
My Death

MC's pov

Life sucks ya know. Am only 23 years old and I'm already homeless and been diagnosed with cancer. How could things get any worse.


"Of course! What else could I have expected with my rotten luck." Better find a place to hide from the rain.


I was lucky enough to find a fridge box in the alley and sleep the night away in there, well that was what I tried to do anyways until someone fell on top of my box.

I looked to see a drunken woman walking into the alley. 'Dum bitch. Hope she gets robbed.' I try to get back to sleep when I heard screaming.

'Called it'

I look back and see miss drunk getting robbed. Just before I could have a smug smile I see the guy getting aggressive and grabbing her. "No let go!" She screamed as she tried to get away. 'Uh Shit this isn't good.' I thought trying not to look, but I got a glance at the guy and he was huge and with sick grin on his face I could only imagine what he might do to her.

I couldn't look away at the horrific scene as she desperately tried to get away, but that sick basterd seamed to enjoy the struggle until he pinned her to the ground. "Help! Somebody help!" She cried while I stood there helplessly watching from the corner.

'Help her!'

'no I...I can't this is none of my business'

Just as I was ready to accept my uselessness I caught her eyes and her's mine. In that moment I saw nothing but pure fear screaming out for help as tears raced down her face, a muffled scream for help came out of her covered mouth as she desperately tried to escape.

Before I knew it I was tackling this piece of shit to the ground. I didn't know I could move so fast but I had no time to think as my body moved on it's own beating the shit out of him.

I felt a sharp shooting pain to my side as he punched me. He used the opening to push me to the ground and beat me to a bloody pulp. I couldn't tell if his punches were strong or not, all I could feel was his fists smashing my face into the concrete. Every thing got blurry for a second as blood dripped from my face. I almost lost consciousness but then I looked at her one more time, her scared eyes still paralyzed by fear. I knew if I don't fight back now then she won't be able to defend herself.

I dodged his last punch and bit his hand. Blood poured out from the force I used as I ripped the flesh from his hand. He recoiled in pain as I grabbed a brick and slammed it into his skull.

I did it again and again and again, smashing his face till he was disfigured but I didn't stop. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! YOU PIECE OF SHIT! DIE!!!" I screamed my lungs out as I continued to bash his skull in.

I lost track of time, I don't know how long It's been until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. "Stop he's already dead." A whisperess voice spoke to me. I turned to see the girl, tears of sadness on her face as she repeated. "He's dead." I looked back at him and there was no face to be recognised but mush and bone.

I got up to check on the girl but then I felt wet. I looked down and my shirt was bloody and there was a knife in my side. I fell to the ground as every thing felt cold and heavy.

'This is it ... isn't it. I'm dying.'

'Guess this is what I get for acting like a hero.'

Just before I closed my eyes she ran up to me trying to stop the bleeding. I just placed my hand on her's and tried to speak. "Stop... it's not gonna work." She gave me a teary look and that's when I saw it. The most beautiful face I have ever seen in my short life, even with the tears she looked amazing.

"This is all my fault." She said holding my hand tightly. I just grew a smile on my face as she spoke again. "Why are you smiling your dying." I took in my last breath and spoke. "Because for the first time with my crap life I did something good. *inhale* The best part is I did it for the most beautiful woman I've seen."

A teary eyed smile was the last thing I saw before my eyes shut.

-Scene break-

'So this is the afterlife, complete and utter darkness.... Well this sucks!'

There's nothing for miles in any direction. I hope it doesn't stay like this too long.'

~500 years later~

'FUCK ME!!!! THIS CAN'T BE ALL THERE IS! I don't even have a body to enjoy in this place. If there is a God their a fucking idiot."

(Godly voice)"Oh Am I now."

A voice spoke to me from all directions, then a light appeared as a figure floated towards me. Who's face was covered by light.


'About dam time!'

"Uh what?"

'You heard me, what took your dumass so long.'

"Well I have my reasons."

'Bullshit you forgot about me didn't you.'

"What no! I was just busy with God stuff."

'Woooow even Gods lie. I'm just disappointed.'

"Wait no I can *sigh* (female kid voice) fine I give up."

In an instant the all powerful God turned into a girl.

"Look it's not my fault the last guy just through the job at me then left without giving me any instructions. I was only 13 when I got the job so excuse me for being a little late."


"Actually it was 5000 years but who's counting (smiles). Now do you know why I put you here?"

'Because your irresponsible.'

"NO! It's because I wanted to train you. Haven't you noticed you can hear and see me with out any eyes or ears."


"Ugh you've awakened your soul. Which comes with a lot of benefits. You should be proud not a lot of people can do that from your universe."

