
Reincarnated in the Lord of the Mysteries

The main character reincarnated to the Lord of the Mysteries with his System that grants him the ability to do anything.

ePythagoras · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
14 Chs

Tarot Club's Shock!

Eytora looked at the young man sitting on the Seat of Honor, her eyes flashing in surprise for a moment. 

As The Hermit, she was shocked to discover that she can't seek any answers related to 'Him'. It was as if 'He' did not exist in this world. 

After reading the two Blasphemy Slates that Klein produced from the Chaos Sea, she knew that even the Above the Sequence existences can't evade her abilities as The Hermit face-to-face. 

She should have seen or discovered something from Klein but nothing. To her surprise, it seemed that Klein had surpassed even the level of Great Old Ones. 

"Surprised?" A black haired young man approached her with a playful smile on his face. It was Antigonus. 

Seeing that Eytora wasn't replying, Antigonus turned serious. "I understand that you want to see the Lord's holiness. However, you should not seek answers related to the Lord. It's fortunate that you didn't see anything, if you did, you would have vanished before deciphering it."

Eytora calmly replied, "I know, Antigonus. Lord Klein also knew that I wasn't doing it out of ill intent, but rather, I think 'He' was curious whether I would be able to see anything."

"His Excellency is very kind to 'His' people but we shouldn't abuse that kindness." Ace also joined the conversation. 

The three agreed silently before casting their gazes on the two Blasphemy Slates posted below the staircase. 

"I believe His Excellency has already reached the realm of the Oldest One." Ace calmly revealed his guess to the two. 

"I think so too… The Lord's Attendant of Irregularity is at the uppermost top of the realm of true gods." Antigonus muttered in terror, recalling the Sword of Maellartach. 

Eytora listened, while agreeing inwardly. She believed that even the Great Old Ones can't accommodate two or more Sefirots. Furthermore, Klein wasn't losing control at all and he can easily remove the side effects of Beyonder Pathways. 

"His Excellency is really amazing…" Antigonus whispered in awe and reverence, with Ace and Eytora nodding by his side. 

After going to the association that managed land and houses in Tingen, Klein and his family chose a simple but quite spacious villa. 

Melissa stared at the villa from the outside, falling silent. Benson smiled happily, while Klein nodded with acknowledgement. 

"This villa is really good. It even has two guest rooms, a garden, and a wine deck." Benson caressed his chin, quite happy with their new home. 

"Mhm. The price is reasonable as well. We could support that monthly payment without even feeling the pinch." Klein smiled. 

"Still, it's quite a surprise that you have gotten such a nice job, Klein! …Is this the power of education?" Benson smiled wryly. 

"Well, I wouldn't be here without you two." Klein added with a bit of emotion. 

Benson teared up a little bit before he hugged his two siblings, all of them gazing at their new house with a hint of pride. 

After their belongings were moved to the new house, Benson went out to deal with their former landlord as they still had to trick him to not pay the severance fee. 

"Well, our former landlord is easy to trick. Let me deal with it." With that and a playful smile on his face, Benson left the house. 

Melissa, still exploring their new big house, was very excited despite the lack of emotion on her face. 

Klein in meantime was preparing a feast for his two siblings. As per their plan, they would celebrate. A new house, a new life! 

They happily celebrated before it was already Sunday. The three planned to get new clothes but Melissa and Benson went ahead to attend a mass in the nearest Church of the Evernight Goddess. 

Looking at the peaceful and clean street, Klein felt like he had achieved inner peace with himself. Getting a new house and giving his family a better life gave Klein a sense of satisfaction. 

He met with Melissa and Benson after a while, eating lunch before getting their new clothes. They hired a private carriage to their house. 

Relaxing on the couch inside his new room, Klein slowly dozed off to his sleep. 

He had already dealt with the Nighthawks and convinced them that he wasn't involved at all. Even when they offered him a 'job', Klein refused. 

Everything was under control, his invisible job of earning a few dozen golden pounds every month was masked with his illusion, no one can see anything amiss about him. 

