
The meeting.

So after we all ate some spaghetti, or at least pretender to do so, so that papyrus would be happy. Sans, frisk and me went outside. As it turns out, frisk was currently on a pacifist route just before the battle with Mettaton.

We walked through the snow and sans and frisk talked. Then sans turned to me.

Classic: „so fresh, what AU are you actually, I've never seen you before"

Fresh: „well, bro, that's because I'm a new AU. But I would prefer not to talk about how I came to be alrighty?"

Sans looked at me and just shrug it off.

Sans: „fine with me"

We continued to talk a bit until a vial fell out of the sky. We looked at it and sans picked it up.

Fresh: „bro, what's that?"

Classic: „hm, looks like a vial from ink"

Fresh: „hm ink?"

Classic opened the vial and found a piece of paper curled up inside it. He opened it and we all looked at the paper.

>dear classic,

We, the newly formed star Sanses. Invite you to our very first meeting. Just come to the universe *** and you won't miss us.

Regards the star Sanses<

Classic: „hm star Sanses? I thought ink was working alone?"

Fresh: „oh yea, I was with him when they formed the base, I think it's ink, someone called dream and blue from underswap"

Classic: „blue? Isn't he the equivalent of a papyrus?"

Fresh: „yea, but he seems to remember the resets, so ink recruited him, but you should ask ink about the details"

Classic: „hm alright, I will be going now"

Fresh: „and I'm coming with you!"

Classic: „…wasn't the invite addressed to me?"

Fresh: „yea, but I don't care, bro!"

Classic just shrug it off, and we teleported to the universe. Leaving frisk staying in the snow with a questioning look and clearly lost.

At the star Sanses headquarters.

Dream: „alright, is everybody here?"

Ink: „nope, classic is still missing"

Dream: „oh you invited classic"

Ink: „jup! After all, he is the classic!"

Dream: „true, and what about that fresh guy?"

Ink: „oh well, I do trust him, but we don't know if he has good or bad intentions, so I didn't invite him"

Dream: „hm alright"

Suddenly, classic and me appeared in the room.

Classic: „hey guys!"

Fresh: „Moin broskies!"

When I greeted them all, epic immediately stood up and jumped towards me.

Epic: „dude! How are ya!"

Fresh: „bro! Great and you?"

Epic: „awesome dude!"

Ink: „So is everybody here?"

Everyone nodded and we all sat down. When I looked around I saw a few known but also unknown Sanses. Obviously the star Sanses and classic, then epic, a red edgy guy and a floating sans with stars on his jacked.

Ink: „so since everybody's here now, let's start. I called this meeting because of the bad Sanses."

Everyone looked at each other and I just watched the whole show.

Ink: „they stared destroying AUs at an alarming rate, and it seems that….error is working with them"

I saw a few worried faces and I really needed to hold me back so that I won't spit out that I know where their base is and even talked with them.

Ink: „so I have an idea, we will patrol AUs and if one of you encounter a bad sans."

He put some black vials on the table.

Ink: „throw one of these on the ground, It will alarm me and I will come with backup"

He then explained some more things about how everybody is distributed and should check their neighbouring AUs. Everyone, except me, nodded and ink ended the meeting. Most of the Sanses teleported back to their AUs and classic and me also wanted to leave.

Ink: „fresh, wait a moment!"

I stood still and turned to ink.

Fresh: „watcha need bro?"

Ink: „you only listened and never agreed or said anything….you know that makes you suspicious?"

Fresh: „in don't know what ya talking about?"

Ink: „fresh….are you working with the bad Sanses?"

Fresh: „…no.. I'm working with nobody"

Classic looked like he fell asleep, but I knew he was listening, ink stared at me and then relaxed a bit.

Ink: „alright, not the best, but I'm relieved that you're not against us."

Fresh: „well, you didn't give me any reasons"

Ink: „right…alright, you can leave now!"

Fresh: „great"

I snapped my finger and teleported back to classic's place, when I arrived their classic also teleported next to me.

Classic: „well, that was something!"

Fresh: „Yup, by the way. Where's frisk?"

Classic: „oh sheep, I forgot about her…wait sheep?"

Fresh: „oh yea, no cursing with me!"

Classic: „alright, well i'll look for her, Bye!"

And with that classic teleported away, and I was standing there, back in the snow of Snowdin all alone.

???: „howdy partner, I have never seen you around here?"