
Reincarnated into SAO [DROPPED]

Guy dies and gets reincarnated into the world of SAO. He’s died once already so he decides to brave the death game and befriend the characters that he used to watch. Scimitar user, prioritizes speed and agility over strength. Travels with Kirito. Also I know there is a series called Progressive that has Asuna with Kirito, but I never thought that was supposed to happen. So no Asuna traveling with us, but we will see her pretty much every chapter because of boss fights. Not sure if I plan on making up my own floor bosses, or just do like every 10th one or something. I guess it would be nice to have 70 some chapters guaranteed, but I don’t know enough about the game itself to really do that I don’t think. I guess we’ll see.

ThatDogHachiko · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Friends, Idiots, and I’m a Hero?

October 17 2024 Floor 61 Asuna's Home

It was currently night time and we were having a nice dinner among friends, it was me, Asuna, Kirito and Lisbeth. We had decided on this spontaneous double date after me and Kirito managed to snag 2 Ragout Rabbits, which has the S class meat.

Kuradeel has also been assigned to Asuna now as her body guard, which has been interior say the least. It seems even after all this time, some people don't realize we're dating. He also doesn't only hate Kirito, he hates me as well. Me and Asuna haven't been able to team up in dungeons unless I join in some of their KoB dungeon clearing missions.

We are planning on ditching him tomorrow so we can go duo on the 74th floor while Kirito and Lisbeth go down to the cabin Kirito found on floor 22. Which means tomorrow while I'm dueling a deranged guy, Kirito will be relaxing at a cabin. We probably could as well, but I know what's coming up and I want to make sure my level is as high as I can get it.

I'm currently at 97, and I'm starting to think that level 100 is the max for player. Each level since 95 has nearly doubled for amount of xp needed. Besides Kuradeel is just creepy, so I just decided I would duel him. This will also perfectly set up my reasoning for having Asuna leave the guild, and eventually dueling Heathcliff.

I'm not actually sure if I can defeat him yet, but I'm practically his perfect counter. He may have been able to block Kirito by hacking or cheating or whatever he did, but the main reason both times is because Kirito used sword skills that Kayaba obviously knew where they would go. I don't use sword skills, as well as if he lets me build up enough of a combo, my sword might go to fast for him to continually block.

Either way even if I lose it won't be the last chance. Even still I have to find a way to prove he is Kayaba, which could prove tricky. I would have to find a time when he has his immortal object chest activated, and I doubt he would be dumb enough to do that during our duel.

Everyone has finished their meal and Kirito and Lisbeth have left for the 22nd floor to the cabin. Me and Asuna were sitting in her living room drinking tea.

"Did Kirito ever agree to not propose to her yet?" Asuna

"Well, he didn't necessarily say he wouldn't. However he said he would only do it if the time felt right. Which probably means they are going to come back from their vacation married." Me

"Sigh. Maybe Lisbeth will have some sense to not accept until later." Asuna

"Pfft. I can't believe you said that with a straight face." Me

"What? What do you mean?" Asuna

"You mean to tell me you think that Lisbeth, the same girl that said she's falling in love him or some such in the first day, is going to be able to deny his marriage proposal?" Me

"I- uh, oh you're right." Asuna hung her head.

"Well we can at least tell them how crazy they are together when they try to invite us to their wedding." Me

"Ughh, why can't people be normal?" Asuna groans.

"Ah what's the fun in being normal anyways. Besides this is mainly common sense, not the normality of it. Couples get married this fast all the time." Me

"Well then when are we getting married if it's so normal?" Asuna snaps back.

"Well I have thought abou-." I say as I'm rubbing my chin, but Asuna quickly cuts me off.

"Nonono I was kidding, don't tell me!" She waves both her hands at me. Which causes me to start laughing.

"To think you're still so easy to tease. Don't worry, the proposal will come without warning." I lean over and quickly kiss her on the cheek.

"A bit like that I imagine." She had been pouting from the tease, but was now beet red as she turned to me.

"W-what happened to the warnings?!" Asuna

"Oh? You didn't like it?" I ask with a mock hurt expression.

"Here let me wipe it off for you." I say while reaching out with my thumb.

