
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
78 Chs

44 Turning to Sosuke Aizen

"You're going to dressed up as another character?" Brynhildr curiously asked expecting another amusing costume.


He wore a black kosode and matching black hakama, securing them with a hakama-himo. On his feet were white tabi shoes and waraji, while he draped a white jacket with a long coat tail over his shoulders. To add a pop of color, he wrapped a pink sash around his waist to complete the ensemble.

Otto nodded in satisfaction as he observed his reflection in the mirror. He had gone through quite the transformation, temporarily shortening and dyeing his hair brown, sweeping it back with a strand strategically hanging down his face. The result? He bore a striking resemblance to Sosuke Aizen from Bleach, albeit with crystal green eyes that added a unique touch to his appearance.

"It's all part of my plan," Otto remarked softly, adopting a tone similar to Aizen's perfect, calculated demeanor.

"You look completely different... That power is unbelievable. There's no hint of you manipulating your appearance; it's a true disguise," Brynhildr exclaimed, genuinely astonished by Otto's skill.

"I still need to practice talking like a soft-spoken intellectual," Otto admitted, acknowledging the need to refine his mannerisms to fully embody his new persona.

With a snap of his fingers, Otto's mana signature underwent a complete transformation, further solidifying his disguise.

"Now, no one will be able to trace the Otto from this new persona of yours," Brynhildr remarked, impressed by Otto's capabilities.

"As long as I avoid using techniques like Curse Technique, Toyako Bokken, Blade of Tathagata, or anything else the public has seen from me, they won't suspect a thing," Otto explained with a smirk, subtly indicating himself with a thumb.

"You're planning to use Murasame, right? The one that's been dormant for six years?" Brynhildr recalled the deadly sword capable of a one-cut kill.

"Yes, but I'll make some modifications before using it," Otto confirmed, intending to experiment with altering its appearance while retaining its deadly poison curse.

Despite his efforts to conceal his identity, there were still individuals in the hidden society who knew of Murasame from his past encounters. To avoid recognition, Otto decided to transform Murasame into an ordinary-looking katana with a hexagon tsuba and a green handle, akin to Kyoka Suigetsu, staying true to his Aizen-inspired guise.

"Now, I could use some fresh air," Otto declared coolly as he left his hideout, Kyoka Suigetsu—formerly Murasame—sheathed at his side, ready for whatever lay ahead.


Deep within the heart of a dense forest, an air of mystery hung around them like a shroud as Otto and Edelweiss found themselves in an unexpected encounter.

"Who are you?" Edelweiss's voice carried a tone of suspicion as she aimed her gaze at Otto.

"I'm Otto," he replied calmly, maintaining his usual tone despite the tension in the air.

"Is this some kind of ability of yours?" Edelweiss questioned, her sharp intuition already piecing together the situation.

"No, it's just makeup," Otto lied, although Edelweiss could easily see through his words.

"Then how did you manage to alter your magical signature?" Edelweiss persisted, her curiosity driving her inquiries.

"Enough with the questions; let's get on with it," Otto retorted, a hint of impatience in his voice as he led Edelweiss onto a discreetly placed magic circle.

As they both stepped onto the circle, a sudden surge of magic engulfed them, causing them and the intricate magic circle itself to vanish into thin air, leaving behind only whispers of their presence in the quiet forest.

-Near the Alps-

"Did you know that the magic circle we used was made by a devil?" Edelweiss chimed in with a surprising fact while Otto focused on adjusting his hairstyle.

"I don't see any crest," Otto observed, noting the absence of the telltale signs associated with devil-made magic circles. His mind immediately connected the dots to the devils from Highschool DxD, a franchise Edelweiss seemed to have drawn her research from.

"It's from an extinct extra clan from the underworld. So the crests used by our collaborators have become nonexistent," Edelweiss explained further, shedding light on the mysterious origin of the magic circle.

"I still don't understand why it doesn't bear a crest. It's unheard of for a devil noble descendant to erase their family crest," Otto remarked, his knowledge of devil culture and traditions conflicting with this anomaly.

"With simple magic, they can eliminate things they don't desire," Edelweiss clarified, hinting at the versatile abilities devils possessed.

"So, they can be a TS?" Otto quipped, using a term unfamiliar to Edelweiss, who looked at him questioningly.

"Forget I mentioned that..." Otto quickly dismissed his own joke, realizing it might not have landed well.

"We're here," Edelweiss announced as they arrived at a suspicious-looking entrance, seamlessly slipping inside without facing any scrutiny from the guards.

"It seems that the famous, Twin Wings is highly regarded within the crime syndicate," Otto observed, his tone shifting effortlessly to a softer, more respectful one, surprising Edelweiss with its authenticity.

"Is that a form of magic too?" Edelweiss inquired, curious about Otto's sudden change in demeanor.

"No, it's just my natural voice," Otto explained, acknowledging his ability to adapt his tone as needed.

"That's quite an impressive talent, alongside your swordsmanship," Edelweiss complimented.

"It's an honor to receive recognition from the strongest swordswoman in the current era," Otto responded with a courteous bow.

"Your demeanor is noticeably different from your usual self..." Edelweiss noted, sensing Otto's deliberate efforts to conceal his true identity.

"I'm merely keeping my true image hidden. There are certain individuals I'd rather not have seen me associating with a group of criminals. I hope you understand why I'm maintaining this facade," Otto explained, his words devoid of any deceitful motives as he shared his reason.

