
Reincarnated into Favorite Game World

Yex was a person who had rich parents, but they died. Afterward, he just stayed in his house and never went outside. With the money left by his parents, he had an easy life and played games all day. He was so invested in the game that he ignored the warnings and died. The next time he woke up as a newborn baby, and his new name was Asher. Reborn into his favourite game world with all the skills and stats of his game characters, made new beginning of his journey in this new world. --- First 10 chapters are short but after that every chapter is more than 1000 words. Novel has smut, but very late in novel, so if you don't like smut chapters then you can skip thus chapters. if you like then wait for it.

Yasoi · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Amazed Tristan

"That's enough for the running drills," Tristan said after an hour of running.

"Yes," Asher stopped and wiped the sweat from his head. He wasn't tired at all, but he began to sweat because of the hot sun.

So, despite covering quite a distance and running for an entire hour, Asher still seemed to have plenty of stamina.

"Next, let's practice with the sword," Tristan said, and he was again amazed by Asher's stamina.

"Yes," Asher nodded.

Tristan went ahead to the weapon area and picked up a wooden sword for him and, for Asher, a short wooden sword suitable for his height. He handed him the short wooden sword and then got in a stance.

"Start with the basic swings. I'll show you, so try to imitate," Tristan said, and he began swinging the wooden sword.

Asher observed the swinging. Tristan's precise swinging was amazing to watch. After Asher tried to mimic them.

As Asher swung the wooden sword, making a swishing sound, Tristan pointed out mistakes.

"Asher, it's impressive that you can swing at that speed, but don't rely on strength. Utilize centrifugal force when bringing it down," Tristan said with a normal face, but deep down, he was amazed by the quick improvement of Asher's sword skills.

"Yes, Master," Asher said and swung his wooden sword. Although Asher knew many sword techniques in the game, that was his character in the game. Now that he was learning in real life, it was something amazing to do, and Asher enjoyed the feeling of learning swordsmanship.

Tristan continued to give advice as they repeated the practice together.

Tristan took out a pocket watch, checked the time, and spoke to Asher.

"Asher, the morning training ends here. After lunch, I plan to proceed with magic training. Are you up for it?"

"Yes, I'm still fine," Asher replied with excitement. Magic was something he always wanted to do from his birth.

"Then, I'll take my leave for now," Asher said as he returned to his room.

Seeing Asher off, Tristan also headed back.

Of course, it was to report Asher's educational progress to Drake.

Tristan knocked on the door to Drake's study, anticipating that he might be working.

After entering the room, Tristan spoke, "I've come to report Asher's training results."

"Speak freely. So, how was the outcome?" Drake looked at him.

"Forgive the blunt phrasing, but he's somewhat of a monster. His fundamentals are lacking, but his physical abilities are extraordinary."

"I see. To hear such words from the one who has raised many strong knights is quite something."

"I'm considering magic practice for the afternoon."

"In that case, feel free to use the training grounds in the mansion."

"Thank you for your consideration."


Asher changed into normal attire in his room and saw his mother enter. She brought food with her and set the food on the bed.

"You must be tired from the training; let's eat," She said.

Although he was not tired at all, he didn't tell his mother, and he sat with her and began the meal.

"I saw you training, don't train much, and if it feels too much, then just come to me, okay? Don't push yourself too much," said Carla.

"Yes, Mother. But training is not that bad. It's fresh and enjoyable, and don't worry, if it gets too much, then I will rest," Asher smiled and said.

Asher felt enjoyable as he gradually improved his sword skills under Tristan's guidance, making the training enjoyable.

"Well, Tristan is the right choice. He is a good instructor."

"Yeah, he is good at pointing out my mistakes and correcting them, and in the afternoon, I have magic practice with him."

"Oh... It's good; you loved magic books from three years old. I bet you're too excited about this training," Carla smiled as she and Asher began talking.

Having knowledge from books and receiving images during the baptism made magic seem usable. Still, since Asher had never cast a spell, he eagerly anticipated the afternoon training. He also asked many magic-related questions of his mother.