"Ah, you will do no such thing! Besides I never said I didn't like it." She mumbled as she guards her cheek with her hands.

"Hmmmm. I'm kissing you now." I stated matter of factly, as I slid the leaned over. Right as I said it she went red again and let out a squeak.

"My my, even with a warning after all this time you make the cutest noises." I whisper as I finally capture her lips at the end. At first she's still frozen, but eventually returns the kiss and we open our mouths to allow each other access. Deepening our kiss and increasing the intensity, we've come a long way from the inexperienced kissers we were before.

She had her arms wrapped around my neck while I had my right hand on the side of her neck, with my thumb by her ear. The other hand gripped her knee, tugging slightly to have her almost straddling me. I pulled out of this kiss and she looked confused before I used my right thumb to turn her head to the side as I planted kisses leading to her ear and then down her neck. Stopping just before the collarbone and keeping my attention focused on this spot.

She was now breathing heavily, and as good as it felt I knew it was too soon for her. I pulled my face off of her neck and returned my lips to hers, before pulling away again to place a kiss on her forehead and then finally pulling away. She seemed truly disappointed and had the cutest face, one that doesn't know whether to stop or to beg me to keep going.

"W-why did you stop?" She asked in between short breaths.

"The time doesn't feel quite right yet, besides you didn't seem ready just yet." Me

"I-I-I'm r-r-ready." She stuttered out as she starts to lean forward. I give a light chuckle and lean in as well. However I detour to her forehead once again. I then quickly grab her and flip her around to where her back is to my chest as I lean back on to the couch in a laying down position. I also turned so we are both on our side and I wrapped my arms around her body, snuggling my head into the crook of her neck.

"You are absolutely ravishing tonight, but I fear you would regret it if we went that far too soon. Even if you think you want to, to make me happy. But all you need to know is that I'm happy just being with you." I whisper into her ear, feeling a joy inside as the action sends shivers down her body.

"T-thank you. Hachi." She whisper back with a small crack in her voice.

"Kenshin." Me

"What?" Asuna

"Kenshin. That's my name, Noboru Kenshin. I wanted you to know my real name." Asuna turns toward as I finish saying it and captures my lips briefly before turning back around, and snuggling back into position.

"My full name is Yuuki Asuna." I squeeze a little tired and kiss the back of her neck which sends another shiver down her body.

"I can't wait to meet you in the real world." Me

"Ya, me too." Asuna

We eventually fell asleep and woke up in the morning in the same position. Asuna hasn't woke up yet, so I decided to carefully extract myself from the couch as to not wake her. Once I got to my feet, I bent back down to kiss her cheek, before going and cooking breakfast.

The smell of the food woke her, right as I was done plating it and pouring our teas.

"Good morning." I said as I placed her food in front of her, and I sat down right across from her.

"Good morning Ha- I mean Kenshin." She blushed at saying my name for the first time. I merely grinned before saying out loud.

"I like how it sounds coming from you." This only served to deepen her blush before I continued. "Though lets only say it when we're alone, I want you to be the only one that knows."

"Kirito doesn't know?" Asuna said mouth slightly open.

"Nope, we just call each other by our usernames. Though you're right, I probably should find out his name. It would be awkward not knowing his name when we get out of here." I chuckle at the end.

"Ya you're right haha. I honestly thought with how long you 2 have been together it would have happened a long time ago." Asuna

"I guess he's just not my type." Me

We continued the rest of our breakfast, in a peaceful silence until we were finished.

"Are you ready?" Me

"Yup!" Asuna eagerly agreed.

"Well let's go, maybe it's still early enough we'll miss your bodyguard. Haha" me

"Oh laugh it up, it's so annoying having him follow me everywhere." Asuna

As soon as we walked out the door we were met by the one and only Kuradeel.

"Ah Kuradeel early as ever I see." Me

"Gah. Lady Asuna I don't see how you can hang around with such a person." Kuradeel glares at me

"Well we are dating you know?" Asuna

"A weakling like him dating someone like you? Is he blackmailing you? I'll cut him down right here." Kuradeel

"You think you could? I know for a fact he's almost 20 levels higher than you." Asuna

"Ah Kuradeel still hasn't broke into the 80s? My what a sorry sight, must be why he's not on the front lines." I tease.

