
Reincarnated In Trash of the Count's Family

Edwin Peregrine was someone who died. He was granted two wishes and transmigrated to TCF. Warning: Trash Of The Count's Family is not mine.

Rosaline_Clark · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
7 Chs

Chapter 7

Edwin dozed and woke up from his pleasant sleep. His turquoise eyes drooped and the haze was blinked away. Edwin looked around his surroundings and felt the bed on his palms. A small smile creep onto his face as he began chuckling like a mad scientist.

"It wasn't a dream!" He plopped on the bed once again and madly cackled. His smile reached to his ear.

"Fuck yeah! Thank you, you mysterious son of a bitch!" He screamed at the ceiling while wearing a smile too big on his face.

Edwin quickly jumped out of the bed and waved his hands. He was freshened up as if he came out of a shower and wore new clothes befitting of a servant. Edwin wore a white button-up shirt with collars and dark denim jeans. On the exterior of the shirt, he wore a notch collared blazer with white streaks going down, he topped it off with his polished shoes.

Edwin summoned a mirror and looked at his reflection. "Damn, I look like meat that is perfectly seasoned and cooked!" He threw a kiss before teleporting himself to the manor.

He smoothened his hair and took a long breath.

"Hold up, sir. We will need to check your identification before you can enter." A knight stopped the Peregrine.

Edwin took out his ID as the attendant/assistant of Cale Henituse, the firstborn son of the Henituse household. The knight was startled and saluted. "You may enter, sir!"

The brunette smiled and entered the residence. It was currently 5 o'clock in the dawning. The servants were hustling with their jobs. Edwin trotted to the kitchen, where await the Molan father and son.

Ron's eyes were slanted in kindness, while his son, Beacrox did not have any expression on his except for slight vigilance. However, one cannot overlook the fact that they were both spewing a heavy killing intent at him.

Edwin smiled awkwardly and waved his hand. "Hello...?"

The smile on Ron's face shattered as his brown eyes glinted in murderous aim. Beacrox frowned further and pulled the gloves on his hands. "Who are you, punk?" A blade was positioned into Ron's hand.

"Hahaha..." Edwin was comical crying. 'Why me?'


"Ho... So that's what happened? Why didn't you speak of it earlier?" Ron laughed and smiled at the aggrieved brunette.

Edwin complained, "You didn't let me!"

Beacrox blankly stared at the male. "Apology for that."

"Just apologizing?!" Edwin wiped his tears exaggeratedly. He looked at the pair in front of him and teared up. "How could you?! Y you heathen! You attacked an innocent law-abiding citizen and tried to force him to your ways!?"

Ron and Beacrox were bewildered. All they did was interrogate about how he met the Young Master and his intentions, the brunette looked like they harassed him.

"You- I won't let you go! I will get justice!" Edwin protected his chest from the, uh... fiends in front of him.

Ron couldn't help but snort at the comical scene. Beacrox just blankly stared at Edwin. 'Who am I? What am I? Why am I?'

Ron regained his composure and smiled at Edwin. "Ah, my apologies for offending you. May I ask how we can compensate you?"

Edwin lit up. "Now we're talking!" He immediately sprung as the other two were once again perplexed.

"It is a request for Beacrox."

Beacrox raised a brow and gestured for Edwin to continue.

"You cooked yesterday's steak, right?" Edwin asked. Beacrox nodded, bewildered.

"Can you cook a dish that I request?" Don't get him wrong, Edwin can cook just fine, he was taught by his Abuela and Mamita before they passed away. For the record, no one in the world could beat their cookery, you will want to swallow your tongue when you have a bite.

It's just that Beacrox genuinely is in love with cooking. The steak yesterday was a bit lacking in flavor because of the limited spices, but it was able to warm his soul. It was filled with the passion that Edwin considered making Beacrox his apprentice.

Beacrox slightly widened his eyes before nodding stiffly. Edwin grinned brightly and rushed to the kitchen top. He took out the ingredients and gestured over Beacrox. Roma tomato, mucho nacho jalapenos, garlic, onion, cilantro, Hatch chiles, yellow chiles, serrano chiles, a cup of boiled chile water, eggs, spices, and chicken stock.