Soon, it was already Monday. In three of the afternoon, crimson lights rippled in the Sefirah Castle, forming into four obscured figures sitting on their respective high back chairs. 

Audrey stood up and curtseying to the mysterious figure shrouded by golden hue, "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool. Good afternoon, Honorable Sirs and Madam."

Klein nodded, relaxing on the high back chair, "You may begin."

Alger stood up and bowed to Klein, "Mr. Fool, my transaction with Miss Justice was completed two days ago. Thank you, Mr. Fool."

Audrey also stood up and expressed her gratitude by bowing to the mighty figure obscured by golden hue. 

Klein nodded before letting out a smile, "Congratulations to our Ms. Spectator and Mr. Seafarer."

"It is our honor." Alger and Audrey echoed the same sentiment, before sitting back down. 

Seeing that their conversation had come to an end, Derrick raised his hand, "Um. I wonder if any of you have the formula for the Sequence 9 of Sun Pathway."

No one spoke among the four, their gaze landing on the group of mysterious people standing beside Klein. 

Antigonus seemed to have expected this scenario as he stared at Derrick, "I can help and give you the formula of the Sun Pathway from Sequence 9 to Sequence 5."

Derrick's eyes brightened before it slowly turned gloomy. He didn't know what he should exchange for it as it was too precious. "Um…"

"You guys can call me Antigonus." Letting out a very happy smile, Antigonus introduced himself and gave the members of Tarot Club his name. 

Antigonus? Cattleya shuddered before hurriedly turning her gaze away. There were records in her organization talking about a figure named Antigonus that was a step away from becoming a true god! 

Alger seemed to find the name familiar but as his rank in the Church of the Lord of Storms was too low, he didn't know any relevant information about the name. 

Audrey and Derrick looked in awe, as this was the first name belonging to an angel that they had known! Especially Audrey, she was so excited, she involuntarily left the state of a Spectator. 

"Um, Mr. Antigonus. What do you want to exchange it with?" Derrick asked. 

"I would like to learn if the City of Silver sensed any abnormal changes a few days ago. Perhaps you Mr. Sun saw it personally."

The members of Tarot Club were not surprised at how Antigonus casually mentioned City of Silver as they suspected that he was another angel under Mr. Fool! Derrick looked at Antigonus before his eyes brightened, nodding in agreement.

"Yes, a very peculiar event occured not just in the City of Silver but I believe even in the outside!" 

Antigonus nodded to Derrick, making him continue his part. His intent for asking such a question remained unknown to the members of Tarot Club. 

"Endless gray fog appeared everywhere, even in my own house! Afterwards, it slowly vanished. Also, I remember that there was a commotion in the Twin Tower before the endless gray fog descended on the city." Derrick narrated his experience a few days ago 

Gray fog? The three, Audrey, Alger, and Cattleya looked at the mysterious figures in confusion. It felt like it was all too familiar. 

"I see. So the holy ritual 'He' did, had such effects, reaching even the outskirts of the Giant King's Court." Antigonus nodded. 

"Then this will be the last question, Mr. Sun. Who do you people believe in?" 

Derrick felt silent before saying, "We believe in the omnipotent and omniscient Creator. The Lord who created everything."

Antigonus nodded, satisfied, "Then for those two questions, I will give you the formula of the Sequence 9: Bard."

"Please, my Lord." Bowing to Klein, Antigonus waved his hands and conjured a parchment that landed before Derrick. 

As Derrick was memorizing the contents of the formula, he heard a rapping on the edge of the table. 

The four members of Tarot Club sat straight, looking at the mysterious figure sitting on the Seat of Honor.

"You do not need to memorize it, Mr. Sun. This serves as a reminder to the others as well. Transactions can be done by reciting the true name of my castle."


Relaxing on the Seat of Honor, Klein smiled before Ace stepped forward and explained further. 

"By reciting the true name of His Excellency's castle, you can give the item to 'It' and use it as a channel to send the item to the receiver."

"The same applies to the formula given by Antigonus. Mr. Sun can simply recite the true name of the Sefirah Castle and request a copy of the formula you received."

