
Reincarnated into fairy tail

I do this for fun

Cosmic_king · แอคชั่น
19 Chs

Jaguar vs his guild mates


Jaguar"long time no see

The fairy guild members look at Jaguar in shock

Jaguar"well than don't just stare let's party

The fairy tail members cheer some members even gave him some booze that he gladly chugs down

Lily" WOW this is fairy tail they so cheerful

Jaguar let's out a chuckle

Jaguar" well that do you want to meet some friends of mine

Lily" Master's friends she says in shock

Jaguar"oi why do you sound shocked

Jaguar I didn't think you'd come visit'a female voice call out


Mira"and who's this little cutie

Mira pets Lily head while Jaguar has to lower himself

Lily"My Name is Lilynete Rose but my friend's call me Lily

Mira"do you mind if I call you Lily

Lily" any friend of Master can call me Lily

Jaguar sets Lily down while she looks at Mira

Lily"Miss Mira very pretty

Mira*giggles* you're to kind

Jaguar" you two can get acquaintaned

Jaguar walks out of the guild humming a tune


Jaguar arrives in front of his guild

Jaguar" Yuichiro Sverra Victor

Three Males appear in front of Jaguar while doing a low bow

( there appearance)

Sverra" what you need Master

Yuichiro" I'll get rid of the nuisance

Victor" I'll complete Master assignment without question

Jaguar" I need you guys to come with me

All" yes Master


All of four arrive at a Mountain range

Sverra" um Master what are we doing at a mountain range

Yuichiro" Master obviously took us to get rid of magic beast that's causing trouble

Sverra" yeah that's probably why Master took us here

Jaguar"let me explain what we doing here all of you are going to fight me to become a S class mage

Yuichiro" I won't hold back on Master"devil mode"

A dark surrounds Yuichiro changing his appearance giving him a sinister look

Yuichiro""red crash"

A red beam shoots out his sword Jaguar casually lifts his and releases a beam of blue flames that overtakes Yuichiro sending him crashing

Jaguar""Crimson Phoenix flash"

Sverra rushes Jaguar lifting his scythe sending it down extremely fast Jaguar dodges out and senses danger and does a backflip he sees Victor spear that was about to strike him

Jaguar( huh teamwork)

Yuichiro" don't forget about me"red tornado"

like the name a red tornado appears and goes towards him Jaguar hands lit on fire and punches the tornado making it disappear

Jaguar" "crimson Phoenix tear"

Jaguar looks at Yuichiro that's covered in burns from the previous attack and extremely tired

Yuichiro" Master is to strong

Yuichiro passes out from tanking Jaguar attack

Sverra" damn Yuichiro went down just like that

Victor" Master really does deserve the title Wizard saint

Jaguar vanished from there view and appears in front of Victor

Victor" "beast magic: rhinoceros armor"

A orange aura surrounds him that seems to be protecting him

Jaguar""Crimson Phoenix tear"

Jaguar punches right through his armour send him towards Sverra he caught him and says his spell while he's eye glows a black color

Sverra""dark sphere"

A dark orb surrounds Jaguar trapping him the orb it explodes destroying the surrounding area

Sverra*gasps for air* that should have done it or at least injure him


Sverra tenses when he turns his head slowly and sees nothing behind and looks up while shaking seeing a familiar person in the air with black wing's seeing his Master's smirk that terrifred him and looks at the blue flame in Jaguar hands and throws it towards them

Jaguar"Crimson Phoenix explosion"

Sverra picks up Victor and Yuichiro but it's to late


A pillar of blue lights up in the sky

Jaguar( I kinda over did it)

He thinks while holding his guildmates that are unconscious but let's out a smile





All three of them wake with pained expression and they look around in the room

Sverra" we in the

Yuichiro" we really didn't stand a chance did we

Victor" we are A class mages fighting a wizard saint it is to be expected

Jaguar" don't put yourself down like that you should know when you first join the guild

Sverra" Master and the others are different races yeah yeah I know


Cade" I really can't believe it you actually got us a guildhall

Mark"Bruh that is really something

Jaguar" what do you think about the guildhall

Michael" it looks very expensive

Kate" yeah but how will we get people actually join

Jaguar" you know we just have to wait we can't just have everything just because we want and will get some quests




Jaguar" hmm that's interesting

all" what

Jaguar" hmm I'll go check it out*open door*

Sverra" yo can we join the guild

Mark" we are literally a new guild

Yuichiro" we don't care about that as long as we join a guild

Victor" yes and joining a new is also beneficial to us as well

Jaguar gets a object with two angel wings at the bottom of it that he bought if course

Jaguar" well since we didn't put the guild mark on let's do it now I guess




Sverra" goldmark pretty cool not gonna lie


Jaguar" *sigh* damn magic beast are really annoying they just keep coming but they dealt with

wahh wahhh wahhh

Jaguar" is that a child

Jaguar follows the sound while he was following the noise it started raining Jaguar starts picking up the pace disappearing from his previous stop and appears in front of a baby in the basket and picks him or her up

Jaguar" this is the first time I'm doing this

Jaguar touches him\her forehead going through the baby's memories and then finally stops

Jaguar" I see abandoned just because you don't have any semblance to your parents and also dark guild members interesting and the fact you have weak magic power they though you were useless*sigh*


I summon a blue flaming Javelin it's like natsu fire dragon king mode but blue flames and I look in the south east and threw it in the sky while cradling the baby


A massive explosion was heard throughout the forest

Jaguar""Crimson Phoenix cruel javelin"

I look down at baby using my flames to keeping her warm the spell was Ulquiorra throwing his

Jaguar" Your name will be Lilynete Rose

Jaguar suddenly vanishes from his suddenly teleporting from his all over Wilderness that's how fast his is

Sverra"yo master why do you have a baby

Jaguar" i found he out in the firehouse so we are going to look after her

I gently give Lilynete to Sverra even if he's panicking he still gets it

Sverra" umm Master I'm not good with kids especially babies

Jaguar" don't worry I'll be back just hold her

A symbol that very familiar opens up underneath Jaguar

Jaguar" what you need

Krista" I want you become a angel lord

Jaguar narrow hearing krista statement

Jaguar" you want me to become Lord of angels

Krista"oh yes

Jaguar" any-

Krista" nope there are only benefits to you

Jaguar" then I agree on becoming a Lord of angels

Krista" great but you should keep your magic under control after all you becoming a literal king of angels

Jaguar" I see

amv - hail to the king