electrode not looking bothered his Pokémon is heavily injured at all. I also withdraw Swinub seeing he is extremely tired having used up almost all his energy using his strongest move. 

"You did a great job buddy," I say to Swinub as I withdraw him. 

"Trainer Lucas withdrew Swinub! Please send out your next Pokémon!" the referee says after seeing me withdraw Swinub too. 

"Try not to lose control again Primeape," I say while tossing out Primeape's Poké ball and he comes out doing his normal battle cry and flexing.