Amazed, Derrick and the others looked at the mysterious figure shrouded by golden hue. They had long guessed that this place is not ordinary, but to think it could do these magical things as well! 

Nodding in gratitude, Derrick kept the parchment before falling silent. Audrey and Alger looked at Cattleya who had not spoken since the very beginning. 

Cattleya sensed their gaze, steeling herself, she asked, "Is it possible to get a drop of blood of mythical creatures or from your angels, Mr. Fool?" 

Antigonus immediately spoke, "Interesting. Ms. Hermit, you are preparing to become a demigod? Sequence 4: Mysticologist?" 

Alger and others were stunned, never expecting the silent Cattleya to be one step away from becoming a demigod! 

Cattleya nodded, not hiding the truth from these mysterious existences, "Yes, Mr. Antigonus. I only lack the drop of blood before I can begin the ritual."

Klein rapped the edge of the long mottled table, the members of Tarot Club not expecting Mr. Fool to speak again! 

"Then, how about we do it this way, Ms. Hermit. Ask the person behind you if she is interested in saving Roselle." 

Boom! It was like a booming thunder in the minds of the three who knew Emperor Roselle very well. 

Emperor Roselle is alive?! Audrey and Alger looked at Mr. Fool in shock before they cast their gaze on Cattleya, surprised that she was connected to someone probably related to Emperor Roselle. 

Cattleya's hands were trembling, knowing the full value of this information because the person behind her is Queen Mystic. Emperor Roselle's eldest daughter, Bernadette! 

"If she is interested, then she can go to the Fog Sea, and seek for Roselle's Ninth Mausoleum." Klein calmly stated. 

"The deal is for her to recite the honorific name of the true god under me."

Audrey and others blankly looked at Klein. A true god under Mr. Fool?! He has a true god subordinate?! They were shocked too many times today. 

Even Cattleya, who knew more than the other members of Tarot Club had her heart trembling in fear. She couldn't even imagine an existence beyond the level of true gods! 

"I-I will inform her, Mr. Fool." Cattleya tried to regain her calm, but she still stuttered because of her emotional fluctuations. 

"Also, you four, if you are willing, you can recite my honorific name in times of danger." Klein added. 

Ace seriously looked at the four members of Tarot Club before he recited the honorific name of His Excellency. 

"The mighty ruler of Irregularity and Concealment above the Spirit World."

"He who wields the power of Origin and End, overruling Fate, Destiny, Disorder, and Chaos."

"The Lord of Everything."

Their hearts beating in excitement, Audrey and others felt like they were way ahead of others in the Beyonder World. 

Cattleya was the most affected as she knew the state of Beyonder World. Encountering an angel is a one-in-a-million chance something a Beyonder can have. While meeting an existence beyond true gods is practically unthinkable! Prior to this day, even she didn't know something as shocking as this! 

Antigonus felt their excitement before he added, "It is the fortune of you four to meet His Excellency. Treasure this opportunity very well."

The four regained their bearings as they all stood up at once and bowed deeply to the figure sitting on the Seat of Honor. 

This was the first time they all felt a sense of belonging! This was an existence beyond true gods but 'He' allowed them to recite his honorific name! 

With the transaction segment coming to an end, Alger suddenly looked at Antigonus, hoping this talkative angel to satiate his curiosity. 

"Did everyone see the golden beam of light six days ago?" 

Audrey and others nodded, with Derrick adding in surprise, "Eh? You guys also saw it?" 

Audrey and others were shocked, knowing that even the secretive Forsaken Land of Gods was reached by that golden light! 

"Eh? You guys are curious about that?" Antigonus playfully smiled before saying, "I thought I was going to die when it hit me!" 

The others looked at him with an impression of, "What are you talking about, Mr. Antigonus?" 

"I mean, this angel beside me was the one who produced that golden beam of light!" Antigonus pointed at the calm Ace. 

Eh?!! Alger and others looked at the silent angel who had been here last week as well. They were stunned!