"Grr, I will destroy you, cur! I will prove who is the stronger swordsman." Kuradeel behind going through the menus to send me a duel.

"Oh hoho? A duel you say. Lets see if you're worthy of being her guardian." A wicked smile appears on my face.

Kuradeel request first strike and I quickly accept, and wait for the countdown to end. As soon as the countdown ends he dashed towards me while I stay standing still. He closes in with his first diagonal swing, which I just take one step away from it and then leap over him, but I don't score my hit yet.

To his credit he quickly spun around and activated a sword skill this time, it was a powerful over head swing, that I merely sidestep and then entered his guard.

"You're too slow Kuradeel, I'm not even moving fast yet." I whisper into his ear.

He tries to elbow me, but I just drop and slide to his other side, now he tries to slash horizontally at me. I just jump and kick one foot off his sword for an extra boost, and as I come down I decide to end with a cut to his neck. Winning the duel.

"Seems we need someone else to guard my girlfriend. I would run along if I were you." Me

"Gahrrrr! You'll pay for this you scum! Teleport Granzam." And with that Kuradeel teleported away, leaving me and Asuna alone again.

"Don't worry I'll let the commander know what happened." Asuna

"No need, I think tomorrow I'll go back with you. I think it's about time you leave this guild. Kuradeel seemed familiar, but I don't know from where." Me

"Oh, are you sure?" Asuna

"Yes, it will be better to have you near me all the time anyways." I grin at her.

"It would." She mumbled, with a dusting of pink on her cheeks.

It was now midday on floor 74 and we were taking a lunch break in a safe area. About that time Klein and his guild showed up.

"Hey Klein! You've met Asuna right?" Me

"Huh? Oh no not personally, but I have seen her at the strategy meetings." Klein

"Nice to meet you Klein." Asuna

"Nice to meet you as well, thanks for looking out for my friend here. He spends all his time out grinding with Kirito, I've never seen him take a day off." Klein

"Ahh it's no problem at all. Kirito is actually with Lisbeth on floor 22." Asuna

"Uh oh." Me

"What do you mean uh oh Hachi?" Asuna asks innocently. While Klein suddenly had a darkness cover his face.

"Well you see, Kirito hasn't told Klein yet about Lisbeth. Haha" me

"Oh no. What have I done?" Asuna

Klein finally recovers and grabs me by my clothes.

"You mean to tell me Kirito is out there relaxing with a girl while I'm up here slaving away in a dungeon with a bunch of smelly guys!!" Klein yelled into my face.

"Uh, ya that about sums it up." Me

Klein releases my clothes and collapses to the ground on his knees.

"This world is unfair, even a loner like him has gotten a girlfriend. While I'm all alone." Klein

"So that's Klein, and the other guys over there are his guild mates, dint worry they don't actually stink. At least I don't think so, can't say I've ever smelled them."

"I-I see. He's rather eccentric." Asuna eyes Klein warily.

"Ya, but he's a good guy. Me and Kirito actually met him the very first day of the game." Me

"Oh wow." Asuna

About that time the Aincrad Liberation Army made their appearance.

"I am with the Aincrad Liberation Army, Lieutenant Colonel Corvatz." Corvats walked up to us alone as the rest of the army rested.

"I'm Hachiko, duo with Kirito." Me

"Sure. Have you cleared the area up ahead?" Corvatz

"Ya, all the way to the boss. You want the map data?" Me

"Yes, hand over the map data and we'll be out of your way." Corvatz said it in a rather demanding tone. Well, too bad you weren't a bit nicer there ole Corvatz, I might have stopped you from getting yourself killed.

"Here it is, but I wouldn't recommend fighting the boss. Especially with how tired your men look." Me

"Good thing we don't need recommendations from a coward like you. Besides they're just fine. Attention!" With that they all stood up at attention and prepared to continue on to the boss.

"Whatever, you have your map data." Me

"Let's move out!" Corvatz

With that they were off, and we decided to slowly follow behind them, just in case they needed help. That's when we heard the scream, me and Asuna taking off towards the boss room. Corvatz came flying through the air after a swing from the boss as Klein stepped up beside me. He died soon after.