'Okay but what am I training for? I am... well dead.'

"Who says you'll stay dead. That's right you'll be reincar-"



'You heard me no. I've watched anime before I'm not doing that fairytale adventures shit.'

"What? No you won't be doing any anime shit. You will be reincarnated in to THE DC UNIVERSE!"

'That actually sounds worse.'

"Well too bad You don't have a choice."

'Ugh do I atleast know which universe I'm going to."


'What about my body?'


'Do I get know anything before I go?'

"Yes. You will be related to a lot of important people. Okay see you later."


Before I could finish I passed out

The next thing I knew I was in darkness. 'Ah man not this again. I didn't imagine that God kid did I.' I thought as I started to get a feeling in my body that ......

'Holy shit! I have a body, I can feel I'm alive! Okay focus I need to try and figure out where am I.'

I tried opening my eyes but that was no good, and moving my body was out. The only things I could do was hear flowing water and feel that it was warm allover my body. It wasn't enough so I tried sensing with my soul like before.

Trying to do it while having a body felt like looking at myself from a 360°C view.

It started out weak only showing my body which was just a foetus, that on it's own would have told me that I'm in some woman's stomach but what my senses showed me next worried me a lot.

I was in some big fleshy artificial womb, big enough to fit an 18 year old. I was in a lab room filled with scientists looking in my direction examining me. 'Ah shit. I'm being forced grown to be some kind of weapon aren't I and by the looks of this place I don't think the good guys are behind this. What the fuck did this God put me in. *Sigh* Well nothing I can do about it now, I just have to wait and see what happens.'

2 months later

This is so boring. Nothing ever happens around here, no one messes up or says anything. The only guy that seems interesting is Desmond, he's the guy in charge if you couldn't tell from all his yelling, but even that's boring.

My body has grown alot in the past 2 months. I have a 4 year old girl's body now, which is not a problem. My sexuality was all over the place in my past life, I would have fucked anyone who'd have me.

Unfortunately I still can't move my body, it's not that it's weak or any thing I just can't, must be something in my birthing fluid. Oh Another great thing they been doing is trying to brainwash me with some wierd creatures called Genomorphs filling my head with information and not the good kind. The kind they use to turn people into mindless killing machines. I try fighting back when it happens but I just keep blacking out so that's not great.

Like clockwork they started again filling my head with images and voices. I try fighting back but I ended up passing out again.

"Hey kid wake up."

"Mhm five more minutes."


I jolted up awake ready for action, until I saw a familiar faces.

"God what do you want." I said a little annoyed.

"Well hello to you too. Jeez is this how you greet all your friends."

"Only the ones that make me a fucking weapon. So why are you here and where is here?" I asked as I found myself sitting in a room of nothingness

"To tell you a few things as a favour from a friend.

1st this is your mind space, you can do pretty much anything in here. Form how it looks to who you let in and everything in between. Use it for training yourself by scanning your body so you have pretty good idea on what you are capable of."

"I can scan myself?"

"Yes, think of it just like a videogame where you can see everything about your body.

2nd don't worry about the brain washing it won't affect you much, but try and use the info they give you to your advantage.

3rd Thanks to your soul awakening not only do have soul sense and scan but you also have Mimic and Wrath."

"Mimic let's you instantly learn any skill you've seen and let's you copy it should it be possible for your body."

"What do you mean possible for my body."

"Let's take a bird for example you'll know exactly how it's able to fly but because you don't have wings you of your own you can't fly."

"Ok that sounds completely broken but I get it."

"Then there is Wrath. In seriously cases of anger it will increases your abilities dramatically, making you almost unstoppable. But you'll be so anger you wouldn't be able to think clearly in that state make you lash out at anytime if you don't focus and if you're not careful you could lose yourself in all that rage."

"Why would you put that in my? That sounds terrible."

"Hey! Don't blame me. This came from your own soul. I'm not the one who bashed in someone's skull in with a frickin brick in a fit of rage, that was all you."

"4th Because your gonna be strong and that you don't belong here. I had to change the universe around you and make a lot of people a hell of a lot stronger so you don't seem overpowered."

"Unfair but I can't really complain if I'm going to be stronger than most."

"5th This maybe the most important piece of info I give you. You'll have a little brother created just like you but he won't be able to fighting the brainwashing just like you do. You will have to help him, teach him, bond with him, protect him."

"Okay I've never been much of a care taker but I can learn."

"Good that is all you can do. I leave you with one piece of advice. This life of yours will be hard and it will push you close to death many times over. Train hard and you might just make it out alive."