Beacrox glanced over at Edwin while wearing another pair of his gloves. "You're a mage?"

Edwin smiled and replied. " Sort of." The brunette turned to the older. "Can you make a Huevos Ahogados?"

"A Hevo what?"

The peregrine laughed at the mispronounced word. "Huevos Ahogados is simply eggs drowned in salsa."

Beacrox got more confused. "What?"

Edwin just smiled helplessly. He forgot that there was no Mexican culture here. He clicked his tongue in indignation. That can't do. He gleamed at Beacrox like a cow to a slaughterhouse. He can't allow Abuela's wisdom to go to waste.

After 30 minutes, the eggs drowned in salsa were presented on the table while Beacrox looked stunned at the dish.

"You, where did you get these spices and ingredients? No, where did you even get the recipe?"

Edwin, who was drooling at the food, peered at Beacrox from his lashes. "This is one of my Abuela's best dishes! As for the ingredients, I sell them. Would you like to buy some?" He wasted no time in promoting his business.

"You're a merchant?" Ron interrupted.

The turquoise eyes male looked at the old man and answered. "Yup, was a traveling merchant before settling in this territory."

Ron gazed at Edwin, sizing him up and down. "You don't look like one."

Edwin laughed as he scratched his head. "I look more like nobility, right?" He raised his nose in pride. "Hehe, I get that a lot!"

Ron smiled benignly. "No, you look more like a pampered boy toy."

Edwin smirked at him back. "As I should. Not anyone can resist my magnificence."

Ron and Beacrox: ...

"You have a lot of confidence in yourself." Ron twitched his brows.

"I mean, I did not ask God to make me this perfect." He flips his imaginary long hair.

Ron: ...

Edwin cheekily laughed at their expression before looking at the food. "Come to Daddy's stomach, baby." He inhaled his food while melting in his seat.

Edwin sighed comfortably and took one more spoon of salsa. The broth was smooth and silky on his tongue with just enough seasoning. The eggs were poached to perfection and the yolks were dripping. The vegetable oil was glazed on top of the food, giving it a more neat outlook. Beacrox cooked incredibly well on his first try. Though his handling of the spices was lacking, he burned one-third of it and it tasted slightly bitter, Edwin couldn't help but go for more.

Ron and Beacrox gulped. The peregrine was making it look very delicious. They couldn't help wanting it too.

"Do you want some?" Edwin turned to them and asked. Ron and Beacrox weren't polite and tasted the dish.

God, it was good.

"Do you mind if I give this to the young master for breakfast?" Ron asked Edwin.

"Nah, not really. I know Abuela's recipe is simply unconquerable."

"May I know who is Abuela?" Beacrox who was quiet chimed in.

"Abuela means grandmother in my culture. This is my grandma's recipe. I can give it to you if you want?"

"Is that possible?"

"Of course!"


Edwin knocked on the door as he waited for a response. Hearing nothing, he entered the chamber directly.

There were Cale and his two children cuddling together. Edwin smiled before gently waking up Cale and reminding him to freshen up. The redhead in question yawned and rubbed his eyes before heading to the washroom.

Edwin turned his attention to the felines who were searching for their heat source, who went to clean up. "On, Hong, wake up, chiquitos." Edwin rubbed their bellies and they cuddled to his hands. The siblings grumbled and rolled sideways. The brunette took that as a cue to lift them in his embrace. The kittens sighed and reluctantly opened their eyes. "Morning, chiquitos."

Edwin took them to the bathroom to wash them while Cale returned. The young master's red hair was damp as he glanced at the cats in Edwin's arms. His reddish-brown eyes soften when he looks at them. His hand reached out to Hong and caressed his head. Hong leans forward to the warm sensation and meowed sleepily. Cale softly smiles at him before gesturing Edwin to the bathroom to tidy them up.

Edwin smiles and proceeds. Today is the day when Cale has to leave for the capital.