"Alright, but just to remind you, the higher-ups already know your true identity since they were the ones who ordered your recruitment," Edelweiss reminded him.

"In that case, I trust I won't be treated as mere cannon fodder?" Otto inquired, curious about his standing within the organization.

"With your abilities? Certainly not. You could probably take on two executives by yourself already," Edelweiss assured him, underestimating the full extent of Otto's capabilities under the cover of night.

"Oh... Is that so?" Otto replied modestly, masking any hint of arrogance.

"Who's that guy, Twin Wings?" A new voice interjected, belonging to a well-built middle-aged man with a distinctive mustache. He shot a suspicious glare at Otto, assuming him to be a prisoner brought in by Edelweiss.

"He's a new member," Edelweiss replied calmly, maintaining the facade and keeping Otto's true nature concealed from prying eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be tasked with roping Otto Apocalypse? What are you doing with that plebeian?" Kouzou Kazamatsuri's voice cut through the air, devoid of any fear in the presence of the strongest swordswoman. He knew she wouldn't dare make a move against a member of Rebellion unless they struck first.

"Mr. Kazamatsuri, I've already completed that task," Edelweiss replied calmly, unfazed by his rude demeanor.

Meanwhile, Otto remained observant, subtly spreading his Curse Energy throughout the area. Given that very few individuals in the world could harness curse energy besides himself and Brynhildr, he felt confident in doing so without drawing undue attention.

"Then where is he now?" Kazamatsuri inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"He's already with the other executives," Edelweiss informed him, her demeanor remaining composed despite Kazamatsuri's abrasive manner.

"Hmm, is that so?" Kazamatsuri glanced over at Otto, who responded with a soft smile.

"Tsk, wipe that creepy smile off your face," Kazamatsuri scoffed before departing, leaving a lingering tension in the air.

"You'll get used to him. He's Kouzou Kamatsuri, Rinna's father and Sara's adoptive father," Edelweiss explained as they continued deeper into Rebellion's hideout.

"I see, that explains the similar last name. Good to know," Otto nodded lightly, following Edelweiss further into the heart of the Rebellion's domain.


Or-gaule's announcement of Otto and Edelweiss' arrival echoed through the room, drawing the attention of its occupants.

"Hello, monk— I mean, my new allies," Otto greeted the strangers with a cheerful tone, his eyes scanning the room with interest.

"Is that Otto?" A portly man inquired, his smile carrying a hint of unsettling charm.

'Who's this unsightly fellow? He looks like a character straight out of a hentai,' Otto thought to himself as he assessed the man's appearance.

"I'm Carl Islands, the professor of this establishment," the fat man introduced himself, puffing on a pipe with an air of authority.

"I am Sosuke Aizen, also known as Otto," Otto replied smoothly, showing no signs of ignorance in the presence of the room full of formidable individuals.

"I'm Or-gaule. Iris Ascarid's younger brother," the heterochromatic kid chimed in, offering his own introduction.

"Oh, the 4th placer from the King of Knights (KOK) Tournament. I remember her; she's known as the Black Knight, right?" Otto recalled, acknowledging Or-gaule's connection to the renowned fighter.

"Heheh, yes. Her real name is Iris Gaule. The League of Nations hid most of her past that is connected to me," Or-gaule explained, a tinge of sadness evident in his voice as he spoke of his sister's obscured history.

"Oh..." Otto responded, absorbing this new piece of information about his fellow allies.

'Hah—clearly, everyone in this room has some interesting baggage,' Otto mused silently, recognizing the complex backgrounds of the individuals gathered.

"I'm Wallenstein," a one-armed man interjected, his gaze keenly assessing Otto's demeanor.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Otto replied with a sly smile, maintaining a composed and confident posture in the midst of this intriguing assembly.

"Are you certain really, you're Otto?" Wallenstein's voice carried a tone of suspicion as he scrutinized Otto who doesn't look like from what he had seen from the information background he had seen.

"I am," Otto replied confidently, his gaze steady.

"Prove it," Wallenstein demanded, summoning his buster sword device and leveling it with his remaining arm, the tension in the room became palpable as he prepared to fight Otto.

"Are you serious? We're allies here, aren't we?" Otto raised an eyebrow, his expression turning slightly incredulous. 

"I need to be certain. There have been too many infiltrations and betrayals in our ranks lately. I can't afford to take any chances." Wallenstein's gaze remained stern, his device still pointed at Otto. 

Otto sighed, understanding Wallenstein's caution but unwilling to engage in unnecessary conflict.

"Look, I get your concerns, but picking a fight without reason won't solve anything. Besides, even if we were to spar, it wouldn't prove anything about my identity. My skills speak for themselves, and I have no intention of turning against our cause."

Wallenstein cautiously hesitated for a moment, contemplating Otto's words.

"Fine. But don't think this settles anything. I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"That's fair," Otto conceded with a nod, preferring to earn trust through actions rather than forced confrontations.

'Being cautious and adopting a passive approach seems like the wisest course of action. For now... I have no enemies.'

Otto mused to himself, recognizing the potential dangers of the situation. He knew that diving headfirst into conflict without having to use Reverse Curse Energy could leave him vulnerable, especially considering he was currently in the lair of a major antagonist from an anime.


-Chapter End-