
Customized Wish

Xavius opened up a notebook and wrote down that I was to be reincarnated into the Pokémon Universe.

"Ok, the Pokémon universe. I shall now implant some of the basic knowledge of the world." Xavius said. As he said that he reached his hand out and grasped my forehead.

In an instant, countless amounts of knowledge flowed into my head. The Pokémon universe was much bigger than what was portrayed in the show and the game. The world was called Ragtha and it was over 100 times bigger than the Earth. Ragtha had 15 times the gravity of Earth. On Ragtha the oceans took up 70% of the Surface while there were 3 Super Continents 10 times the size Earth, 12 continents each one being at least 2 times bigger than the Earth and countless islands each one being the size of the Eurasian Continent of Earth.

"Alright Derek, What shall your 5 wishes be?"

Giddy with excitement I said, "I've been thinking of a good combination so here goes. My first wish is to be able to inspect any Pokémon or item that I want to inspect. This means I'm able to look at the Pokémon's stats, nature, evs, ivs, and moves. For my second wish, I wish for the maximum amount of experience growth."

"The maximum increase of experience is 2x for Pokémon, however items such as a lucky egg can be stacked on this effect." Xavius stated.

I nodded. "For my third wish, I wish for a space ring that has it's own sub-space to fit everything I need. My fourth wish is for my new body to have the peak athletic and recovery ability a human of Ragtha can achieve as well as being immune to diseases and toxins. And finally for my last wish, I wish to be able to heal and store my Pokémon using my own virtual pc and healer."

Xavius finished writing everything down then looked up at me and said, "Would you like to confirm these wishes?"


"Alright, this is an interesting combination. Now the final step is your customization." As Xavius finished his sentence, a marble platform about the size of a king-sized bed rose from the clouds. "Go ahead and stand on here, this is the customize platform that allows you to create how you want to look in your next life."

I stepped onto the platform and was greeted by a bell chime. A mirror appeared in front of me as well as a virtual screen that had many types of customizations all the way down to where each follicle of hair will be on my body.

On the screen it had the buttons RESET, CONFIRM, and NAME at the bottom of the screen. Currently I was still how I looked in my past life. I pressed reset and instantly I saw my body in the mirror transform into a floating ball of light.

Damn. I'm going to have to create a whole human body. This is going to take a while.

-Countless Hours Later-

After I was finally finished with my body, I took a look in the mirror. My hair was red, short, and casual. I stood 6ft/183cm tall and had a lean muscular build. My age appeared to be about 17. Every proportion of my body was perfectly done by me. From each toe to my eye lashes, I made sure that this was the perfect body. Except the only thing that I made out of perfect proportion. Little brother is now big boss. (Not going to be sexual. Unless asked for.)The face in the mirror surpassed the likes of even Xavius in looks and he could easily win prettiest face on Earth.

(Going to be using Feet and Inches as measurements)

Don't underestimate a gamer in a customization screen!

And the name. Dwayne The Ro-... I mean Derek Brown. I kept it the same because it's easier.

Bruh it's 2AM. Idk what im writing.

Poprockzcreators' thoughts