Well I know what happens next, might as well get a jump on it. Before Asuna could charge in, I went in and got ready to duel against a floor boss. Drawing my scimitar, I get ready for a fight that actually might be able to push me to my limit. I'll get to really test out my Unique skill.

I rush out at The Gleam Eyes, and so begins the dance, my best one yet. Currently it's back is too me, so running at full speed I get directly under it and from there I sank into the music. 8 slashes spread between its ankles and knees, getting its agro on me.


As it steps and turns it swings it's blade at me faster than I've seen from a monster before, but not as fast as me. As the horizontal blade was about to reach I jumped and went parallel to it and spun. Slashing at its wrists and forearms 16 times.


It roars in pain but I don't stop, as soon as my right foot touches the ground I leap to its left knee with my left kicking off it. My next 32 slashes trail up its body, targeting the leg I jumped off of, the arms and the blank canvas of a torso asking to be marked by my blade.


I hear another faint tick, but honestly it's getting drowned in the sheer excitement of this battle, my blood and heart pumping in time with the ticks. My mind already planking where my next 64 slashes are going to go. I'm currently dropping back to the floor to dodge it's breath attack, but I'm already running and slicing up its sword arm before it realizes I moved. At this point I can't tell whether I'm in the air or on some solid surface, all I know is that my body is going where my brain wants it too.


The monster and probably everyone else were having a hard time seeing me now, as it was just swing it's arms are kind randomly, just trying to swat me away from it. My body was a purple blur and even with out using a sword skill my sword had a brilliant gold with streaks of lightning like lights coming off of it. It was just a flow of purple and gold around the monsters body and up its arms, going to its back before reaching the head.


This would be the fastest I had gone, 256. At this point I'm not even sure I knew where I was going but everything just felt right, like I had entered into a flow. A flow of music, a flow sereness, a flow rightness. Yes everything felt right, more than anything I had done before. A previously unknown euphoric feeling spread through my body as I called off the final slash down its chest.


To the naked eye I never stopped, but for me it felt as though the span of a minute before I started my 512. The floor boss had been on its knees for a while now it felt, but it was still hanging on as it hadn't dispersed into pixels. Though I can't be sure, since I've gotten faster as time went on maybe it's already dead. But I don't want to get rid of this feeling, as long as I can I want to extend this.


1024. It now looked as if there were multiples of me at different spots to everyone else, but really I was littering The Gleam Eyes's body with slashes. No I was painting a masterpiece of slashes, weak spots across its body, hundreds decorating its chest. It was now my masterpiece that I had painted with the help of music. Sadly it couldn't last forever.

Unfortunately after that last slash of the 1024 and I had finally ran out of stamina. I had technically killed the floor boss back on 256, but I just didn't want to lose the feeling. As soon as I touched the ground, I collapsed to a knee. For the first time my feet had betrayed me, my own body even in a virtual world couldn't keep up.

I took out a stamina crystal and rose back to my feet, still winded but not as bad as the near full collapse I almost had. Asuna had rushed up to me and hugged me tightly before I noticed. But I was still too high off the battle adrenaline to really hear what she was saying. Besides, she's a worrier it's obvious hat she was probably saying.

"Hachi. Hachi! Hachi! Kenshin!" Asuna's voice slowly started to fade in as the slight ringing left my ears.

"Ya?" Me

"Could you not hear me? And what the Hell were you thinking running in like that against the floor boss all by yourself?! You could have been killed, and then what w-." I cut her off with a kiss before she could ramble on any longer.

"Mmph." She didn't accept it for long though before she pulled away to scold me once again. A pout and blush apparent on her face with her arms now crossed across her chest.

"Your words just don't stick they way I think you want them to, when you look like that." I tease her as her pout deepens.

"You look too ravishing for me to ignore your face for mere words. Besides have you even looked at my health bar." I say as I pull her close and I hear her gasp as she sees that my health bar hasn't dropped. She pulls away and looks up at me.

