
Reincarnated into the world of Made in abyss

TheMadHatter6_10 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Waking up in a strange place

Having fully lost consciousness Thor would wake up to find himself in a strange world. Looking around he'd see the abyss. however it looked different than what he remember in the anime. The Abyss had a scorched edge as if it was freshly made. When suddenly he be dragged out of his thoughts by a slap. Coming to his senses Thor would turn his head to look at the man who struck him. Yet Thor would only be more surprised to find a man dressed in futuristic clothes. Tilting his head and getting lost in his thoughts again Thor would receive another slap. The man would finally speak up. "Hey boy get a hold of yourself the last god is injured and all you can do is day dream. Our world is at stake millions of lives in the balance. If your going to jeopardize the mission I won't hesitate to leave you here to starve to death." Thor shaking his head as he focused on the present would look into the captain eyes. Thinking that he'd just arrived in this world that would be destroyed he'd resolve himself to protect it. Then with a strong look in his eye and a determined tone he'd say. "No sir I understand sir. I will stay focused." Popping a sharp salute the captain would nod at his underlings resolve. The captain would let out a boisterous laugh and pat Thor's shoulder before saying in a cheerful booming voice. "That's the spirit boy keep that determination and you might even be selected to go through augmentation." Thor would grunt, think he'd have to go through enhancement surgery again.

The old captain would burst out with laughter again then pat Thor's head then say. "Your a good lad if not from your freakish height from the gene splicing project you'd remind me of my son. He'd be about your age now too. You should be 8 right it's hard to tell with how you look. Well anyway stick with me kid I like your attitude." Meanwhile down in the bowels of the crater the goddess lay grievously injured after being shot out of the celestial plain and crashing into an uninhabited island. She'd look up into the sky to injured to get up. Then gritting her teeth she'd see the last vestiges of the advanced civilization descending in her direction. With a glare she'd growl angrily. "YOU BASTARDS HAVE KILLED ALL THE OTHER GODS!!! WILL YOU TRULY NOT REST TILL EVERY LAST ONE IS GONE!!! Fine then you lowly mortals this cavernous pit your species will murderer me in will also be your tomb. I curse this grave of mine to be a trap for your dastardly race. I'll leave it a enticing mystery for future generations. I curse you to never see the surface a whole person again and I condemn you to face grate horrors, let the innocent pay the price with flesh and blood. Convert those simple creatures to devastating beasts that hunger for violence." With her own golden colored blood she'd engraved her curse into the bottom of the pit.

The unknowing soldiers would continue their decent into the hole. When a force of world altering magic would shake the ship. The captain and Thor would be playing chess while a strange creature that was once human would be measuring Thor. The captain noticing Thor's curiosity would rub his chin and talk suddenly. "It's a constructor. As a result of killing the god of invention and advancement these guys where given grate intelligence at the cost of their human forms. However they are also very resistant to God curses. By mixing the ashes of their body we make enchanted metal that have become instrumental in the eradication of the gods. This one here is our ships blacksmith he'll be making your equipment. Also he is the one who does the augmentations process so be friendly if you want to give you the best augmentations. Haha!!" Thor would nod then move his horse to checkmating the captains king. The captain would choke on his on spit then look at the board. Then letting out his signature laught he'd praise Thor for being clever. "You got a head on your shoulders boy. Good you'll need it we don't need morons in this up coming battle. Oh? Speaking of we have almost made it to the location. Suit up then go to the deck boy." The captain would get out of his seat and head into his chambers to also get ready. Following his orders Thor would get up politely thanking the constructor for the equipment. Then going into to the armory to suit up. The new gear consist of a wide disk shaped helmet hat that when removed doubles as a helmet. His clothes are a mix of ceremonial barbarian pants woven together by curse resistant enchanted thread. His shirt would be a plain combat shirt with nothing special. As what would be protecting his upper body would be a cloak made of the same material as the pants. As for his shoes he'd have the standard boots as the constructor ran out of time. With a thud the ship would land at the bottom of the pit. The lights searching around for the injured goddess. All the troops would be on the deck their god destroying lazers in hand. When suddenly the light landed on the body of the god who died of blood loss. The captain would let out a booming laugh at the outcome. He'd suddenly clear his throat and decisively order. "Fire at will boys. It is good practice to always go for the double tap." With that the army of soldiers unleashed an array of orange beams. The column of all destroying energy shot forth and erased the goddesses head from existence. With that the captain called an ended the attack and sent everyone back to their dorms with the promise of celebration upon return to civilization. Thor would head back to the captains quarters not even bothering to change out of his new combat suit. However it wouldn't take long before the sense of dread filled the air.

The ship would begin it's ascension when suddenly many crew members would start either mutating or violently melting into a bloody mix of bone and flesh. Seeing this Thor would begin to rush twords the piloting station. Just as he was about to turn the corner the ship would violently collided into the side wall and begin to crash land back into the bottom of the crater. Waking up in a pile of wreckage Thor would look at the surrounding. Standing up slowly he'd get to his feet when suddenly over the intercom the captains booming voice would order the ship to begin salvage operations. Doing as he's told Thor would change course and head to the food storage and begin loading up crates of food. When suddenly a lazer from the god killing weapons whizz past his head bearly missing him by inches and causing him to stumble onto his back. Rapidly getting up Thor peek out of the doorway as the captains voice came on the intercoms again. "Emergency evacuate somehow the curse has affected the crew. A few have lost their sanity and have begun to destroying the armory!!! I repeat evacuate immediately!!!" Thor would turn back into the food storage and begin loading the boxes of food into the excape pods. Just then more beams of light began firing more frantically. Thor realizing the weapons have hit critical mass and would detonate at any minute would launch the packed escape pods of food before hopping into his own and evacuating himself. Shooting off the side of the crashed ship that imbeded in the wall. the escape pods would decent to ground as Thor watched the ship implode on itself.

yamete kudasai!!! O///O

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