"How?" Asuna

"I've told you I don't fight like the rest of you. Even you don't embrace the rhythm and flow like I do. You still block, deflect and parry; while I only dodge and strike." Me

"That's- that's amazing. And you looked so beautiful while doing it. A purple light outlined in gold swirling around the boss, I couldn't believe it at first." Asuna

"That was my Unique Skill, Pretissimo Cadence. I increase in speed with every continuous hit as long I don't get hit, or completely parried." Me

"Wow, that's amazing. Though I'm pretty sure you're the only one that could pull it off, even I can't dodge and attack and I have the highest speed behind you." Asuna

"What can I say you got lucky catching my eye." I grin mischievously. She rewarded me with a smack to the chest. That's when Klein finally broke out of his stupor and approached.

"Hachi! What's the hell was that man?! That was insane, you were a complete blur for almost that whole fight! At one point we even saw multiples of you for like a second. It was over so fast, I can't believe it. You just solo'd a boss." Klein finally finished, but he was already back to trying to comprehend everything.

When I had first gotten the skill I wasn't sure how good it would even be, I was just glad to have a skill that fit my style. But 128 tick and up are practically unstoppable, there's no way the game intended someone to be able to go that fast. Either way let's check the last attack bonus drop.

Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegār

Curved Sword-Scimitar variation/one handed

Range: Short

Type: Slash

Attack: 720-740

Durability: 2000

Weight: 115

Requires: lvl 90

Speed: +65

Agility: +58

True Crit Potential: +25%

Wow, what a sword. It is level 90 requirement, but 720 is higher than Kirito's Elucidator. One more thing other than soloing a boss to brag to him about. Now to go back home and rest, I imagine I'll be dueling Heathcliff someday soon. As Asuna doesn't seem like she's quite ready to head back.

The next day rumors of me defeating the boss solo had started to spread. Rumors of a purple flash who wields multiple swords of gold as he dismantled a Floor boss in under a minute. I guess I was swinging to fast for them to realize it was only one sword. At least that might trick Heathcliff unless he already knows.


Chapter end

Phew! That was a long one, i didn't mean to spend so much time in the house scene, but here we are. More cutesy fluffy love between Asuna and MC for you all. You dirty dogs thinking I was gonna have him go all the way. I'm watching you.

Anyways, I didn't realize how broken his skill was until I was writing this boss fight. He technically beat this boss in seconds and the majority of it was just the 8 and 16 tick. Once he hit 32 and above it was just too fast. Oh well.

Hope I gave good descriptions for the boss fight, it's always easy for me to visualize it. But I never feel like I capture what I'm seeing. His swords aren't actually doing a sword skill, I just thought I'd add that as part of his Unique skill. Because if it isn't obvious yet I love the purple and gold color scheme.

Next chapter is the duel with Heathcliff, so I hope you're ready.

Also sorry this came out so late, I was debating whether to skip today or not just to set like a schedule. Write Mon-Fri take off Sat-Sun, but I just got the itch halfway through of not finding something else to do. So I apologize in the future if I randomly don't post, but this fic is powered by my motivation to write.

Also this is completely side bar and has nothing to do with this fic so you can tune out from here if you want.

I've always wanted to write a good Reincarnated as a Slime Fan fic as that's another very scarce fan fic.

I've only found maybe 3 that are even long enough to be worth reading since they don't update. However I've always backed out of writing my own because there are just so many skill and different external forces that I have not read about yet. (I stopped reading ahead at like vol8 I think of the LN once I heard season 2 was coming out) which I'm super excited for this weeks episode! Don't want to say what I think will happen in case that spoils anyone.

Anyways I may end up starting a Slime fanfic on this account, or make a completely new one. Haven't decided yet. That may sound weird to some people, but i kind of thought that this could be a SAO exclusive account and it will only have SAO fics, but I haven't decided. Plus I wouldn't want a dead book on here if I gave up on it after a couple chapters.

So many fun anime's to do fics for. I've also considered having this account being Hachiko based fanfics. It will be him being reincarnated into new worlds. (Don't worry I won't put them on the same book, they'll be split up.) some people hate the multiverse thing, so at least this way they will be separated.

Enough rambling.

On to the next chapter.- Mr. Eight